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CISOA Conference February 22, 2016

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1 CISOA Conference February 22, 2016
Implementing a Common Course Management System for the CCCs and the Roadmap Ahead CISOA Conference February 22, 2016

2 What We’re Talking About Today
OEI Overview CCMS Procurement Current status of the statewide implementation Pilot Implementations College-wide Implementation Authentication SIS Integration Third-Party Integrations Training and Support CCMS integration with statewide technology initiatives The Roadmap Ahead

3 Online Education Initiative
A key requirement of the OEI is to provide distance education in a uniform, easily navigated online environment with a full complement of support and tools for both students and faculty. -OEI RFA -- OEI RFA

4 OEI Goals Increase the number of college associate degree graduates and transfers to four-year colleges Improve retention and success of students enrolled in online courses Increase the ability of our students to complete their educational goals.

5 OEI Partnership The OEI is sponsored by the Foothill-De Anza Community College District in partnership with the CCC Technology Center at Butte College as recipients of the grant distributed by the CCC Chancellor’s Office.

6 CCMS Objectives Select the best Common Course Management System (CCMS) to meet the needs of our current and future students using a collaborative, faculty-driven process. The CCMS is envisioned to serve the needs of all students; those students online and in face-to-face classes.

7 CCMS Procurement Timeline

8 Readiness and Tutoring
Pilot Colleges Readiness and Tutoring Full-Launch Antelope Valley Barstow Butte Cabrillo Columbia Coastline College of the Canyons Imperial Valley Foothill Hartnell Mt. San Antonio Shasta Mira Costa Ohlone Fresno City Monterey Peninsula Pierce Lake Tahoe Rio Hondo Saddleback Mt. San Jacinto West Los Angeles Victor Valley Ventura

9 CCMS Implementation Status
24 pilot colleges implemented Canvas for OEI courses Full Launch Colleges 2nd Term OEI Courses (Shibboleth Upgrades) Readiness/Tutoring 1st Term OEI Courses 49 colleges in various stages of implementing Canvas campus-wide 6 colleges previously using Canvas 54 colleges total on Canvas

10 Authentication Canvas supports external authentication
SSO types (as part of Shibboleth): SAML/Shibboleth/ADFS/ simple SAML php multiple SAML support via discovery page CAS (Central Authentication Service) LDAP

11 SIS Imports and Automation
Data can be imported through CSV files Manually or semi-automated via Canvas RESTful API API uploads can be semi-automated via community driven scripts: All API documentation is located at

12 Third Party Integrations
Tutoring: NetTutor Online Readiness: Smarter Measure (RFP in Development) Proctoring: Proctorio Online Counseling: Cranium Cafe Accessibility Testing: UDOIT (in planning) Early Alert: Starfish (in planning) Plagiarism Detection (in planning)

13 Training and Support Training
Admin, Faculty and Support Training from Instructure @One Trainings Introduction to Teaching with Canvas (facilitated) Introduction to Teaching with Canvas (self-paced) Support 24/7 Phone support from Instructure Evening/Weekend (for all) Daytime (for colleges with no onsite support)

14 Instructure Partnership
Current and Ongoing Activities Etudes Migration Tool Released Trust Relationship UX/UI CCCID Spring-Summer 2016 Roadmap Integration of support services Access to data and volume data transfers to CCC data warehouse Integration of Canvas to Student Services Portal Ongoing Accessibility and Security validation

15 CCMS Implementation Part II
CCM integration with statewide technology initiatives The Roadmap Ahead

16 Questions?
Steve Klein, Statewide Program Director, CCCTC Lou Delzompo, Chief Technology Officer, CCCTC Jason Peacock, Implementation Consultant, Instructure

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