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Shoksha Welcome to Karelia

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1 Shoksha Welcome to Karelia
учительница английского языка МОУ»Шокшинская СОШ» Колесникова Людмила Геннадьевна

2 Цели Развитие языковой компетенции
Ознакомление с культурой и историей родного края Изучение новой лексики Развитие познавательных интересов Формирование представлений об окружающем мире

3 New words: deposit – расположение barley - ячмень crimson – малиновый oat - овёс whortleberry – брусника rye - рожь cloudberry – морошка marsh - болото distinguish – отличить ancestor – предок birch bark – береста cradle – колыбель wild rosemary – багульник hermitage – обитель

4 Our motherland We live in the land rich in stone and forests on the shore of the Onego lake, the land of the ancient traditions, populated by Vepses, Russians and representatives of numerous nationalities of the Russian Federation.

5 Stone The only deposit of the unique stone in the world- porphyry- is situated on the shore of the Onego lake. It was used to build and decorate such wonderful places as the Engeneer castle and the Kazan cathedral in St Petersburg…

6 Сrimson quarzite … the memorials of the Unknown soldier’s grave in Moscow and Petrozavodsk; the tomb stone for the grave of Napoleon in Paris. And today you may view the deposits of the crimson quarzite in Shoksha.

7 Forest Our forest is inhabited by flora and fauna of the South Karelia taiga. Here you can meet a bear, a wolf, a fox, an elk, birds of passage. You are able to gather juicy raspberry, blueberry, cloudberry, whortleberry, mushrooms and to see the famous Karelian birch.

8 Wood Our ancestors started their life in the wooden cradle, they made wooden kitchen dishes and furniture. Pine logs were used to build houses. The most ancient craft material was birch bark.

9 Land Forest and stone used to feed our ancestors and field gave them bread. They grew rye, lin, barley, oats, turnip. Nowadays the major products are potatoes, vegetables, berries.

10 Water Water has always been the integral part of life and existence of a man. There are numerous numbers of small lakes in our place. They are called “lambushkas”.

11 Marsh You can hardly distinguish between marsh and the fields covered with snow in winter. But in summer it is full of blue wild rosemary flowers with dizzy smell in the hot weather. Marsh herbs and bushes are traditionally considered to be medicinal.

12 Saint Iona Saint Iona Yashezerskiy was the native of Shoksha . He founded a small orthodox hermitage in the XVI century and drained the part of the Monastyrskoje marsh alone. The ruined churches of the Yashezero monastery still preserve the memories of this honored elder.

13 Our school Our school is considered to be rather old . It is more than 200 years old. The school has always been the center of life in the village.

14 Источники

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