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Agenda Welcome Introduction to SPOR

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0 06 May 2018 On-boarding webinar Industry Change Liaisons 21st July 2016, 9:30–12:30 GMT SPOR data services: Delivering quality data services on Substances, Products, Organisations and Referentials to power EU regulatory activities

1 Agenda Welcome Introduction to SPOR
Introduction to Industry Change Liaisons Industry Change Liaison engagement approach Your role as Industry Change Liaison Next steps Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

2 Objectives of webinar To ensure all Industry Change Liaisons share a base understanding of SPOR to be able to speak confidently about it with their colleagues To build our change network: meet each other and understand other key contacts relating to the Programme To ensure Industry Change Liaisons understand their role, key activities and next steps To share the engagement approach and timeline and provide an opportunity to feed back To provide an opportunity to share knowledge, best practice and ask questions Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

3 Welcome and introduction
EMA Francisco Penaranda - Head of Business Data Department and SPOR Programme Manager Isabel Chicharo - Deputy SPOR Programme Manager Marie-Helene Pinheiro - Industry stakeholder liaison Constantinos Ziogas - SME stakeholder office Angela-Christina Schmidt - SME stakeholder office Jos Olaerts - Veterinary Division Bernadett Stoddart - Veterinary Division Agnieszka Laka - SPOR Change team Alice Woodbridge - SPOR Change team Mayura Chawdhary - SPOR Change team Industry Associations AESGP Medicines for Europe EFPIA EuropaBio ECI-EEIG Vaccines Europe EUCOPE EBE EGGVP IFAH Europe EFSPI Vendors/Experts Marr Consultancy Ltd Terminologeeze Ltd Gematik Reed Tech CSC Life Sciences Business Process Services LORENZ Life Sciences Group Life Science Advisory PAREXEL International DACON Datenbank Consulting GmbH Aris Global Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew GS1 Global Office Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

4 06 May 2018 Introduction to SPOR

5 Motivation for ISO IDMP
06 May 2018 Motivation for ISO IDMP “The use of internationally agreed terminology, format and standards should facilitate the interoperability of systems used for the performance of pharmacovigilance activities and avoids the duplication of encoding activities concerning the same information. It should also allow for an easier information exchange between regulatory authorities on an international level” Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 520/2012 The ISO IDMP standards establish definitions and concepts and describe data elements and their structural relationships that are required for the unique identification of: Medicinal product information (MPID/PCID) - ISO 11615 Pharmaceutical product information (PhPID) - ISO 11616 Substances (Substance ID/Specified Substance ID) - ISO 11238 Pharmaceutical dose forms, units of presentation, routes of administration and packaging - ISO 11239 Units of measurement (UCUM) - ISO ISO IDMP standards apply to both authorised and investigational medicinal products for Human use Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

6 Lack of standardisation…
06 May 2018 The issue: lack of standardisation Lack of standardisation… Results in… Different controlled vocabularies* are used across different NCAs Names used for organisations differ between, and sometimes across different departments within, NCAs Different names for products and substances are used across different NCAs Data is often entered manually Inconsistent data quality and duplication Inefficiencies relating to correcting data and investigating data discrepancies Manual intervention required to resolve data issues Slower decision-making Decision-making based on inaccurate information *Controlled vocabularies (aka Referentials) are lists of terms that refer to attributes of medicinal and pharmaceutical products eg. dosage form, route of administration, unit of measurement Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

7 Regulatory activities
06 May 2018 Why do we need standardisation? Standardised data will… …improve signal detection and speed of response for authorised products, thus helping to save lives. Medicines save lives but can cause side effects; 5% of all hospital admissions and c.200,000 deaths per year in the EU are associated with adverse effects* …allow substances and products to be described accurately enabling faster identification and withdrawal …improve the link between the Supply Chain and the regulatory dossier since inspectors will have better records available to support their findings on Manufacturing sites …allow substances and products to be described accurately enabling faster response to address shortages …facilitate process efficiencies in regulatory activities e.g. submission of application forms and Variations …enable prescriptions to use standardised data to describe medicines thereby enabling patients to obtain the right products when outside their home country …help determine the authenticity of a medicine Pharmacovigilance Batch recalls Falsified medicines Shortages ePrescription Inspections Regulatory activities * Source: EC Press Release Data Base Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

8 The 5 new ISO IDMP standards are all about master data
06 May 2018 Implementing ISO IDMP through SPOR (1 of 2) The 5 new ISO IDMP standards are all about master data In the case of the regulated EU pharmaceutical industry, there are four domains of master data: Master data is any information that is considered to play a key role in the core operation of a business and re-used for multiple purposes 1 Substances: Data that describes the ingredients that make up the medicinal product Products: Data that describes the marketing authorisation, packaging and medicinal information relating to a product Organisations: Organisations data that comprises of organisation name and location address data for organisations such as MAH, sponsors, regulatory authority, manufacturers Referentials: Lists of terms (controlled vocabularies) used to describe attributes of products e.g. lists of dosage forms, units of measurement, routes of administration 2 3 4 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

9 Implementing ISO IDMP through SPOR (2 of 2)
06 May 2018 Implementing ISO IDMP through SPOR (2 of 2) Four projects have been established to implement services that centralise management of each of the domains of master data The four projects are collectively known as SPOR data services The implementation of the four SPOR projects will be phased SPOR applies to both domains, Human and Veterinary In parallel, EMA is implementing the messaging standards developed by Health Level Seven (HL7), which define a format for the electronic exchange of data that is compliant with the ISO IDMP technical specifications. Substance Management Services (SMS) Product Management Services (PMS) Organisations Management Services (OMS) Referentials Management Services (RMS) Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

