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Researching a newspaper article

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1 Researching a newspaper article
Can I select relevant information to include in my article? Recap issues around need for objectivity, key purpose being to inform, could touch on regulatory bodies – press complaints commission etc... Why is it important for news journalists to carefully research their stories? Discuss this in your group and be ready to feed back your ideas...

2 Your task: Working in a group of four, you are going to create a mini newspaper which will inform young people about the truth behind the myths surrounding refugee issues. You will each research and write your own article: together these articles, with images you choose, will form your newspaper. Recap task – explain that today’s lesson will be all about the research – they will have two further lessons to write the drafts of their articles and then write up neat copies.

3 Myths and facts about refugees Reasons people flee
Your team of journalists will need to cover the following four stories: decide between you who will do what, and get ready to begin your research... Myths and facts about refugees Reasons people flee Young refugee voices Contributions of refugees to society You may want to allocate different stories to specific students depending on how you decide to group them – some of the information may be more accessible than others...

4 What do you need to find out from your research?
Give students a minute thinking time then try to elicit the things on the following slide through discussion...

5 What do you need to find out from your research?
Facts and statistics Personal stories Quotes – with the source! 5Ws: Who? What? Where? When? Why? What do you need to find out from your research? Things that will interest the target audience Display this slide as a prompt to help keep students focused and on task. You now have 20 minutes to carry out your research and come up with an angle for your story. Make sure you take lots of notes – both in your own words and direct quotes - and be ready to feed back your ideas to the rest of your group!

6 It’s now time to share your story idea with the rest of your team...
What’s the basic idea of your story? Why do you think it will appeal to your target audience? How will it meet the brief of getting to the truth behind the myths surrounding refugee issues? In their groups, students take it in turns to feed back their story ideas – you don’t need to share these as a whole class at this stage, in fact it might be good to set up an element of competition between the groups as to who can come up with the best newspaper...

7 What have you learnt today about the skills needed to be a good researcher?
If time, round off with thinking on a meta-level about the skills students have used today – one minute thinking time then brief discussion.

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