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Published bySteven Hopkins Modified over 6 years ago
Transition to the Remedyforce Console: Administrators
Customer Success Enablement Kit Business Relationship Management Team August / 2017
Value Enablement Kit Objectives
The transition for customers to begin using the Remedyforce Console involves some change. This kit is targeted to assist Remedyforce Administrators with console transition. The objective of the Remedyforce Administration Transition module is to review the configurations required to transition to using the Remedyforce Console. Subsequent kits will be targeted to assist Staff users transition to using the console. The Remedyforce product has evolved from it’s first release where Visualforce code (“blue pages”) was used for the UI. It then evolved to the Salesforce standard UI; to current state, where Remedyforce Console is the UI of which the product is focused on.
Evolution of the Remedyforce User Interface
Then and Now… Let’s get started.
The Original Visual Force UI
Remedyforce began utilizing Visual Force in the first iterations of the product. Customer feedback indicated that performance was suffering as a result of all of the visual force code….As of Remedyforce Winter 18 (Safe Harbor), this interface and all supporting pages will be pulled from the product; meaning if you or your staff try to access these pages, they will get an error message letting them know to transition to the Remedyforce Console and they will not be able to use this interface.
Introducing…The Remedyforce Console!
The Remedyforce Console…performance and Service Desk recognizable.
What is the Remedyforce Console?
The Remedyforce Console is a new UI that enables you to manage your Incident, Problem, Change, Task, Broadcasts, Releases, Dashboard, and Change Schedule from a single console You can view a list of all existing records for a module (for example, Incidents or Service Requests or Change Requests) within the Remedyforce Console tab. You can also create new records, view the details of existing records, and perform various actions such as closing a record and editing a record. Additionally the Console has custom highlighting to highlight new records or updated records.
Let’s get acquainted with the Remedyforce Console
Click on the View arrow and see the single list expand with all modules that are available to you
Console Administration
Console Transition Essentials
Remedyforce Administration - Areas of Focus
As a Remedyforce Administrator, your tasks for Console Transition involve consideration and action in the following areas: Upgrade of sandboxes and production environments to the most current version of Remedyforce (if applicable) Post upgrade tasks completed Potential License Conversion Customer Portal Custom Manager Licenses Salesforce Platform Licenses **note if conversion is required, this is done to production first, then a sandbox refresh is required and then proceed with upgrade Configuration Tasks Configuration changes in sandbox environment followed by production environment configuration changes
Remedyforce Administration – Upgrades
The pre requisite for console transition is to upgrade to the most current version of Remedyforce. The process: Upgrade the sandbox Conduct the post upgrade configuration tasks on the sandbox Conduct the console transition activities in sandbox Upgrade production Conduct the post upgrade production tasks Conduct the console transition activities in production **Note – if you are doing the license conversion, you will need to convert licenses in production first, then refresh the sandbox, then upgrade the sandbox etc.
Remedyforce Administration – Do you need to convert licenses?
Portal to Platform conversion process You must convert your Customer Portal Custom Manager licenses to Salesforce Platform licenses IF: You want non IT people to engage / participate in an approval process Ability to use Chatter This is a zero cost swap of licenses that your Customer Success Manager can help facilitate for you
Administration Tasks When transitioning to using the Remedyforce Console, the Administrator will first have to make some configuration changes in the following main areas: Profiles and Permission Sets Assess current state of profiles and user access Assess use of permission sets Enable the console Steps to enable the console Page Layouts Field sets are used to affect the page layouts Custom fields Assess current use of custom fields Decision points to keep or deactivate use of custom fields **Other general areas might need review Self Service, Surveys, Dashboards, Console Configuration From a services perspective, typically a couple days but would require scoping
Profiles & Permission Sets
Administration Tasks
Profiles – Basic Information
What are Profiles? Profiles contain basic access rights and permissions for a group of users Remedyforce profiles include: Remedyforce Administrator ServiceDesk Staff ServiceDesk Change Manager ServiceDesk Client Only one profile can be associated to a user What do I need to assess about profiles for transition to the Remedyforce console? Are your profiles highly customized? Profiles are still required by the platform If you granted any Permission to users through their Profiles, and now plan on using Permission Sets, your users will not lose permissions on anything which is not granted in Permission Sets but was granted on Profiles However, if you have a few Permissions removed in your Profile which are granted in the permission set, they would be granted to the user
Go to: Administration > Manage Users > Profiles
Manage profiles Go to: Administration > Manage Users > Profiles
Manage profiles Here you will see a list of the profiles that you should review for corresponding permission sets.