10 Use of SPOR in regulatory activities
Use of SPOR in regulatory activities Adoption of SPOR operating models will facilitate the implementation of consistent, centrally-maintained, ISO IDMP-compliant SPOR data, which will feed regulatory activity across the product lifecycle Product lifecycle Investigational (Pre-submission) Authorisation (Submission) Post-authorisation Use cases i.e. Regulatory activity dependent on SPOR data Clinical Trials Applications (as-is via Eudra CT; to-be via CT Portal) Marketing Authorisation Applications (as-is via eAF; to-be via CESSP – H&V) CP DCP MRP National Referrals Pharmacovigilance (as-is via eSubmission Gateway & web client; to-be - tbc) PSUR ICSR ADR Maintenance of Art 57 Future EC initiatives that will depend on SPOR data eHealth Falsified Medicines PA Applications & Referrals (as-is via eAF; to-be via CESSP) Implementation of ISO IDMP standards is a legal obligation The SPOR projects are the vehicle for implementing the ISO IDMP standards. They are also one of the critical enablers for achieving the Telematics vision and associated benefits Benefits linked to SPOR will only be fully realised once all iterations have been implemented and once Member States & Telematics programmes dependent on SPOR data have fully integrated with the new systems and processes Standardised data needs to be accessible at a global level so it can be re-used by Member States and other Programmes. However, standardised data alone is not sufficient. Standardised data becomes an enabler once integrated with other SPOR- dependent Programmes Inspections (via Eudra GMDP integrated with SPOR) Load inspection data onto Eudra GMDP Master Data Management (Substance, Product, Organisation, Referentials) 10 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

11 Benefits of implementing SPOR
Standardised data alone is not sufficient to achieve benefits. The benefits of SPOR will be realised incrementally: As all iterations of SPOR are completed; and As other programmes, introducing new systems to support regulatory activities, are implemented and integrated with SPOR e.g. CESSP, Clinical Trials Portal Benefits Enabled by Positive impact on public health and safety E.g. product recalls, safety information and assessment Operational savings and efficiencies Increase in data quality, simplification of data management practices Fulfil regulatory requirements more efficiently Better decisions, faster regulatory action Faster, more efficient regulatory action and decision-making Data entered only once and reused across different procedures and regulators Data reviewed, assessed and approved as part of the new data operating model Reducing silos and improving interoperability across EU systems Improved data integrity and reliability through centrally-held SPOR data 11 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

12 Key changes as a result of SPOR
06 May 2018 Key changes as a result of SPOR . New ways of accessing SPOR data EMA IT Service Desk (technical support for stakeholders) EMA Data Stewards managing SPOR data Data content: RMS lists and OMS dictionary Data management OMS and RMS Operating Models Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

13 Key changes as a result of SPOR
New ways of accessing SPOR data SPOR web interface SPOR APIs* (Application Programming Interface) Draft APIs have been shared with SPOR Task Force; final APIs expected to be published end of July For RMS, backward compatibility will be maintained with EUTCT for NCAs who use EUTCT *An API is a mechanism to allow your IT systems to exchange information with RMS and OMS Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

14 Key changes as a result of SPOR
EMA Data Stewards A specialised team of EMA staff will manage data on behalf of the Network and provide user support Key activities of data stewards: Manage data quality Take action on change requests for new/amended Referential Lists/Terms and Organisation data Validation of access requests to SPOR services Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

15 Key changes as a result of SPOR
Data content RMS lists at go-live: Lists from EUTCT (apart from Substance list) Lists to support OMS Lists for ISO (Pharmaceutical dose forms, units of presentation, routes of administration and packaging) and ISO (Units of measurement) Some lists to support  PMS project (e.g. Material) Content of the OMS dictionary at go live: MAHs: (H+V) CAPs & (H) NAPs MAAs: (H+V) CAPs MRL applicants (Vet) MA & MRL contacts: (H+V) CAPs RMS lists and content of the OMS dictionary will gradually be expanded. Please see Appendix for data release plans (slides 51 and 53) Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

16 Key changes as a result of SPOR
OMS Operating Model Establishes a centralised dictionary of Organisations data to be used as a reference and in support of EU regulatory activities EMA will host the Organisations master data and will provide access to all stakeholders Common process which requires industry to request organisation registration (or update) with EMA before regulatory submission NCAs will also be able to submit change requests (pre-register) to OMS Organisation data will be validated by the EMA Data Stewards and available in a structured format Please see Appendix for OMS operating model (slide 49) Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

17 Key changes as a result of SPOR
RMS Operating Model EMA will act as the broker and it will provide Referentials data services to EU network Referentials data maintained by EMA Data Stewards and available in structured format EMA will host reference lists from different maintenance organisations (WHO, EDQM, MSSO, BfArM, etc) EDQM: maintenance organisation for ISO IDMP (ph. forms, units of presentation, routes of administration, packaging) BfArM: maintenance organisation for Units of Measurement (ISO IDMP 11240) EMA will be a maintenance organisation for new lists where no maintenance organisation exists Common process which requires industry and other parties to request registration of Terms before regulatory submission Translations done by NCAs All organisations need to register legacy & specific terms with EMA Please see Appendix for RMS operating model (slide 51) Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

18 Key changes as a result of SPOR
EMA IT Service Desk EMA IT Service Desk will provide technical support for SPOR data services for all stakeholders More details on this will follow nearer go-live Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

19 Key changes as a result of SPOR
Data Management Industry will need to synchronise data in their local systems with RMS and OMS on an ongoing basis In order to reflect changes/updates in SPOR data in their local systems, Industry may need to transform their local data to align with ISO/EU data formats within RMS and OMS: Data transformation – change the data structure e.g. split data fields Data enrichment – complete the set of data e.g. add a new field such as post code Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

20 High level programme timeline
The focus for 2016 is on implementation of RMS and OMS RMS and OMS will lay the data foundations for PMS and SMS PMS and SMS projects are on hold until after RMS and OMS go-live The plan for PMS & SMS will be shared once available reduced The 18 month (12+6) period is the minimum amount of time required to undertake these activities and as such will not be reduced 20 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

