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Bremer Avenue Rebuild Streetscape Concept Proposal

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1 2017-18 Bremer Avenue Rebuild Streetscape Concept Proposal

2 Introduction Purpose of this proposal
Streetscape Steering Committee Members James Bronner, Mike Cherry, Steve Egli, Ryan Frerichs, Cindy Hendrickson, Minetta Jones, Reid Koenig, Ann Seggerman, Darrin Siefken, Travis Toliver and Bill Weger How Information was Gathered Incorporating the 2012 Downtown Concept Plane Where the committee’s focus was placed The purpose of this proposal is to present concepts and ideas which, if incorporated into the Bremer Avenue Rebuild project design, could add more convenience, safety and overall value to our downtown retail district. The ideas tonight will be presented by topic and we seek your approval to move forward with working alongside WHKS to create a more formal design rendering to be presented at a later date. Information was gathered from a number of different sources. The Chamber held two Concept & Design Meetings in May where we invited the public to give us their feedback on what they would like to see when it came to enhancing different elements of the Bremer Avenue landscape from east to west. The Chamber then formed a steering committee who was charged with taking the gathered information and sifting through it to find practical commonalities which could be incorporated into the proposed design. Steering committee members also spoke face to face with several business owners along Bremer Avenue on both the east and west side of downtown and in Collegetown Plaza. They discussed many of the topics we will be reviewing tonight and incorporated their feedback into this proposal. As many of you know or remember, this scenario was forecasted in 2012 and the Chamber produced the document you have before you: the Downtown Concept Plan. Copies have been provided for you. Although not all of the elements of this plan are included in tonight’s proposal, many are and this document helped to serve as a base from which to start and refer to throughout this process. Setting costs aside, the steering committee was focused on providing design elements for this proposal that were functional yet practical to Waverly from the curb to the front of buildings. The committee discarded many concepts they felt were not applicable to the project including several viable ideas for side streets and public parking areas. However, it is the committee's hope that the opportunity to include these additional concepts can be considered at a later date when the time is appropriate. Lastly, it should be noted that the concepts reviewed tonight are not affected by the number of lanes Bremer Avenue is completed with and was never a focus of this committee.

3 What is Streetscape design and why is it important to our community?
Simply put, Streetscapes typically include things that help make an area of a community more pedestrian and user friendly and easier to navigate.  Nationwide, Streetscape elements typically include street furniture (benches, trash receptacles, bike racks, etc.), landscaping, water features, informational and directional signs, public art  (Sculpture, murals, banners, etc.), lighting, sidewalks and  gathering spaces.  Street scape elements help create a more interesting and functional environment and can also help create an image which helps to define the community’s character by using unique design elements which reflect local culture and community heritage. By enhancing these elements of a community’s Main Street, studies show that well designed Streetscapes attract local and out-of-market business, shopping and tourism while the assessed property values for the city increase greatly. We don’t have to look very far to find examples of this. Our neighbors to the south, Cedar Falls, have done an excellent job of redefining their Main Street through Streetscape design.

4 Steve Egli Streetscape Committee Spokesperson Member, Waverly Economic Development Commission Member, Waverly Chamber/Main Street Design Committee

5 Curb Extensions (Bump-Outs)
Community consensus for bump-outs Bump-outs create a safer environment for both pedestrians and bicyclists Streetscape Committee agreed with proposed bump-outs already built into the current plan by WHKS Locations along Bremer Avenue (from west to east): West: 10th Street, 8th Street, 6th Street, 4th Street, 1st Street East: 1st Street, 2nd Street, 3rd Street, 4th Street

6 Bump-out Examples West Union, Iowa Oskaloosa, Iowa

7 Crosswalks WHKS to help design enhanced crosswalks with color and/or textured options that will withstand weather and snow removal elements (salt, snow plows, etc.) Enhanced crosswalks included with all bump-out intersections both East and West Bremer West Union, Iowa Sechelt, BC

8 Sidewalk Brick Reposition
Current Brick Location Most business owners prefer the brick as an accent 2 foot insert of bricks along curb side of the sidewalk Use concrete base to keep bricks even Keep the appeal of bricks Reusing our current brick will help to keep costs down

9 Accent Brick Examples Grand Rapids , Michigan
Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin

10 Light Poles Flags and Banners
Possible replacement of current poles for stronger ones Old poles and can be repurposed in newer neighborhoods

11 Trees & Planters People like both
WHKS to create a balanced design to incorporate both Trees bring a welcoming look to downtown Planter foliage can be changed to reflect different season Trees provide shade for streets and sidewalks Planters can be moved or stored away for the winter Trees would require regular maintenance by city staff City or Chamber can implement an adoption plan

12 Planter Examples Dubuque, Iowa Oskaloosa, Iowa West Union, Iowa

13 Non-permanent Features
Work with WHKS to plan for areas to consist of: Benches (near trees or planters) Bicycle Racks (3 locations in downtown district) Trash & Recycle Receptacles (near planters) Current Trash Can & Bench

14 Closing Comments & Q&A

15 2017-18 Bremer Avenue Rebuild Streetscape Concept Proposal

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