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Terminology modeling and measurements

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1 Terminology modeling and measurements
Medical physics Lecture 1 Terminology modeling and measurements Ass.lect. khawla hameed

2 Lecture objectives: What the term medical physics refers to.
Concepts of physical modeling. Physical measurements.

3 What is physics knowledge of nature

4 The science that deals with matter, energy, motion, and force
define the most fundamental measurable quantities in the universe (e.g., velocity, electric field, kinetic energy).  These patterns and correlations are expressed using words, equations, graphs, charts, diagrams, models, and any other means that allow us to express a relationship in a way that we as humans can better understand and use. Find relationships between those fundamental measured quantities (e.g., Newton’s Laws, conservation of energy)

5 physics keeps changing as we progress and make new discoveries

6 Terminology: Medical physics :the application of physics concepts, theories and methods to medicine or healthcare. Medical physics The application of physics to the practice of medicine The physical function of the human body

7 The application of physics to the practice of medicine:
Diagnostic equipment includes medical imaging machines, used to aid in diagnosis. Examples:  ultrasound and MRI machines, PET and CT scanners, and x-ray machines.



10 Treatment equipment includes infusion pumps, medical lasers and laser vision correction.
Life support equipment is used to maintain a patient's bodily function. This includes medical ventilators, anesthetic machines,heart-lung machines,  and dialysis machines.

11 The physical function of the human body
Example the cardiovascular system: Cardiac Cycle Conducting system of heart Physical properties of Blood(viscosity) Blood Pressure and Flow in Vessels Properties of a Compliance Vessel The Strength of Blood Vessel Walls Flow in Curving Arteries

12 What is the application of physics in dentistry

13 The high-speed dental drill which shoots out water as it spins, as you can see in the photo above.  If it didn’t, the friction would cause your tooth to get so hot during a filling that it could possibly damage the nerve inside your tooth.

14 An ultrasonic cleaning means that the dentist is using a special instrument that vibrates at a very high frequency to remove the plaque and tartar.  The ultrasonic instrument also sprays a stream of water toward your teeth.

15 A dental implant is a surgical component that interfaces with the bone of the jaw or skull to support a dental prosthesis such as a crown, bridge.

16 Simplification or selection
Modeling: 2. Mathematical modeling Simplification or selection of main features QA (t) =QA1 (t) + QM (t) Where QA(t) flow through aortic valve QA1(t) initial flow through aortic valve QM(t) initial flow through pulmonary valve

17 Cardiovascular model as electrical circuit
3. Analogy Cardiovascular model as electrical circuit

18 Mechanical model for the cardio vascular system

19 Final model

20 Measurements: Measurement devise Sensor or transducer Output display
Image processing Output display

21 Units SI units English units Static characteristics Accuracy Precision Resolution

22 Sources of error . Inherent variability . Sensor or transducer
. Signal processing . Output display . Physical environment . Human factors: sensation, interpretation, mistake, etc

23 References: Medical physics / John R. Cameron & James G. Skofronick /1978. Physics of the Human Body/Dr. Irving P. Herman/ 2007. Medical physics and biomedical engineering/B H Brown, R H Smallwood/ 1999.

24 Thank you

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