21 SPOR data services roll-out plan
This roll-out plan shows SPOR in the context of EU telematics programmes dependent on SPOR data. It also sets out critical supporting activities required from NCAs and Industry, specifically relating to RMS and OMS 1 2 3 4 5 6

22 Key activities for Industry
06 May 2018 Key activities for Industry The focus activity in 2016 relates to preparing for RMS and OMS go-live Industry own their plans to design, implement, test and deploy changes in alignment with SPOR roll-out plan 1 Programme participation Engage with programme via Industry Change Liaisons and existing forums eg. SPOR Task Force, Sub Groups Support change management activities e.g. communications and training Review programme documentation when required (via SPOR Task Force, Sub Groups activities) Support planning and execution of UATs (via SPOR Task Force, Sub Groups activities) 2 Follow through on priorities Undertake activities in order to be ready to actively use RMS and OMS post go-live Follow the agreed RMS and OMS operating models post RMS and OMS go-live, which include pre-registration and ongoing maintenance of SPOR data 3 Data mapping No OMS mapping is required by Industry prior to OMS go-live No RMS mapping is required by Industry prior to RMS go-live. Post go-live, Industry should map against new Referentials lists and new OMS dictionary content as it is published to provide a better foundation for Products Post go-live, Industry should synchronise their local Organisation data against the OMS dictionary and their local Referentials data against existing RMS lists to provide a better foundation for Products 4 Data pre-registration OMS go-live, Industry should send requests for new/updated Organisation data relating to MAHs only. As the dictionary is expanded with other types of Organisation data, Industry will be invited to pre-register data relating to these new Organisations. Post RMS go-live, Industry should send requests for new/updated Referentials prior to submitting an application The OMS project team are aware of the concern that data may need to be submitted twice and in different formats: to xEVMPD and to OMS. They are investigating a mechanism to facilitate updating xEVMPD from OMS If this is not possible, they will continue to perform delta loads from xEVMPD into OMS Stakeholders will not be asked to submit data twice 5 Process change Identify all processes that will be impacted by the changes brought about by SPOR e.g. data synchronisation 6 Systems change Identify all impacted systems and architecture that will need to be adapted in order to support the process changes identified above 22 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

23 Introduction to Industry Change Liaisons
06 May 2018 Introduction to Industry Change Liaisons

24 Industry Change Liaisons
06 May 2018 Establishing our change network At the February 2016 meeting of the SPOR Task Force, it was agreed that EMA needed to establish a framework to broaden its reach in distributing communications about SPOR To achieve this, EMA developed a plan to establish and leverage a Change Network across regulators and Industry NCA Change Liaisons were nominated in March and on-boarded in April We are now expanding the network to include Industry Change Liaisons We aim to have established the whole Change Network by the end of August Jun Feb Mar Apr May Jul SPOR Task Force – agreement to set up change Network (NCA and Industry) NCA Change Liaisons appointed Kick off webinar to engage NCA Change Liaisons and present the plan Follow-up webinar with NCA Change Liaisons Industry Change Liaisons appointed Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar 24 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

25 Recruiting Industry Change Liaisons
Key EU Industry Associations represented in the Industry Change Network European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA) European Biopharmaceuticals Enterprise (EBE) Medicines for Europe (formerly EGA) European Confederation of Pharmaceutical Entrepreneurs (EUCOPE) EuropaBio International Federation for Animal Health – Europe (IFAH-Europe) European Group for Generic Veterinary Products (EGGVP) Vaccines Europe (VE) Eye Care Industries European Economic Interest Grouping (ECI – EEIG) Association of the European Self-Medication Industry (AESGP) Europharm SMC – European Industry Association for small to medium-sized Pharmaceutical Companies - TBC European Federation of Statisticians in the Pharmaceuticals Industry (EFSPI) European CRO Federation (EUCROF) - TBC Industry Change Liaisons have been drawn from the SPOR Task Force and are made up of representatives from: Industry Associations Vendors The role of Industry Change Liaison formalises the communications aspect of their current role as Task Force members 25 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

26 Leveraging our Change Network
06 May 2018 Leveraging our Change Network We have established a Change Network to help us broaden the reach of the EMA in communicating about SPOR SPOR change team circulate finalised comms and training materials to change network: Industry Change Liaisons* EMA’s established contact points at Industry Associations EMA’s SME stakeholder office NCA Change Liaisons SPOR change team develop communications and training material in consultation with key internal & external stakeholders: EMA comms team Focus Group (sub-set of Industry Change Liaisons) 1. EMA develops central communications and training materials 3. Change Network cascades materials across NCAs and Industry 2. EMA distributes materials to Change Network Change Network may, if required, tailor central comms and training materials for their target audience before cascading to: Target audiences across industry National trade associations SME audiences across Industry NCAs *Only Industry Association Change Liaisons have the responsibility to cascade communications. It is not a responsibility of Vendor Change Liaisons to cascade information, although they are free to share across their network if they wish. Industry Association Change Liaisons will be expected to include the Vendor community as a target audience. Diagram illustrating the development and distribution of comms and training material 26 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

27 Roles within the Change Network
06 May 2018 Roles within the Change Network We are introducing roles here but will go through each role in greater detail later in the presentation: Industry Change Liaisons SPOR Task Force members representing EU Industry Associations (Industry Association Change Liaisons) and Vendors (Vendor Change Liaisons) Cascade communications material across Industry in an interactive way** Promote sharing of best practice Feedback on comms and training materials and activities Members Role Focus Group Subset of Industry Change Liaisons Identify communication needs, key messages and target audiences Where required, provide feedback on draft content Members Role Lead contact points Subset of Industry Change Liaisons Coordinate across Industry Change Liaisons representing same Industry Association Single contact point with EMA for feedback, questions etc Members Role Contact points at Industry Associations (via EMA stakeholder office) EMA’s established contact points at EU Industry Associations Work with Industry Change Liaisons to cascade communications material across Industry Members Role NCA Change Liaisons Nominees from NCAs Cascade communications material to their own organisation and to their national trade associations, translating as needed Members Role SME stakeholder office EMA function that supports SME stakeholders Cascade communications material directly to SME stakeholders that are registered with EMA Members Role ** not applicable to Vendor Change Liaisons 27 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

