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Global Trade Committee Mr. Looi Kien Leong, PIKOM

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1 Global Trade Committee Mr. Looi Kien Leong, PIKOM

2 Committee Members as of May 27, 2009
No Name Position Economy 1. Looi Kien Leong Chairman Malaysia 2. Bill Munson Member Canada 3. Nizar Zakka Lebanon 4. Moses Waigwa Kenya 5. Jesus Banegas Spain 6. Jorge Cassino Argentina 7. Vasile Baltac (to nominate) Romania 8. Richard Yin Taiwan 9. KC Kim Korea

3 Programs |Targets vs Actual|
Item Achievement Target Actual By 1 To create WITSA business centers for members:- leveraging on WITSA members’ offices as business centers WITSA members’ members can utilize these offices for business matching or business meetings at no cost or minimal cost 5 facilities in the global region 25 meetings 1 facility by PIKOM 1 meeting Dec 2009 2 To create WITSA B2B Portal for the WITSA members or event delegates. Provide a virtual space for business matching - Phase 2 Customiza-tion June 2009 3 To organize WITSA Trade Missions for WITSA members, especially matching between emerging markets with developed markets 3 WITSA Trade Missions 1 WTM (Kuala Lumpur) May 2010

4 WTM KL | Overview| GTC has organized the first WITSA Trade Mission to Kuala Lumpur (WTM KL) on May 11, 2009 in conjunction with The 2009 Asia-Pacific Outsourcing Summit held on May 12 to May 13, 2009 The key components of the trade mission were: Meetings with buyers, Visit to Putrajaya; the Administrative Capital of Malaysia and Networking Reception on May 11 A 2-day 2009 APOS Conference on May 12-13 A 2-hour WITSA-APOS Business to Business Matching Session on May 12, which was held in parallel with 2009 APOS Conference Post-Event Visit to Cyberjaya and a talk on ‘‘MALAYSIA – TODAY’S KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY” by Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad; the former Prime Minister of Malaysia

5 Kazakhstan: 2 delegates
WTM KL | Delegates| 16 delegates from 10 economies Croatia: 1 delegate Bangladesh: 1 delegate Brunei: 1 delegate Indonesia: 1 delegate Malaysia: 6 delegates Nigeria: 1 delegate Kazakhstan: 2 delegates Singapore: 1 delegate Taiwan: 1 delegate Thailand : 2 delegates

6 Hello, Selamat Datang! Welcome to Malaysia!

7 First visit: MAMPU, Putrajaya

8 Visit Putrajaya & Lunch on the Putrajaya Cruise

9 Meeting in Progress at MCMC

10 GTC Chairman, Mr. Looi handing over a small token to En. Zamani of MCMC

11 MCMC networking tea break
Exchanging of business contacts

12 Final visit of the day: MDeC

13 Cocktail Reception & Networking at MOL, Berjaya Times Square

14 Delegates also attended:
2009 APOS, May 12 - May 13 WITSA-APOS B2B Matching Session, May 12 Post-event Visit & Talk, May 14

15 WITSA B2b portal

16 B2B Portal | Current Status |
The system is undergoing stage 3 customization. Test and modification are in progress. Next steps: To finalize the B2B Portal design upon the BOD’s confirmation of the new WITSA website To conduct data collection from WITSA members to populate the B2B database


18 WITSA Business Centers | Current Status |
PIKOM is the 1st and only WITSA Business Center as of now As the 1st WITSA Business Center, PIKOM has facilitated the delegation from Pasha, Pakistan with a serviced office environment and assisted in the business matching of the Pakistani companies with the local industry players on April 21, 2009 AETIC, Spain is interested to participate as the next WITSA Business Center The Application Form of WITSA Business Center to seek the participation from other members will be published in the next e-newsletter Secretariat will focus in recruiting business centers in the next 4 weeks

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