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Housing Resources used by MN Tribes
Bois Forte Leech Lake Fond du Lac Grand Portage White Earth Red Lake Mille Lacs Upper Sioux Lower Sioux Shakopee Mdewakaton Prairie Island Emergency Services Program xx Emergency Solutions Grant Transitional Housing Program Homeless Youth Act Long-term Homeless Supportive Services Group Residential Housing MN Supplemental Aid: Housing Assistance SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program Sub grantee Housing and Urban Development Slide of what the Tribal Nations are currently accessing in the green MSA Housing Assistance: An income supplement for individuals, possible to be used by people on Reservations. Group Residential Housing: No tribal government is receiving or administering GRH funding, however there is a GRH-funded housing program on White Earth Reservation which is administered by the County.
Housing Resources in MN
Program Population Served Description Funding Opportunities Contact Person Emergency Services Program (ESP) Managed by DHS-OEO Homeless individuals, families and youth Funds operating and service costs of overnight shelters, motel vouchers, day shelters and stabilization services. Competitive biennial RFP Tribal governments eligible Apply: Spring 2017 Isaac Wengerd Or Dina Chou Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) Same as above, plus rapid re-housing (medium-term rental assistance and services) Tribes must apply as a non-profit Apply: Spring Spring 2017 Slides of Resources Available
Housing Resources in MN
Program Population Served Description Funding Opportunities Transitional Housing Program Managed by DHS-OEO Homeless individuals, families and youth Rental subsidies and supportive services to attain and maintain permanent, stable housing. Participants pay at least 25% of income, and stay is limited to 24 months Competitive biennial RFP Tribal governments eligible Apply: spring 2017 Tom Balsley Homeless Youth Act Unaccompanied homeless (or at-risk) youth (age 21 or younger) Funds street outreach, drop-in center programs, emergency shelter, transitional living programs and/or supportive housing. Andrea Simonett
Housing Resources in MN
Program Population Served Description Funding Opportunities Contact Long-Term Homeless Supportive Services Managed by DHS-TES Families, singles and youth experiencing long term homelessness Flexible funding and case management to assist people to find and maintain housing. No time limits on services. Competitive RFP in spring of Counties in collaboration with Tribes eligible New this year: Counties and tribes are eligible for funding under this section. Priority will be given to proposals submitted on behalf of multicounty and tribal partnerships. Pat Leary Group Residential Housing (GRH) Managed by DHS-TES and administered by counties/tribal governments. Aged, blind or over 18 and disabled And eligible for SSI or GA. Income supplement toward room and board costs, and in some situations, supplemental services in licensed or registered settings (including adult foster care, board and lodging, scattered site apartments, or homeless shelters). Follow Reservation health and safety requirements Need a GRH Agreement with a county or tribal nation Kristine Davis Or Jeremy Galley GRH: Tribes seek a GRH Agreement with a County. legislation is being sought so that GRH is administered not by a County but by a “Lead Agency”, including a Tribal Government. Tribes will need to use MAXIS to administer GRH.
Housing Resources in MN
Program Population Served Description Funding Opportunities Contact Minnesota Supplemental Aid (MSA): Housing Assistance Managed by DHS-TES People receiving SSI and MSA Ages 18-65 Moving from an institution OR eligible for PCA or waiver services Income supplement of $200 per month to assist with housing costs for eligible individuals whose housing costs exceed 40% of their total income. Individuals eligible for MSA apply at the county or legislatively authorized tribal human services (e.g. White Earth) John Petroskas SSI/SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery (SOAR) Adults experiencing homelessness and mental illness Services to help people apply for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) to increase income to pay for housing. RFP Tribal governments eligible Apply: out now Dawn Holmen MSA: MN income supplement
Housing Resources in MN
Program Population Served Description Funding Opportunities Contact Family Homelessness Prevention and Assistance Program Managed by MN Housing Families, singles and youth experiencing (or at imminent risk of) homelessness Funds rental assistance, services and other efforts to prevent or decrease the period of time people are homeless and/or in shelters. Competitive biennial RFP Tribes must apply as a non-profit Target Date: 2016 Diane Elias Housing and Urban Development Managed by local CoCs Families, singles and youth experiencing homelessness Operations, capital and service funding to assist people to find and maintain housing. Competitive RFP Tribes must apply as a non-profit through the CoC process Next: Summer 2016 Pat Leary
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