28 Cascading information
06 May 2018 Cascading information It is the responsibility of the bodies which comprise the Change Network to ensure information reaches those stakeholders who need to be aware of SPOR and whose work will be impacted by SPOR Please note: It is not a responsibility of Vendor Change Liaisons to cascade information, although they are free to share across their network if they wish. Industry Association Change Liaisons will be expected to include the Vendor community as a target audience The focus group will help the EMA SPOR Change Team to identify the target audience of each communication so that clear guidance can be provided to the Change Network about who to target in affiliated organisations The Change Network may find it appropriate to tailor the materials to suit the specific needs of target audiences. However, the key messages and intent must always be maintained Industry Change Liaisons should work with EMA’s established contact points at Industry Associations to ensure a joined up approach to the cascade of any comms materials to Industry 28 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

29 Identifying target audiences in Industry
06 May 2018 Identifying target audiences in Industry Stakeholder groups across Industry will be impacted to varying degrees by the changes brought about by SPOR The Change Network should, from the organisations affiliated with them, identify key contacts representing these stakeholder groups For example, the Industry Change Liaison from EuropaBio can look to Industry organisations affiliated with EuropaBio to identify key contacts for these stakeholder groups These key contacts can help the Change Network to ensure the communication reaches its target audience Industry Executives Industry Representative Groups Regulatory Executives Regulatory Professionals (Global & Affiliates) Manufacturing and Supply Chain Professionals Patient Safety Professionals (Global & Affiliates) Industry IT Professionals Contract Research Organizations (Regulatory or Pharmacovigilance) Contract Research Organizations (Manufacturing) Clinical Professionals Small to Medium Pharma Enterprises (SMEs) Compliance & Risk Professionals QPPVs Clinical Trials Sponsors, other CT roles Pharma Consultancies Software Vendors Target audience – Example stakeholder groups which may be impacted 29 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

30 Industry Change Liaison engagement approach
06 May 2018 Industry Change Liaison engagement approach

31 Principles of engagement
06 May 2018 Principles of engagement To ensure Industry receives and understands information in support of SPOR’s implementation, EMA needs to: Style of communications Provide centralised communications to Industry Change Liaisons who will have the responsibility to cascade to the right people within impacted stakeholder organisations Ensure every comms material is accompanied with clear guidance about its purpose, target audience and whether it is for information or consultation Ensure information is provided through effective and accessible channels appropriate to the content eg. Webinar and online demos for training Communicate relevant information on a timely basis while avoiding over-communication Ensure that an IT-related technical background is not required to understand communications, except under specific circumstances Assume limited prior knowledge of ISO IDMP and SPOR to accommodate the varying levels of engagement and awareness of stakeholders Collaboration Provide a mechanism that encourages open feedback and collaborative working between Industry representatives and EMA to optimise engagement as we go along Encourage sharing of knowledge across Industry, good practice and lessons learned in relation to implementation activity Share our proposed approach and plan with Industry Change Liaisons to obtain their feedback Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

32 Key engagement channels
06 May 2018 Key engagement channels Key channels of communication between the Programme and Change Network – we will invite feedback from Change Liaisons on the efficacy and frequency of use of these Targeted s to provide the Change Network with SPOR updates on comms, training, upcoming events and programme timelines Mailbox to provide a central point of contact for the Change Network to the SPOR Change Team for questions, answers and to provide feedback on change activities Webinars to deliver longer duration live communications to a large audience across the EU region in an interactive, engaging way. Also provides a forum for Q&As. Where appropriate, webinars will be recorded and posted online. E-learning, Videos & Demos to provide short, bitesize chunks of information on key topics. These are easily digestible snippets of information (unlike recorded webinars which can last up to 3 hrs) SPOR Task Force is an expert advisory/ working group, also communicates to all external stakeholders affected by the implementation of the ISO IDMP standards. Task Force receives regular updates on SPOR change management from the SPOR Change Team. SPOR public website for information on SPOR, additional reference materials and videos on key topics Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

33 2016 Change Network engagement plan
2016 Change Network engagement plan This indicative plan focuses purely on engagement with Change Liaisons. We are undertaking change and communication activities for a wider audience e.g. updates to the external website, training and webinars. Quarter 2 of 2016 Quarter 3 of 2016 Quarter 4 of 2016 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Programme milestones OMS go-live OMS UAT RMS go-live RMS UAT Identify NCA Liaisons HMA/IT Directors EUNDB / SPOR TF EUNDB / SPOR TF Change Network NCA Change Liaisons (Human, Human & Vet mixed, Vet only) Industry Change Liaisons NCA Change Liaison follow-up teleconferences NCA Change Liaison kick-off NCA Change Liaison follow-up webinar Full day face-to-face NCA Change Liaison event - TBC SPOR implementation questionnaire #1 Data mapping webinar for NCAs Veterinary NCAs / Vet Industry webinar SPOR implementation questionnaire #2 Monthly update to entire Change Network Prep TCs with Industry Change Liaison coordinators Prep TC with Industry Change Liaison coordinators Industry Change Liaison update webinar Industry Change Liaison update webinar Industry Change Liaison kick-off Industry Change Liaison comms focus group TC We are here Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

34 Your role as Industry Change Liaison
06 May 2018 Your role as Industry Change Liaison

35 Industry Change Liaison role in a nutshell
Industry Change Liaisons act on behalf of SPOR as advocates of the programme, communicating to stakeholders across Industry. This involves: Being the first port of call for stakeholders across Industry to provide them with: Information Answer questions Receive feedback Cascading communications and reinforcing key messages Encouraging uptake of training and reinforcing understanding There will be a need for the role to continue beyond 2016 to support future iterations of SPOR projects ** not applicable to Vendor Change Liaisons Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