Permission Sets – Basic Information
What are Permission Sets? The concept of Permission Sets were introduced in BMC Remedyforce Winter 14 ( ) A Permission Set is a collection of settings and permissions that give users access to various tools and functions. The settings and permissions in permission sets are also found in profiles, but permission sets extend users’ functional access without changing their profiles Permission sets can be used in addition to profiles to provide additional levels of access and permissions to a user or multiple users Different profiles and permission sets have been granted different functions in BMC Remedyforce Permission sets need to be applied to the existing profiles There are two ways to assign permission set to a profile One to Many One to One Why permission sets? BMC Remedyforce has moved to adopt Permission Sets as we move to a model where major upgrades are “pushed” to customer Organizations. Permission Sets, unlike profiles, are upgradable by the BMC Remedyforce managed package so it allows us to introduce new features without our customers having to go and manually apply all the necessary permissions, Visualforce pages, and Apex Classes. While customers have to option of not moving to permission sets, it will mean that after a major release is pushed to your org that all permissions, Visualforce Pages, and Apex Classes will have to be set manually by the customer on each individual profile.
Permission Sets Snapshot
View your Permission Sets by Role Go to Remedyforce Administration >> Manage Users >> Edit Permission Sets
Permission Set Assignment – One to Many
Admin > Manager Users > Permission Sets There are a couple of ways to manage permission set assignments based on your requirements – one to many (one set applied to many people)
Permission Set Assignment – One to Many
Using example of a ServiceDesk Staff Profile Click on ServiceDesk Staff and then Click Manage Assignments Click ServiceDesk Staff link Click Manage Assignments
Permission Set Assignment – One to Many
List of who has this permission set is displayed Click Add Assignment to add other active users to the permission set To add other active users to set Then click Assign once all users selected Click box for each user to add to set What if you have a very large volume of users? You could use the Permissioner tool, however, it only does the first 1000 records displayed on the screen. Most choose to do manually. You can create custom views – all profiles SD staff for example and create a custom filter. If you have a large volume of clients – show me all SD client and active – click on A – then in this page keep clicking on show more – because no way to show me 1000 records per page – so that’s manual – then click all and click assign which will assign all to the set. This is how you assign all the profiles to a certain permission set
Permission Set Assignment – One to One
Go to Remedyforce Administration >> Manage Users >> Add and Edit User You can also assign permission sets one on a single user basis
Permission Set Assignment – One to One
List of active users is displayed. Locate the user you want to add to the set and click on their name (not the Edit button) Click on Permission Set Assignments link Click the users name Click on Permission Set Assignments
Permission Set Assignment – One to One
Clicking on Permission Set Assignments quickly takes you to the section where you can edit assignments Click on an available permission set in the right hand column and then move to the Enabled Permission Sets column, click Save Click Edit Assignments Then click Save Click arrow to add
Notes on Permission Sets
The OOTB permission sets include: Remedyforce Administrator ServiceDesk Change Manager ServiceDesk Client ServiceDesk Release Corodinator ServiceDesk Staff ServiceDesk client has the least amount of permissions ServiceDesk staff has more permissions ServiceDesk administrator has full permissions ServiceDesk Change Manager; only works in the Change Object – rarely used for only Change Manager use
Clone or Create New Permission Sets
You can clone a permission set or create a new permission set. Click on Clone to clone a permission set, or click on New to create a new set Click on New to create a new set Click on Clone to clone and modify
Clone a Permission Set Enter a new label New API Name is provided
Enter a brief description of the set Click Save
Create a New Permission Set
Enter a new label Provide a description Assign a license type Click Save
Create a New Permission Set
Identify rights to include in set and save
Create a New Permission Set
My new permission set ready to manage assignments
Enable the Console Administration Tasks
How to Enable the Remedyforce Console
Steps to enable the Remedyforce Console: Click on Remedyforce Administration Tab On the Home page, click the Application Settings tile, and from the menu, select Consoles On the Consoles tab, select the Enable and Use the Remedyforce Console check box If you want to enable the Remedyforce Dashboard and Quickviews, check the box next to Enable Console Dashboard and Quickviews. Select Enable SmartView Select Enable Activity Feed Select Enable Console View Customization if you want to allow staff to select the fields that they work from within the Console. If you want to take advantage of highlighting new and updated records for Incidents and/or Service Requests, be sure and select “Highlight New Records” and set it’s color as well as select “Highlight New Action” and select it’s color. Click Save
