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Alan Daugherty University of Kentucky

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Presentation on theme: "Alan Daugherty University of Kentucky"— Presentation transcript:

1 Alan Daugherty University of Kentucky

2 American Heart Association
Arteriosclerosis, Thrombosis, and Vascular Biology Council Membership Renewal Council Preference

3 Early Career Committee
ATVB Early Career Committee Kathryn Moore Vice Chair Muredach Reilly Chair

4 Gateway to Scientific Networking
Unknown Science Famous Science

5 What is the Purpose of a Poster
Presentation? Communicate the science. Obtain feedback. Advertise the presenters knowledge and talent. Promote networking.

6 What Makes an Excellent
Poster Presentation? Opinions differ!

7 Genetic Deletion of Protein x Decreases Vascular Disease A. N
Genetic Deletion of Protein x Decreases Vascular Disease A.N. Author, Highly Esteemed University, Center of the Universe, A Country LOGO Introduction Protein is expressed Deficiency of X inhibits a response Summary Design Mice deficiency in X have high blood pressure Cellular effects of X deficiency Conclusion

8 Common Problems of Poster Design
Too much information - – everything should be readable from 4 feet. Erratic organization Not a clear delivery of the take home point.

9 The Initial Contact Make sure your name tag is visible.
Introduce yourself to a person who looks at your poster. For Early Career Investigators, give your stage of career

10 Demeanor

11 Presenting Your Poster
Tell a Story!! The aim of the study The sequence of how I performed experiments to address the aim. I conclude….

12 How Long Should I Present
My Poster? 2- 3 minutes Be prepared to respond to questions, but get back on track

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