36 Industry Change Liaison role profile (1 of 2)
This is the core role profile that applies to every individual acting as an Industry Change Liaison, with some exceptions for Vendor Change Liaisons The greatest value will derive from Industry Change Liaisons who can engage stakeholders in a more direct and interactive manner, over and above simply signposting material via Cascade central communications and training material across Industry** Maintain key messages but adapt angle for different target audiences, as appropriate** Use interactive channels eg. webinars, teleconferences for educating stakeholders and walking them through content (in addition to ) ** Connect people who have an interest in sharing best practice and lessons learned relating to SPOR implementation Provide ongoing feedback and suggestions to the SPOR change team for improvement of change management activity and content Industry Change Liaisons SPOR Task Force members representing EU Industry Associations (Industry Association Change Liaisons) and Vendors (Vendor Change Liaisons) Able to represent communications and training needs on behalf of impacted Industry stakeholders Able to clearly and accurately articulate key messages of most interest to Industry stakeholders Knowledge of target audiences Ability to translate technical and business content to address audience information needs Available for monthly teleconference with SPOR change team to discuss materials Members Key activities Role profile ** not applicable to Vendor Change Liaisons Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

37 Industry Change Liaison role profile (2 of 2)
06 May 2018 Industry Change Liaison role profile (2 of 2) A subset of Industry Change Liaisons will form the Focus Group. This group will have responsibilities in addition to the core Industry Change Liaison role: A subset of Industry Change Liaisons will act as lead contact points, one drawn from each Industry Association. This group will have responsibilities in addition to the core Industry Change Liaison role: Focus Group Subset of Industry Change Liaisons Lead contact points Able to proactively take the lead in coordinating activity across the other Industry Change Liaison reps Able to establish a good working relationship with EMA’s contact point at their Industry Association Available to dedicate the small additional time involved with acting as a single contact point A sufficient understanding of the central materials to be able to coordinate the adaptation of content for target audiences Members Key activities Role profile Collaborate with SPOR change team to: Identify Industry communication and training needs Identify key messages tailored to Industry stakeholders Identify target audiences Review and feedback on content of selected central communications and training materials Able to represent communications and training needs on behalf of impacted Industry stakeholders Able to clearly and accurately articulate key messages of most interest to Industry stakeholders Knowledge of target audiences Ability to translate technical and business content to address audience information needs Available for monthly teleconference with SPOR change team to discuss materials Many of the Industry Associations have more than one Industry Change Liaison rep. The lead contact point will coordinate across the other Industry Change Liaison reps from their Industry Association to: Streamline cascading of central and/or adapted communications and training materials Establish ways of working with EMA’s contact points at Industry Associations over cascading of materials Act as a single contact point with the SPOR change team e.g. for providing feedback or fielding questions Discuss potential need for a lead contact point to coordinate these activities for those IAs where there are multiple representatives. And equivalent for Vendor community, just one lead contact point to coordinate? Note, that this is a different role to focus group member whose specific function is around identifying and approving comms. Potential responsibilities for lead contact point: Single point of contact for channeling questions and consolidating feedback/suggestions between the ICL group and SPOR project team Coordinator of other ICL reps for their IA or Vendor community to align on cascading material and adapting material for target audiences 37 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

38 Key activities for Industry
06 May 2018 Key activities for Industry The focus for Industry activity in 2016 relates to preparing for RMS and OMS go-live Industry own their plans to design, implement, test and deploy changes in alignment with SPOR roll-out plan timings 1 Programme participation Engage with programme via Industry Change Liaisons and existing forums eg. SPOR Task Force, Sub Groups Support change management activities e.g. communications and training Review programme documentation when required (via SPOR Task Force, Sub Groups activities) Support planning and execution of UATs (via SPOR Task Force, Sub Groups activities) 2 Follow through on priorities Undertake activities in order to be ready to actively use RMS and OMS post go-live Follow the agreed RMS and OMS operating models post RMS and OMS go-live, which include pre-registration and ongoing maintenance of SPOR data 3 Data mapping No OMS mapping is required by Industry prior to OMS go-live No RMS mapping is required by Industry prior to RMS go-live. Post go-live, Industry should map against new Referentials lists and new OMS dictionary content as it is published to provide a better foundation for Products data Post go-live, Industry should synchronise their local Organisation data against the OMS dictionary and their local Referentials data against existing RMS lists to provide a better foundation for Products data 4 Data pre-registration At OMS go-live, Industry should send requests for new/updated Organisation data relating to MAHs only. As the dictionary is expanded with other types of Organisation, Industry will be invited to pre-register data relating to these new Organisations. Post RMS go-live, Industry should send requests for new/updated Referentials prior to submitting an application The OMS project team are aware of the concern that data may need to be submitted twice and in different formats: to xEVMPD and to OMS. They are investigating a mechanism to facilitate updating xEVMPD from OMS If this is not possible, they will continue to perform delta loads from xEVMPD into OMS Whatever happens, stakeholders will not be asked to submit data twice 5 Process change Identify all processes that will be impacted by the changes brought about by SPOR e.g. data synchronisation 6 Systems change Identify all impacted systems and architecture that will need to be adapted in order to support the process changes identified above 38 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

39 Industry Change Liaison activities (1 of 5)
Programme participation will be the primary area of focus for Industry Change Liaisons 1 Programme participation Industry activities Engage with programme via Industry Change Liaisons and existing forums eg. SPOR Task Force, Sub Groups Support change management activities e.g. communications and training Review programme documentation when required (via SPOR Task Force, Sub Groups activities) Support planning and execution of UATs (via SPOR Task Force, Sub Groups activities) When ICLs should carry out activities Industry Change Liaison activities Participate in webinars and other planned engagement activity with the Programme Share their understanding of SPOR benefits, impacts and implementation activities with Industry stakeholders Cascade communications and training material across Industry, actively encouraging uptake of training** Collate feedback from Industry stakeholders on communications and training materials Request Industry Associations to include a reference on their corporate website to SPOR. A link to the SPOR web pages should be provided**: EMA home>Data Submission on Medicines>Implementation of ISO IDMP standards Check in regularly to the publishing platform to stay up to date on available material to share with Industry stakeholders Ongoing Aug/Sep 2016 Comms: ongoing Training: Sep-Dec 2016 Ongoing Aug/Sep 2016 Ongoing 39 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar ** not applicable to Vendor Change Liaisons