Enabling the Remedyforce Console
Click the check box to “enable and use the Remedyforce console
How to Enable the Remedyforce Console
To open records on the Remedyforce Console tab from the related lists for incident records, perform the following actions: Navigate to Setup > Create > Objects In the Label column, click Incident In the Page Layouts section, click Edit in the Action column for the Remedyforce Incident Console version 1.0 page layout In one of the following related lists, click : Linked Tasks Linked Problems Linked Change Requests
How to Enable the Remedyforce Console
In the Available Fields list, click the appropriate field based on the selected related list, and click the right arrow to move it to the Selected Fields list. In the Linked Change Requests related list, select Change # in the Selected Fields list and click the left arrow to move it to the Available Fields list. In the Linked Problems related list, select Problem # in the Selected Fields list and click the left arrow to move it to the Available Fields list. Selected Related List Field Linked Tasks Launch Console Linked Change Requests Change Request: Launch Console Linked Problems Problem: Launch Console
How to Enable the Remedyforce Console
To move the Launch Console column at the beginning of the Linked Tasks related list, in the Available Fields list, select Launch Console, and click the up arrow. (Optional) To move the Launch Console column at the beginning of the Linked Change Requests and Linked Problems related lists, select Launch Console and use the up arrow. Click OK, and then click Save. Repeat the steps above for the other related lists in the Incident object. For information about customizing the list views and the Agent Tools and Actions menu options, see “Customizing the Remedyforce Console tab” in the BMC Remedyforce online help.
How to enable the Console Tab for Users
Go to: Setup App Setup Create Apps Click Edit link next to BMC Remedyforce Scroll down on the available tabs column and select the Remedyforce Console Click the arrow to move to the Selected tabs column Select the profiles you want this to apply to Click save (screenshots next slides)
Walkthrough to enable the console
Click on Apps
Walkthrough to enable the console
Click on Edit link
Walkthrough to enable the console
Scroll to locate Remedyforce Console See Remedyforce Console in Selected Click the > arrow to move over
Walkthrough to enable the console
Select the profiles you want this available to Then click Save
Now the Console is available as a Tab to add
Click the + sign Click Customize My Tabs
Customize tabs to include Remedyforce Console
Click the Add > arrow to move to Selected Tabs Click Save Click on Remedyforce Console in Available Tabs
Page Layout Configuration
Administration Tasks
Discovery - Current State to Future State
When enabling the console, it is a good practice to do some assessment of your current state layouts and configuration design of your future state layouts Review current state of the layout of the incident form, problem form, etc. to determine if the page layout will need to change How is the page layout today and do you want to change it? Address what fields are in use today and decide which fields will be needed going forward, which ones can go away, and any new custom fields to add potentially How are the fields displayed today and do you want to change them? Assess the groupings on the forms (aka “field sets”) Are there additional field sets that may be required (aka any different sections on the form you may want to add)? Start with assessing use of any custom fields
Custom Fields Start by reviewing your custom fields
Custom fields are usually added for additional information that a customer wants to capture Start by reviewing your custom fields Ask why are we using them? Make decisions if we are going to keep or eliminate use of them Review current custom fields to determine if new version of Remedyforce has these fields, OOTB now Determine if the custom field is used for reporting – if yes, keep it Typical custom field reasons – Usually when someone wants an additional date field, or a legacy ticket number field, or a vendor ticket number field How do I determine what a custom field is? Go to Rf Admin > Manage Objects > Incidents > Custom field/relationships The fields with BMC Rf – denote OOTB, little blue arrow/envelope Any field that doesn’t start with BMC Rf and has “Delete” as an option is a custom field because you cannot Delete OOTB managed fields
How do you know what a custom field is?
Example of a custom field
Visual Force page layout – Assess your fields
Here is where you could view supporting info This might be what customers are used to for a page layout…note, Supporting information in blue pages – by default was hidden by design because having too much VF affected performance – so this was done to acknowledge perf issues in the beginning
Visual Force page layout - differences
This info now found in Record Details button
Rf Console – Record Details
This info now found in Record Details button
New Page Layout that can be configured
How do you want the form to look?
