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Karim A. Sharif, Ph.D. August 27, 2016

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1 Karim A. Sharif, Ph.D. August 27, 2016
Exploiting genomics to track the historic migration of the Israelites across the East Karim A. Sharif, Ph.D. August 27, 2016

2 Mankind Made into Tribes & sub-tribes
O mankind, We have created you from a male and a female; and We have made you into tribes and sub-tribes that you may recognize one another. Verily the most honorable among you, in the sight of Allah, is he who is most righteous among you. Surely Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware. Al-Hujurat Ch. 49:14

3 Our DNA is packaged in the form of chromosomes

4 X and Y chromosomes determine male and female
Female Male X X X Y

5 Pattern of inheritance and tracing a lineage
Mt-DNA-transmitted to all progeny Y chromosome transmitted to only males

6 Use of Y chromosome in tracing paternal lineage
Y Chromosome mostly does not shuffle with X Chromosome Y chromosome transmitted to only males

7 Haplogroups in tracing lineages
Haplogroups are regions of Y chromosomes that do not shuffle with X chromosome. Their paternal origin is maintained. Mutations in these regions can be used to trace a lineage. These mutations are referred to Polymorphism.

8 Single nucleotide polymorphism and Short tandem repeats

9 SNP within the R1A1a haplogroup

10 Distribution of Haplogroup R1a1a among Jewish populations
Haplogroup R1a1a was found at elevated levels among a sample of the Israeli population who self-designated themselves as Levites and Ashkenazi Jews R1a1a is the dominant haplogroup in Ashkenazi Levites (52%), although rare in Ashkenazi Cohanim (1.3%). (Behar 2003).

11 Phylogenetic relationship among different Jews
Analysis is based on frequencies of haplogroups defined by 13 binary Y chromosome polymorphisms.

12 Phylogenetic relationship among different jews
Analysis is based on frequencies of haplogroups defined by 9 binary Y chromosome polymorphisms.

13 Pattern of Y chromosome haplogroup associations among Afghans and Asian populations
Lacau et al., European Journal of Human Genetics (2012) 20, 1063–1070; doi: /ejhg ; published online 18 April 2012

14 Pattern of Y chromosome haplogroup affinities among Afghans

15 Genome-wide analysis of Kashmiri population
Using genome-wide genotyping and admixture detection methods, we determined there are no significant or substantial signs of Greek or Jewish admixture in modern-day Kashmiris. The ancestry of Kashmiri Tibetans was also determined, which showed signs of admixture with populations from northern India and west Eurasia. These results contribute to our understanding of the existing population structure in northern India and its surrounding geographical areas. (Jonathan M. et al. PLoS Published: August 4,

16 Israeli roots among Afghans described by hazarat promised messiah AS
A branch among them is called SaraBor which means Sooraj Bansi which were rajpoot. It is likely that they were defeated in a war with Chandar Bansi and settled in Afghanistan. Thus Afghan may be Israelites who got mixed with Rajpoot. And in my view I always considered this to be the case with the Afghan descent. (Jesus in India) Hazarat Masih AS came to this country. The Jews that came here had relations with Budhists. The creation of the world as narrated in Budh Scriptures is very similar to Torah and as it is mentioned in Torah that men have a higher rank over women so is mentioned in Budhist Scripture that a male monk has a higher rank over the female monk. It may not be surprising that they are the progeny of Hazrat Isa. But it is sad that Afghan history is so distorted that not much can be drawn from their stories. There is no doubt that Afghans are from Israelites as are the Kashmiri. Those who wrote otherwise have seriously stumbled and have not done a thoughtful study.

17 Archeological find points to Israelite migration to east

18 Recently found Clay tablets reveal the life of exiled jews
Ancient clay tablets were discovered in modern-day Iraq Exhibition based on 100 cuneiform tablets no bigger than an adult's palm Show contracts between Judeans driven from, or convinced to move from, Jerusalem by King Nebuchadnezzar around 600 BC Detail trade in fruits, taxes paid, debts owed and credits accumulated

19 Evolution mentioned in holy quran
If the matters of faith could be dealt with mere dry knowledge, then every mean person would have become the custodian of the religion. (Al-Tin 95:5)

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