40 Industry Change Liaison activities (2 of 5)
Follow through on priorities Industry activities Undertake activities in order to be ready to actively use RMS and OMS post go-live Follow the agreed RMS and OMS operating models post RMS and OMS go-live, which include pre-registration and ongoing maintenance of SPOR data When ICLs should carry out activities Industry Change Liaison activities Encourage stakeholders to actively access and use the central SPOR data post go-live, drawing their attention to relevant guidance materials Encourage stakeholders to follow the RMS and OMS operating models, drawing their attention to relevant guidance materials Ongoing: Info on access included in data mapping guidance available Aug 2016; Training on use of RMS and OMS Nov/Dec 2016 Ongoing: Op model guidance available August 40 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

41 Industry Change Liaison activities (3 of 5)
Data mapping Industry activities No OMS mapping is required by Industry prior to OMS go-live No RMS mapping is required by Industry prior to RMS go-live. Post go-live, Industry should map against new Referentials lists and new OMS dictionary content as it is published to provide a better foundation for Products data Post go-live, Industry should synchronise their local Organisation data against the OMS dictionary and their local Referentials data against existing RMS lists to provide a better foundation for Products data When ICLs should carry out activities Industry Change Liaison activities Reinforce the message to Industry stakeholders that post go-live, in order to support future submissions of Product data, it is in their interests to be ready to: Map local Organisations and Referentials data against any new OMS dictionary content and new Referentials lists Synchronise local Organisations and Referentials data with central data in RMS and OMS on an ongoing basis to maintain data alignment and accuracy Use timeline slide in Appendix – focus on Industry data activities – as a tool for communicating these messages Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

42 Industry Change Liaison activities (4 of 5)
Data pre-registration Industry activities Post OMS go-live, Industry should send requests for new/updated Organisation data relating to MAHs only. As the dictionary is expanded with other types of Organisation, Industry will be invited to pre-register data relating to these new Organisations. Post RMS go-live, Industry should send requests for new/updated Referentials prior to submitting an application Industry Change Liaison activities When ICLs should carry out activities Reinforce the following messages to Industry stakeholders: Post go-live, follow the operating model by submitting requests for new/updated Organisations and Referentials data prior to submitting applications (pre-registration) The initial release of the OMS dictionary will contain MAHs (NAPs/CAPs), MA applicant (CAPs), MRL Applicants Further groups of Organisations will be added to the dictionary throughout 2016 and 2017 Only pre-register Organisation data after it has become available in the OMS dictionary. Share with stakeholders the data release plans (see Appendix) indicating when data will be expanded** Cascade communications notifying that new sets of Organisation data are available** Ongoing Aug-Dec 2016 Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing From Dec 2016 (ongoing activity) ** not applicable to Vendor Change Liaisons Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

43 Industry Change Liaison activities (5 of 5)
Process change Identify all processes that will be impacted by the changes brought about by SPOR e.g. data synchronisation 6 Systems change Identify all impacted systems and architecture that will need to be adapted in order to support the process changes identified above When ICLs should carry out activities Industry Change Liaison activities Reinforce the following message to Industry stakeholders: In order to accommodate the key changes that SPOR implementation will bring about, they will need to identify systems and processes that touch SPOR data and be ready to adapt them post go-live Draw stakeholders’ attention to material providing guidance on options for synchronisation approaches** Ongoing Aug-Dec 2016: Info on synchronisation included in data mapping guidance and API specifications available Aug 2016 ** not applicable to Vendor Change Liaisons Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

44 06 May 2018 Next steps

45 Key action points for Industry Change Liaisons (1 of 2)
06 May 2018 Key action points for Industry Change Liaisons (1 of 2) 1 Establish your communications network** Introduce yourself as Industry Change Liaison for SPOR to Leadership and other relevant contacts within your Industry Association Link in with EMA’s established Industry Association contact points to establish a joined up approach to the cascade of any comms materials to Industry Establish the channels you will use for cascading central communications internally across your Industry Association and externally to target audiences in affiliated organisations Due to data protection we cannot make your personalised address public for use by Industry stakeholders. Therefore please set up a de-personalised inbox and send us the address so that we can share it publicly. Please send the address to by Thursday 28 July 2016 We would like to share contact names and addresses for each Industry Change Liaison and Industry Association contact point with this group and with NCA Change Liaisons. Please let us know if you do not wish to share your personalised address with this group. 2 Nominate lead contact points** Industry Association Change Liaisons representing the same Industry Association should agree who among them will act as lead contact point. Please your nominee’s name to by Thursday 28 July 2016. ** not applicable to Vendor Change Liaisons Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

46 Introduction to SPOR data services
06 May 2018 Key action points for Industry Change Liaisons (2 of 2) 3 Undertake Industry Change Liaison activities Take note of the activities as specified in slides and start to undertake them in line with the indicated timings 4 Encourage SME stakeholders to register with EMA If they are not already registered with EMA’s SME office, please ensure SME stakeholders are aware of the financial and administrative benefits of registration by directing them to the EMA SME web page:>Human regulatory>Supporting SMEs>Veterinary regulatory>Supporting SMEs 5 Communicate upcoming events Introduction to SPOR data services Thursday 4 August, GMT This is an awareness session to help Industry understand what SPOR is, why, when and how we are implementing it We need your help to encourage as a broad an audience across Industry as possible We will record the broadcast and make it available online for those unable to participate We encourage you to proactively share the content from this webinar with Industry stakeholders Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

