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Williamsburg Middle School

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1 Williamsburg Middle School
Welcome to 6th grade!

We will visit students at their elementary schools to discuss middle school and answer questions in February Students will visit, tour, see classes and have lunch with us on April 6th or 7th Summer conferences with 6th grade families PALS Day, August 31st

Having a middle school student may change your schedule: The school day begins at 7:50 (plan on arriving at 7:35) Lunch is earlier (either 10:36 or 10:53 depending on the day) There are only a few early release days The middle school version of Extended Day is called Check-in and it’s only after school There are many after school activities Be sure to check out the ACTIVITIES tab on our website!

Your child will be making new friends from other schools (we have approximately 13 feeder schools) Your child will have seven classes and teachers which will require some new organizational demands Think about how your child has made other transitions. Let the school know of any concerns.

We gather information for Math placement from the following sources: 5th grade teacher recommendations/information 5th grade grades 5th grade standardized scores 5th grade Math placement scores (end of the year county- wide assessment) We balance teams based on skill levels, as well as gender Summer transition conferences Plan PALS Day with 6th grade teachers

6 INFORMATION IN AUGUST You will receive team assignments and team supply lists in August. The supply lists will also be on the school website We will have schedules ready for PALS Day (Thursday, August 31, 2017)

7 WHAT THE DAY LOOKS LIKE Williamsburg will begin a new block schedule this year! Provide extended, uninterrupted class periods that will allow teachers to respond to various learning styles and reach deeper into content Provide active learning environments and allow for more hands-on, student-centered, technology infused activities Allow for Project Based Learning to provide a richer experiential learning

8 WHAT THE DAY LOOKS LIKE Monday Tuesday – Friday
Students will begin their day in TA (homeroom 7:50 – 8:12) Afterwards they will go to the remaining 7 class periods Each class period lasting approximately 45 minutes Tuesday – Friday Students will go directly to their 1st block class Afterwards, they’ll go to the 2nd block of the day for WOLF TIME (for 40 minutes) After WOLF TIME, students will go to their singleton period each day for 45 minutes Then their last two period classes will be blocked Each block class will last 83 minutes

9 WOLF TIME Flexible block in the day that will provide a variety of meaningful experiences Individual student needs can be addressed Additional time with individual teachers for support Elective lessons including social and academic support will also be available

10 CLASSES 6TH grade students have 5 core classes:
US History, Civics and Economics to 1865 English Science Math (either Math 6 or Math 7 for 6th graders) Reading (full year class) or Reading/Spanish (semester classes) Must demonstrate proficiency in grade level reading

11 ELECTIVE CLASSES Students make 1 elective choice: Music Exploratory

12 MUSIC CHOICES Band (grouped by instrument) Orchestra Chorus

13 EXPLORATORY ROTATION Students selecting the exploratory rotation will spend 5-6 weeks in a class that may include: Visual Arts Theatre Arts Technical Education Family and Consumer Science Keyboarding Journalism World Language Chorus

14 AFTER SCHOOL OPTIONS The school day ends at 2:24
There are after school activities on Mon, Tues, and Thurs in APS (After School Period) 1 and ASP 2 Clubs and after school academic help take place during ASP 1 and/or ASP 2 from 2:30 – 4:15 Encourage your child to participate in at least one of the sports or extra curricular activities More information is on the WMS website

This is not a Williamsburg Middle School program Hours: 2:24pm – 6:00pm Because school begins at 7:50 we do not have morning check-in Location: Cafeteria Contact Information: Kia Martin

Intramurals: Do not require a physical Every week on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays during ASP2 Drop in, no tryouts Interscholastic: Students MUST have a current physical on file with the Activities Coordinator (after May 1st) Most sports require tryouts

17 The CRFs are due back to the elementary schools by March 2, 2017
Parents: The CRFs are due back to the elementary schools by March 2, 2017


19 STUDENT SERVICES Counselors: Director:
6th grade: Ms. Flynn and Ms. Schaefer 7th grade: Ms. Boyers and Mr. Caldwell 8th grade: Mr. Tuttle Director: Ms. Rittenhouse Middle School Program of Studies

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