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Unit 1 Days 1-2: Standard 1 Objective 1

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1 Unit 1 Days 1-2: Standard 1 Objective 1
Standard 1. Students are introduced to the concepts of computers and computing while investigating the major components of computers and the suitability of these components for particular applications. Objective 1: Students will learn that "intelligent" machine behavior is not "magic" but is based on algorithms applied to useful representations of information, including large data sets. a. Explain the differences between tasks that can and cannot be accomplished with a computer

2 Exploring Computer Science
Unit 1 – Day 1

3 Welcome to Exploring Computer Science!
This class fulfills the Computer Technology requirement for High School Graduation! We will be learning to: Think like a computer Think like a programmer Problem-solve Code Use Microsoft Office programs – Excel, PPT, Word Day 1 procedures – Class rules/disclosures/seating charts/ Journals –graded Online Journal Drum up interest in Computer Science – talk about how fun this class is; it’s exploratory; explain grading and group work ECS is an introductory class where we will explore how computers and humans come together.  Through the excitement of breaking a candy bar to building towers to creating data from your favorite apps to beginning coding – you will find this class to be very different from any other class you have taken. We will have you up moving and collaborating with your peers and engaging your senses.  This class is not about just being on a computer and creating code, but instead it is about using hands-on activities to understand the algorithms behind the code.  Inquiring minds will have a fascinating time delving into social media, websites, software, hardware, and numerous other bits of data.  If you like working with a friend building towers, moving around a classroom and delving into fun activities – this class is for you!  This is NOT a class designed just for Computer Geeks!  No computer background necessary!  Come and learn why careers in Computer Science are modern, fun, high-paying, and open to all!  (This one-semester class fulfills the Computer Technology graduation requirement.) 

4 Journal Entry 1 How many computers are in this room?
Answer the questions on each slide. Type on the slides. How many computers are in this room? Count them, and then write the number in here: ___________ Explain, below, what you counted as computers: 10 mins - Journal Entry – 10 mins – Pair Share with partner then group Class discussion – what makes something a computer? In groups, discuss and write sticky notes to blackboard (everyone brings their own up) - have groups/individuals explain why/how they made their choices Class discussion – How do we classify computers? - Make a new poster as a class (teacher does) listing possible classifications for items on the list - Discuss rankings. Ask for agreement/disagreement Journal entry – What qualifications would you use to judge something a computer?

5 Journal Entry 2 Answer the questions on each slide. Type on the slides. List examples below of at least 10 things which you think are computers or have computers in them: Have groups share their Posters with the class and explain items are/are not computers

6 Journal Entry 3 What makes it a computer Answer the questions on each slide. Type on the slides. Now create list of criteria for what you think makes something a computer. For instance, to be a computer, it must be able to

7 Journal Entry 4 What is a Machine? What is a Computer?
Find these answers online. Answer the questions on each slide. Type on the slides. What is a Machine? List examples: List tasks that Machines can do: Are all computers machines? What is a Computer? List examples List tasks that Computers can do Are all machines computers? Computer generally means a programmable machine. The two principal characteristics of a computer are: it responds to a specific set of instructions in a well-defined manner and it can execute a prerecorded list of instructions (a program). Machine: from 3. Mechanics. a device that transmits or modifies force or motion. Also called simple machine. any of six or more elementary mechanisms, as the lever, wheel and axle, pulley, screw, wedge, and inclined plane. Also called complex machine. a combination of simple machines.

8 Journal Entry 5 Explain what makes something a computer.
Find these answers online. Answer the questions on each slide. Type on the slides. Explain what makes something a computer. Explain what tasks can and cannot be accomplished with a computer

9 Journal Entry 6 Answer the questions on each slide. Type on the slides. Write 2 sentences telling what you learned today about computers.

10 Write the definitions Machine Computer Computing Classify
Write definitions in journal. We will come back to them and possibly change them later. Algorithm - a list of instructions for completing a task Category - a group of things with similar characteristics Classification - a way of defining things with similar characteristics Computer - An electronic device that receives data (input), processes data, stores data, and produces a result (output). Computing - processing; doing something with data Data - raw input Information - processed data Representation - the use of signs that stand in for and take the place of something else. It is through representation that people organize the world and reality Task - a piece of work to be done or undertaken. Find these answers online. Answer the questions on each slide. Type on the slides.

11 Homework Assignment Computer Buying Project Assignment
Use this link to Print out and Complete this assignment. Demonstrate the interview process by asking a student to participate in an interview and ask them questions such as: What will be the uses of the computer? What are the space constraints? What is the price range? NOTE: You may wish to provide students with a specific list of interview questions OR HAVE THE CLASS COME UP WITH A LIST TOGETHER – write it in their journals Discuss grading – journals, homework, participation

12 How to turn This in for a grade
Save this to your computer as we do in class Example: if your name is Alice Student, and you are in period 8, your file will be saved as 8StudentAliceUnit1Days1-2 Go to Password is “student” Add your file to the Dropbox Congratulations! You are done!

13 how to turn this in for a grade

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