47 06 May 2018 Appendix

48 Appendix content Slide # OMS operating model______________________50
06 May 2018 Appendix content Slide # OMS operating model______________________50 OMS data release plan_____________________51 RMS operating model______________________52 RMS data release plan_____________________53 Operating model advantages________________54 RMS & OMS services_______________________55 SPOR reference sources and material_________56 Draft communication plan__________________57-58 NCA Change Liaisons______________________59 Focus on Industry data activities_____________60 The Appendix includes further information that we recommend you take away and review in your own time. It contains basic information about the RMS and OMS operating models and a list of services that will be provided by the new RMS and OMS systems. The broadcast on 4th August will walk participants through the operating models more thoroughly and a detailed guidance document will be published online in August. The draft communications plan is only indicative and intended to give a flavour of the type of materials and events that we will be asking ICLs to cascade Please check out the list of reference material to give you an understanding for what type of detailed documentation will be available online for you to signpost to stakeholders. As and when we publish materials, we will let you know so that you can stay up to date on what is held in this repository. We include a list of the NCAs represented in the Change Network. We will try to secure permission from NCA Change Liaisons to share their names with you so that all members of the Change Network can be known to each other. We included a timeline showing data-related activities. ICLs may find this a useful tool for communicating with stakeholders about what needs to be done with data and when. Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

49 OMS Operating Model – Phase I
OMS Operating Model – Phase I This operating model is endorsed by TMB 49 NCA Change Liaisons – 26 May 2016

50 Organisations data release plan
Industry should only start submitting Change Requests for Organisations once the data is published in OMS – not before. Key Points at which new organisation data is published in OMS OMS go live EMA will issue advance communications to notify all stakeholders that new data is being published on OMS and that Change Requests for that data can be submitted now that it has been published on OMS (not before). OMS Live Q4 2016 Q1 2017 Q3 2017 Q4 2017 2018 / 2019 TBD: CROs; CT site; Academia; Hospitals; Distributers etc. Manufacturers: (H+V) NAPs MAHs: (H+V) CAPs & (H) NAPs MAAs: (H+V) CAPs MRL applicants (Vet) MA & MRL contacts: (H+V) CAPs Sponsors Regulatory Authority /NCAs Manufacturers: (H+V) CAPs Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

51 RMS Operating Model Regulator/Interested party Broker
(Request new/updated term; Consume and use) Broker (Register requests; make data available) Maintenance Organisation (Data management activities) Data Owner (Decide content; mapping legacy data/specific extensions; translations) EMA EDQM ISO 11239 - Pharm Dose Forms - Unit of Presentation - Packaging - Route of Admin EDQM ISO 11239 - Pharm Dose Forms - Unit of Presentation - Packaging - Route of Admin Industry EMA/Bfarm ISO 11240 - Units of Measurement EMA/Bfarm ISO 11240 - Units of Measurement EMA NCAs ISO Other (not ISO IDMP) - Country - Language ISO Other (not ISO IDMP) - Country - Language MSSO/ICH CVs to support (P) - MedDRA MSSO/ICH CVs to support (P) - MedDRA FDA/JP? WHO CVs to support (P) - ATC H - ATC V - INN WHO CVs to support (P) - ATC H - ATC V - INN EMA EMA New CVs to support (S) New CVs to support (P) Non ISO IDMP lists EMA New CVs to support (S) - Many Lists New CVs to support (P) Non ISO IDMP lists - CVMP - SIAMED - Esubm TIGES - EudraCT TIGES Industry EMA NCAs EMA Mappings FDA Mappings FDA/JP? NCAs Mappings & Translations Industry Mappings & Translations

52 Referentials data release plan
Post go-live users should access RMS and subscribe to be notified whenever a new list has been published Stakeholders should only start submitting Change Requests for Referentials once the data is published in RMS – not before. Key Points at which new Referentials list will be added RMS go live Q4 2016 RMS Live RMS lists at go-live: Lists from EUTCT (apart from substance list) Lists to support OMS project Lists for ISO (Pharmaceutical dose forms, units of presentation, routes of administration and packaging) and ISO (Units of measurement) Some lists to support PMS project (e.g. Material) Further lists to support PMS and SMS to be included as and when available Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

53 Operating Model advantages
SPOR data is hosted by EMA, accessible to and used throughout EMA and by external stakeholders SPOR data is a single and trusted source of data Common process which requires industry and other parties alike to request registration of Referentials and Organisations data before regulatory submission Common process to request changes to the OMS dictionary and to Referentials lists/terms Referentials and Organisation data validated by the EMA Data Stewards and available in a structured format Establishes a complete and high quality dictionary of Organisations and lists of Referentials terms to be used as a reference and in support of EU regulatory activities Single format and simplified process to consume Referentials lists and keep them updated NCA Change Liaisons – 26 May 2016

54 ID Translation Service
06 May 2018 RMS and OMS Services The use cases and operating models for SPOR require stakeholders to interact with SPOR data. To support these interactions, stakeholders will be able to make use of SPOR data services: Customer support RMS & OMS Customer support: business/technical queries; issues; training All users authenticated & authorised Browse data Change requests RMS List of lists List of terms incl. Term Summaries & Term details OMS List of organisations with location addresses All Org_IDs and Org_Loc_IDs RMS Search Read New/update/delete Term Request New/update List Request Document attachments OMS Create/Update Org/Location Add location Multi-lingual OMS Organisation name Location addresses Term Translations RMS Search Read/ Update Search ID Translation Service RMS Standard and advanced search (UI) Google-style search (API) Lists and terms Historical versions (date/version number) OID for sources of information Language(s) Applicability OMS Standard search Org and Location data Historical versions (date/time stamps) Based on source system/other IDs (e.g. EV_Code, DUNS/GTIN, etc) RMS Source term ID into RMS ID Export RMS List of lists List of terms Full list or set of results Filter By Languages OMS Full dictionary or set of results File contains: all versions, Org name and location address in all languages, source system IDs, international organisation identifiers, etc Saved queries RMS Search queries Crate/update/delete queries Tags RMS Search Create/Update/Delete Subscriptions RMS Search Create/Update/Delete Documents RMS & OMS View & Publish documents Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