Page Layout Field Sets Now that you know what we mean by page layouts, let’s assess the sections on the console incident page layout Reminder, the page layout is basically the way the form is laid out and how the fields are displayed on the form Groupings of the fields on your page/form, are called “field sets” Field sets are essentially a “bucket” for fields, per object Let’s now walk through what you were used to when you had to add a field set and then compare to how to manage field sets using the Remedyforce console Purpose of adding field set You would add a new field set so that you can modify the incident form to have a custom section to capture information that may not typically be created on the incident form
Creating field sets in the new world
Go to Administration –Manage Objects – Create/Edit Objects Click here if you want to add additional fields Click here to add field sets
Create a field set walkthrough
Click New
Create a field set walkthrough
Create a field set walkthrough
Enter a label, name and description Then click Save
Create a field set walkthrough
Field selector at the top lists fields available on incident object Drag & drop fields here Note -- If you create custom fields for the object they too would appear in the field selector window
Create a field set walkthrough
Click Save when finished Here are the fields being dragged down Note - first field dragged down is on the left hand side of the page, second one is right hand side and so on and so on
Create a field set walkthrough
Here is the new field set Note - If you go to the console, you won’t see the new field set show up on the incident form yet
To enable your field set in the Console
Go to Remedyforce Admin – Application Settings
To enable your field set in the Console
Go to Consoles
To enable your field set in the Console
Select a profile on the left hand side
To enable your field set in the Console
Click create/edit layout Selected profile
To enable your field set in the Console
My new field set is listed
To enable your field set in the Console
Click on console layout to highlight
To enable your field set in the Console
Move your field set over Highlight the field set you created and move to the right hand side and then move up or down depending on where you want it to show up on the form
To enable your field set in the Console
Click Save and then OK After Save/OK, Go to the console, open an incident and will see the new section/field set on the form
Configure the Console Column Headers
You can also manipulate the column headers that appear on the incident form Setup Create Objects Incident Page Layout Edit – Column Headers Drag the fields that you want to appear as Column Headers For example if you would like to create views on Incidents and Services Requests, drag the “Type” column header into the field set section
Configure the Console Column Headers
Drag down the fields you want for the Column Headers These are the column headers you can configure
Configuring Actions and Agent Tools Menus – New Options
Removes the old buttons that you used to have to use on the forms Now replaced with a pull down menu Available Actions are per profile Select each profile and configure the available actions to appear in the drop down menu NEW - adding custom actions (add custom actions)
Configure Available Actions
Option of 1 or 2 columns; most choose 2 columns Here you are deciding which actions you want to show up in the actions list for each profile
Per Profile – configure available actions
Select Service Desk Staff
Available Actions Descriptions
Let’s review what each options means
Available Actions Descriptions
Add Note: a staff member can add a log entry of an action taken against a ticket - Example installed new hard drive, etc. – it’s a note in the ticket for actions you’ve done New Action: allows you to select from a menu of available actions other than new note. For example client notes; client notes lets you make an entry to the ticket that can be visible by the requestor via the Self Service portal View Action History: allows you to quickly view all the entries against the ticket without having to go to the related lists page Attach/view files: this is where you add an attachment or view the attachments associated with the incidents (used to have to go record details, scroll to attachments section) Separator: allows you to put in the dash lines to distinguish between the type of actions for order; it helps you to better organize your actions available Responded: allows you to pause the clock on the response SLA timer (good to have only if you configured SLAs)
Available Actions Descriptions
allows you to send an from the ticket; utilizing the listener There are essentially three listeners: Create incident listener: this would allow for receiving to an address, having an incident created Conversation listener: would allow you to send s within the ticket so there is a permanent record in the action history and any replies from recipient would be auto recorded into the ticket Third one is the new one called Listener and it’s a combination that now does both functions as above
Available Actions Descriptions
Submit for Approval: submits ticket for approval based on existing configured approval processes Clone: makes copy of existing ticket Close: brings up pop window to select status, closure category, closure details as well as check boxes to close linked incidents and tasks Let’s see a screenshot next … next…so in screenshot, go to actions, close and you are presented with close screen
