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of flexible employment

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1 of flexible employment
Promotion of flexible employment and protection of companies’ intellectual capital Project implemented with financial support of the European Social Fund within the Community Initiative EQUAL

2 e-Learning – remote „teaching” = preparation for flexible work
R. Robert Gajewski Division of Applied Computer Science,


4 Instead of an introduction
Poland on the way to the global Information society Report on social development

5 Hey, my Prophets from the stormy years
Threat Social exclusion Conclusions

6 Provision of knowledge and tools enabling introduction of Flexible Employment Forms, which will make it possible to support companies’ and employees’ adaptability to structural changes in the economy, and to support usage of IT technologies on the labour market

7 Indication of possibilities of competitiveness increase of companies in the three selected regions, without the necessity of additional employment or dismissals, or employees reallocation from one place to another. All this is possible thanks to the use of modern teleinformation tools (telework, e-work etc.)

8 Establishment of three e-Centres – < 2%... Creation of a training pack, including training via the internet (e-Learning) Establishment of three e-Centres – Dedicated places for teleworkers, equipped with newest information technologies. e-Learning budget constitutes < 2% of total project value…

9 To be e-… or not to be e-Learning, e-teaching, e-education, i-education… e-teacher, e-student, e-tutor, e-mentor, e-course, e-test, e-examination e-self-education! The art of blending… eee… E.T.?

10 Mixing… Messing up… 30% „remote” 70% „stationary” Synchronic and asynchronic Can it be done without LMS server? Or could it be CMS? Is using a computer in a classroom the e-Learning already?

11 EqualSkills Computer Basics Introduction to the Desktop
The World Wide Web

12 e-Citizen The computer Files and Folders Simple applications
Internet Basics Basics

13 European Computer Driving Licence
Concepts of Information Technology (IT) Using the Computer and Managing Files Word Processing Spreadsheets Database Presentation Information and Communication

14 ECDL Advanced Advanced Word Processing Advanced Spreadsheets
Advanced Databases Advanced Presentations

15 ECDL CAD Getting Started Main operations Advanced Features Outputs

16 ECDL ImageMaker Imaging Fundamentals Getting Started Main Operations
Working with Images Outputs

17 ECDL WebStarter Web Concepts HTML HTML Editor Images Upload
The Law and Security

18 Teacher and student A teaching trap
Dialogue Teacher Teaching Message Students!!! Teaching, message = „production” of single-use materials Learning

19 Classic Distance Learning
Author Producer Caretaker Distribution Student Wihtout a teacher… with a caretaker! Student Student Learning

20 Computer Based Learning
Lack of contact in CBL Author Producer Distribution Student Student Materials production = (???) „teaching” Student Learning

21 Internet Based Learning
server Author Producer Distribution Student Student Materials production = (???) „teaching” Student Learning

22 The big picture… e-contact e-content Caretaker Tutor Mentor
Authors Producers Server, host e-management Pupil, student

23 RealNetworks

24 MS Producer

25 Wykłady online Format SWF

26 Software animations


28 MathCAD Demo Center ©2006 Mathsoft Engineering

29 Edu-ROM Windows XP operational system. Word text editor.
Excel calculation sheet. Access databases. Multimedia presentations in Power Point. Multimedia. Computer graphics. Internet communication. Internet services. Internet information search. Data filing and security. Complex document production.

30 Who wants, looks for a way. Who doesn’t, looks for a reason.
The end… If we want an information society in Poland, let’s give (poor) Poles knowledge via the Internet. Who wants, looks for a way. Who doesn’t, looks for a reason.

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