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Funding reforms and special provision One LA’s response

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1 Funding reforms and special provision One LA’s response
Alison Weaver NATSIP 2012

2 Nottingham Context High levels of identified SEN
Low statementing rates Range of provision: Mainstream: - support service – Deaf/VI/MSI - SA+ funding – formula delegation and targeted delegation Resource bases (Deaf) Special school – with in school/peripatetic specialist support Out of city

3 Key funding requirements
Schools to cover first £6000 of provision in mainstream schools Special provision to have base funding up to £10,000 per pupil Top up funding for all pupils irrespective of placement from high needs block Pupils with similar needs to be similarly funded whatever the placement Funding for SEN support to be centrally retained End to inter-authority recoupment

4 Response to reforms Meetings with:
Finance (feeding into Schools Forum) Heads and teachers in charge of specialist provision SEN Strategic leads and finance officers across the region Transition arrangements in place for Longer term planning in coming year

5 Issues: mainstream provision
Delegated SA+ provision Current formula delegation closely matches funding expectations that schools fund first £6,000 (notional SEN Budget) Targeted delegation (top up) Unequal distribution of pupils with highest level needs Inclusive schools penalised as named pupil funding is excluded from MFG Disincentive to admit “high cost pupils” Consultation with Schools Forum to ensure sufficient funding available to meet high cost needs Funding allocation process to be maintained

6 Issues: Specialist provision
Impact on budget stability: schools receive £10,000 per pupil on role + top up October Census to trigger £10,000 Top up funding will move with child – potential impact on some provisions where high mobility End of LA recoupment processes Schools to broker placements and invoice LAs directly LA no longer gate-keepers of own provision

7 Interim response: funding
Where numbers remain same, standard rate of top up to be calculated for each provision Agreement across local LAs to share information re top ups and ensure all commissioning at appropriate costs Development of joint protocols with neighbouring LAs e.g. re notice period of withdrawal of placement Contingency funding to provide flexibility to protect providers from significant unplanned budget adjustments (unpredictable movements in and out of provision)

8 Interim response: Commissioning and invoicing of placements
From April 2013 LAs will commission places directly from providers This could have significant administrative and financial implications for schools Potential for schools to commission brokerage/recoupment support from LA to reduce administrative burden on school Considering delegating some funding which the special schools can then use to by back a recoupment service

9 Similar funding for similar pupils
Current allocations indicate largely similar costs irrespective of placements Potential impact for resource bases on high needs budget if all funding to come from high needs block. Previously schools received AWPU for these pupils + additional funding Resource bases may cost more than provision for similar children elsewhere - justifiable by the management of these pupils in large secondary mainstream schools, curriculum demands etc

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