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Slide 1: 1-Is it human or animal hair. 2- Why

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Presentation on theme: "Slide 1: 1-Is it human or animal hair. 2- Why"— Presentation transcript:

1 Slide 1: 1-Is it human or animal hair. 2- Why
Slide 1: 1-Is it human or animal hair? 2- Why? Mention 2 of its characters.

2 Human hair 1- Texture: Fine
2- Cuticle: Only one layer. /Scales are short and broad. 3- Cortex: Thick. /4 -10 times as brad as medulla./Longitudinal striations. 5- Pigments: More towards the periphery of the cortex. 6- Precipitin test: Specific for human.

3 Slide 2: 1- What is the type of this wound. 2- Why
Slide 2: 1- What is the type of this wound? 2- Why? Mention 2 of its characters.

4 Cut wound Characters of cut wound:
1- Sharp regular edges and sharp base, but in areas with corrugated skin (axilla, scrotum, neck…etc.) the edges may be irregular. 2- No bridging of tissues across the edges. 3- Hair is sharply cut across the edges. 4- No abrasions or contusions across the edges. 5- The wound is more long than deep. 6- The wound is usually deep at its origin and become more superficial towards the end .This known as tailing of the wound. 7- Shelving of the wound occurs when the blade of the weapon enters obliquely. 8- Gaping usually occur ante-mortem but sometimes can be seen in post-mortem wounds due to the effect of gravity. The amount of gapping depends on the direction of the muscle fibres, if the cut is across the direction of the fibres gapping will be great. 9- Free external bleeding. 10- Less liability to sepsis because of minimal tissue destruction and profuse bleeding will wash any contamination. 11- Cut wound usually heals by primary intention leaving a linear scar.o

5 Slide 3: 1- What is the age? Why?

6 Age: less than 18 Ys male and less than 16 Ys female. Why?
- Non closure of the epiphyseal line of the lower end of radius and ulna & - Non closure of the epiphyseal line of distal ends of metacarpal bones and phalanges.

7 Slide 4: Why. 1-Is this bullet for long or short rifled weapon
Slide 4: Why? 1-Is this bullet for long or short rifled weapon? 2- Is it automatic or non automatic? Why?

8 1) A bullet of long rifled weapon. - large size and has tapering end
1) A bullet of long rifled weapon. - large size and has tapering end. 2) Automatic - presence of groove near the base.

9 Slide 5: 1- What does the figure illustrate. 2- Why
Slide 5: 1- What does the figure illustrate? 2- Why? Mention 2 of its characters.

10 Inlet of firearm injury
1) Loss of substance: More 2) Size: Small 3) Shape: Circular 4) Edges: Inverted 5) Powder mark: Present 6) Soiling ring: Present 7) Bone bevelling: Internal 8) Microscopic exam., Homogenization of dermal collagen by heat

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