Available Actions Descriptions: CLOSE
Actions – Close brings up this box
Available Actions Descriptions
Quick Close: sets the ticket status to close and saves the ticket Note – this one is regularily omitted from the actions list because customers want to make sure closure details, reason and other validation rules so this is not popular Reopen: allows you to reopen a ticket Note – this not popular because customers want tickets closed and only allow a ticket to be reopened by certain staff Print: print the incident record to a printer Print to PDF: create a PDF of the incident
Let’s review Available Agent Tools to configure
Available Agent Tools Descriptions
Knowledge Search: allows you to search for knowledge articles Create Knowledge Article: allows you to create a knowledge article CI Explorer: view relationship information related to CIs Incident Matching: suggested incidents based on similar criteria like category to view if a resolution exists Suggested templates: this are typically hidden because it will allow you to look at existing ticket information and try to match against existing templates Suggested owners: same note as for templates, but looks up against configuration of suggested owners to suggest who the ticket should be assigned to Service targets: brings up information on the SLAs that the ticket is being measured against
Available Agent Tools Descriptions
Incident Manifest: allows you to see all of the tasks if they are fired off or waiting for the incident Incident manifest - allows you to see all of the tasks if they are fired off or waiting for the incident – examples Have a SR – new hire – needs lots of items/access, etc. Some things need a sequence 123 go first, then 456 have to wait When you create SR, 123 are created, then you look at related lists, will only show u 123, to see the 456 tasks, you have to view the incident manifest
Other Administrative tasks to consider
Consider if you had any validation rules or workflows set up using custom fields You will still need that custom field if you have a validation rule that includes that custom field or a workflow If you have decided to deactivate a field and it was tied to a workflow or a validation rule, you may need to modify that rule or workflow if you still require it, or, deactivate if no longer needed Configure Views Staff are able to create their own views in the Remedyforce Console, however an administrator might choose to create the views and have them applied to all staff Configure Home Page / Remedyforce Online Help Configure per profile, what home page layout you want your profiles to view Configure Surveys Configure Dashboards
Configure Views for Staff
From console, select Create New View
Other Administrative Tasks
If applicable…
Configure Views for all Staff
Go through the steps to create your view and then select who the view should apply to: Choose who view should be visible to, click Save
Configure Remedyforce Home
Consider what home page layout you want your staff to use Go to Setup > Customize > Home > Home Page Layout Review assignment per profile Click Edit to change page layout assignments
Configure Remedyforce Home Layout
Option to Search Remedyforce Remedyforce Online Help! Alignability Process Model
Configure Surveys Go to Remedyforce Administration > Application Settings > Surveys Prior to Summer 13, there was Survey Monkey as the only option for surveys; now this is internal capability within Rf Click on Surveys
Configure Surveys Note: BMC Services best practice recommendations for surveys
Configure questions, response options, etc.
Example Survey Configure questions, response options, etc.
Dashboards – then and now..
Configure Salesforce Dashboards
Click Edit to modify Note: When you click Edit, you’re still essentially dragging the report and configuring the page
Configure Self Service
Self Service 3.0 was introduced as an enhancement to Self Service, which has differences from 1.0 where configuration decisions need to be assessed: Tiles to display Tiles to hide Custom tiles Popular Service Requests You might be still using Self Service 1.0 and require assistance with transition to 2.0.
Self Service 1.0 Scrolling broadcast in a new place
Replaced by tile called View Tickets & Requests Quick links, direct links in a new place
Configure popular articles, common tickets and common requests
Self Service 3.0 Scrolling Broadcast Configure popular articles, common tickets and common requests
Self Service 3.0 – Activity Feed
We’ve added a new Activity Feed so clients can easily and quickly see the tickets they have opened and their status.
Self Service 3.0 – View Requests and Incidents
Additionally we’ve modernized the interface so clients can easily see the details of their Incidents and Service Requests.
Enable Self Service 3.0 If you are still on Self Service 1.0, and you have upgraded to Remedyforce Winter 17 or Summer 17 and you do NOT see Self Service Version, you will need to grant BMC Support access to your Org in order to reset a private Self Service Setting. Once that setting is switched you should then see this:
Self Service Version In Self Service Version, change Self Service to Configure to Version 3.0 and use Preview to see what your clients will see when using Self Service. Make necessary configuration adjustments. When you’re ready to turn on for your clients, set Self Service Deployed to Clients to Version 3.0.
Administer Self Service
Administration > Configure Self Service Here are the SS configuration options
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