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Block G: History of the Islamic Religion

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1 Block G: History of the Islamic Religion
UKS2 Topic: Early Islamic Civilisation Block G: History of the Islamic Religion Session 1 The History of the Quran © Original resource copyright Hamilton Trust, who give permission for it to be adapted as wished by individual users. We refer you to our warning, at the foot of the block overview, about links to other websites.

2 History of the Quran

3 Revelation Muslims believe the Quran is the word of god as told to Muhammad(pbuh) by the Archangel Jibril (Gabriel). Muhammad(pbuh) is said to have first heard the words of the Quran in CE 609 in the Hira cave near Mecca (right) and continued to hear until his death in CE 632. He preached the Quran to the first Muslims.

4 An oral tradition Most people in Arabia didn't read or write, so the early Quran was spoken. Eventually, parts of it were written down on palm fronds, stone tablets and bones, like this camel shoulder blade.

5 A good memory In an oral society people had very good memories to remember very long histories and stories. Discuss with a partner how people could memorise very long stories.

6 A book The first book of the Quran was written down after Muhammad's(pbuh) death. His cousin Abu Bakr, who had become the caliph (ruler) in CE 632, ordered the whole Quran to be written down before everyone who had memorised it died. These pages from a Quran are in Birmingham University and date to before CE 645.

7 Writing Why did Caliph Abu Bakr order the Quran to be written down?

8 Hadiths As well as the Quran, people who knew Muhammad were asked to write down their memories of what he said and did. These became the hadiths (reports), that are read alongside the Quran. Here is an early hadith on paper from Leiden University.

9 Hadiths Why do you think that early Muslims thought it was important to know about what Muhammad said and did?

10 Writing The early writing of the Quran was made using the Hijazi script. The top picture is part of the oldest complete Quran in the British Library. It dates to CE 790 and is in Hijazi script. When Islam expanded into northern Africa, a new script was developed called the Kufic script, which was designed to be beautiful. Here's an example of Kufic script in gold ink on a blue background.

11 Recap When did Muhammad(pbuh) first hear the words of the Quran?
What was the Quran first written on? Who said the Quran should be made into a book and when? What are hadiths? Can you name two Arabic scripts used to write early Qurans?

12 History of the Quran

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