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Hopwood Medical Centre

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Presentation on theme: "Hopwood Medical Centre"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hopwood Medical Centre
Patient Participation Group

2 Patient Participation Is:
Contribute to the continuous improvement of services. Improve communication between the practice and its patients. Help patients to take more responsibilities for their health. Provide practical support and help to implement change.

3 The Patient Participation Group is not a forum for personal complaints.
However it is where suggestions and ways to improve any health related services can be discussed.

4 Why Do We Want A Patient Participation Group?
Yours views are important to us. Channel communication effectively Support each other in decisions A voice from the patients to support new or improved health initiatives both within and outside the practice.

5 Benefits of a Patient Participation Group?
Better understanding and knowledge of the practice and the staff. Patients consulted about arrangements for their primary healthcare before decisions are made. An open forum to suggest positive ideas and voice concerns. Hopwood Medical Centre can plan services jointly with patients. The practice can get help from you to meet targets and objectives. We are able to work closer to the community for whom we care for.

6 What Would You Like From The Patient Forum
(Open Discussion)

7 Next Steps Confirmation of continued interest, currently 11 patients
Steering Group Meet monthly Elect a Chairperson Elect a Secretary Virtual Group contacts Distribution of s

8 Thank you for listening and attending.
Any Further Questions? Thank you for listening and attending.

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