55 SPOR reference sources & material
ISO IDMP web page Overview of ISO IDMP SPOR roadmap Links to ISO standards SPOR Task Force terms of reference and meeting minutes Links to key reference material (in progress) Publishing platform (in progress) Key reference material published here Key reference material: Coming in August: Roll-out plan for RMS and OMS Stakeholder engagement approach SPOR high level benefits High level changes as a result of SPOR RMS and OMS operating model guidance Expansion timelines of RMS lists and OMS dictionary Data mapping guidance for Referentials and Organisations RMS and OMS data models RMS and OMS APIs RMS and OMS use cases Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

56 Draft 2016 communications plan (1 of 2)
06 May 2018 Draft 2016 communications plan (1 of 2) All content contained within the plan is subject to Programme timelines and activity, therefore proposed content of communications is likely to change Monthly update to Change Network Other Jun Flag data mapping webinar Flag veterinary webinar Outcomes from HMA/ITD Jul Outcomes from EUNDB/SPOR TF Comment on Industry Change Liaison kick-off Outcomes of re-planning exercise Flag broadcast to Industry Flag UAT Flag NCA & Industry Change Liaison F2F Kick-off webinar to on-board Industry Change Liaisons Aug Flag RMS and OMS UAT Overview of training offerings Flag Pulse survey on change management Flag HMA meeting Request for speakers at Best Practice forum Introduction to SPOR broadcast for Industry Monthly focus group TC Roll out reference material published online Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

57 Draft 2016 communications plan (2 of 2)
Monthly update to Change Network Other Sep Outcomes from UAT Flag training events Outcomes from HMA meeting Flag Best Practice forum Industry Change Liaison update webinar Roll out reference material published online Monthly focus group TC Pulse survey on change management OMS & RMS training events commence Oct Request feedback on training Flag OMS go-live/post go-live support Flag EUNDB/SPOR TF Best Practice forum Nov Flag OMS and RMS go-live and post go-live support Dec Go-live communications Overview of planned activity in 2017 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

58 NCA Change Liaisons A representative from each of these organisations has been invited to engage with EMA over SPOR change management activity: Country Organisation Austria Austrian Medicines and Medical Devices Agency (AGES-MEA) Belgium Federal Agency for Medicines and Health Products (FAMHP) Bulgaria Bulgarian Drug Agency (BDA) Croatia Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices of Croatia (HALMED) Cyprus Department of Information Technology Services (DITS), Ministry of Health Veterinary Services - Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Czech Republic State Institute for Drug Control (SÚKL) Denmark Danish Medicines Agency (DKMA) Estonia Estonian State Agency of Medicines (SAM) Finland Finnish Medicines Agency (FIMEA) France National Drug and Health Products Safety Agency (ANSM) French Agency for Veterinary Medicinal Products (Anses-ANMV) Germany Paul-Ehrlich-Institut Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices (BfArM) Hungary Directorate of Veterinary Medicinal Products, National Food Chain Safety Office (NFCSO - NEBIH) National Institute of Pharmacy and Nutrition (OGYEI) Iceland Icelandic Medicines Agency (IMA) Ireland Health Products Regulatory Authority (HPRA) Italy Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA) Country Organisation Latvia State Agency of Medicines (ZVA) Liechtenstein Office for Public Health Lithuania National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute (VET) State Medicines Control Agency (SMCA - VVKT) Luxembourg Ministry of Health Luxembourg Malta Medicines Authority Malta Netherlands Norwegian Medicines Agency (NoMA) Norway National Authority of Medicines and Health Products, IP (INFARMED) Portugal Portuguese National Authority for Animal Health, Directorate General of Food and Veterinary (DGAV (DGAMV)) National Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (ANM) Romania Slovakian Medicines Agency - State Institute for Drug Control (SUKL) Slovak Republic Institute for State Control of Veterinary Biologicals and Medicaments Agency for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (JAZMP) Slovenia Spanish Agency of Medicines and Medical Devices (AEMPS) Spain Medical Products Agency (MPA) Sweden Medicines Evaluation Board (CBG-MEB) UK Medicines & Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD) (as at 5 May 2016) Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

59 Focus on Industry data activities
06 May 2018 Focus on Industry data activities Aug 2016 Sep 2016 Oct 2016 Nov 2016 Dec 2016 Jan 2017 Feb 2017 Mar 2017 RMS go-live OMS go-live RMS Standardise any free text package descriptions using the categories of package descriptions terms in the Containers list from EDQM Update local Containers data (inc standardised package descriptions) against existing Container list in RMS Update local Referentials data against existing RMS lists Map local data against new Referentials lists as they are made available Submit requests for new/updated Referentials terms prior to submitting applications (pre-registration) Keep local Referentials data synchronised with RMS OMS Submit requests prior to submitting applications (pre-registration) for new/updated data relating to: MAH (NAPs/CAPs) MA applicant (CAPs) MRL Applicants Map local data against OMS dictionary at go-live and when new data becomes available in line with data release plan Submit requests for new/updated Organisations data prior to submitting applications (pre-registration) Keep local Organisations data synchronised with OMS 59 Industry Change Liaisons kick-off webinar

60 Thank you for your attention
06 May 2018 Thank you for your attention Further information Please send any queries for the change team to: European Medicines Agency 30 Churchill Place • Canary Wharf • London E14 5EU • United Kingdom Telephone +44 (0) Facsimile +44 (0) Send a question via our website Note: This slide is OPTIONAL. It uses the 'Closing slide' layout. Delete if not needed. Follow us on @EMA_News

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