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Siegfried KISS Keep It Short RAG (Austrian Storage Company) Chairman

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Presentation on theme: "Siegfried KISS Keep It Short RAG (Austrian Storage Company) Chairman"— Presentation transcript:

1 AGGREGATED GAS STORAGE INVENTORY - AGSI - GCG - 10th November 2010, Brussels

2 Siegfried KISS Keep It Short RAG (Austrian Storage Company) Chairman
GSE Transparency Working Group Short personell introduction, Presentation should be nomen est omen Kiss keep it short and simple, short can also be sexy. Überleitung zu presentation Keep It Short & Simple

3 AGSI - Content: What…? How…? Where…? Who…? Why…?
Further Improvement ….?

4 AGSI - What ...? STORAGE = Current stock of gas per region
WITHDRAWAL = storage volume decrease INJECTION = storage volume increase % FULL = Storage level compared with DTMTS Accuracy = % of data received from all contributing SSOs  DTMTS = Declared Total Maximum Technical Storage in mcm DTMTI / DTMTW = Declared Total Max. Technical Injection/Withdrawal

5 AGSI - How ...? SSOs are contributing data every day
Migration from manual towards automatic data posting Accuracy and consistency checks: in case no data or technical impossible data is posted by an SSO the platform calculates estimated values Info-mail to concerned SSO Aggregation of data per region Daily publication of data at 18:00 go to: Historical data available

6 AGSI - Where ...? GSE Initiative started in January 2007
At the beginning, aggregation in four “Initiative Regions” Now eight regions have been defined Aim for further regions and improvement of the definition of regions due to market needs

7 AGSI - Who ...? 33 voluntary Storage System Operators (SSO)
GSE-members and Non-GSE members E.ON Avacon will join for Germany PGNiG is aiming to join

8 AGSI - Who ...?

9 AGSI - Who ...? DTMTS, DTMTI & DTMTW represented by contributing SSOs aggregated per region

The aggregation of data gives added value to single SSO data Regional trends Availability of gas and capacity in a region One step ahead to regulation of 3rd Energy Package Basis for Security of Supply Monitoring FURTHER IMPROVEMENT More regions & participants - Encouragement through NRAs and member-states User friendliness (graphs, etc.) Additional info (eg: kind of storage, storage characteristic)


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