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Unified Mobility Management Network Research Division

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1 Unified Mobility Management Network Research Division
Architecture for NGN Kyounghee Lee Network Research Division

2 ITU-T MM Standardization Activities
Recommendations & Drafts Group Scope Recommendations/Drafts Status MM JRG (Q2/19 + Q6/13) MM Requirements (Stage 1) & Framework (Stage 2) for NGN Q.1705/Y.2801 (MM Requirements for NGN) In Force, Nov. 2006 Q.1707/Y.2804 (Generic Framework of MM for NGN) Approved, Feb. 2008 Q.1708/Y.2805 (Framework of Location Management for NGN) Q.1709/Y.2806 (Framework of Handover Control for NGN) Approved, Oct. 2008 Q.SMF (Framework of MM in Service Stratum for NGN) Q.MM-WAU (MM for Interworking between WiMAX and UMTS) Q.MM-VPN (MM Architecture & Scenarios for Mobile VPN Services) Working Draft Q3/13 Mobility Management & Control Function (MMCF) Architecture in NGN Y.MMCF (Mobility Management & Control Framework and Architecture within the NGN Transport Stratum) Q2/13 MPLS-based MM Architecture Y.2807 (MPLS-based MM for NGN services) AAP consented, Sep. 2008 Q7/11 NACF-related NGN MM protocols Q.NACF.mob0 (NACF Signalling Requirements & Architecture for Nomadism) Q.NACF.mob1 (L2/L3 Interworking Issues in NACF) Q.NACF.mob2 (Signalling Requirements & Architecture of NACF for IPv6 Mobility)

3 Next Step for MM? MM JRG has produced 4 Recommendations in Stage 1/2
MMR (Q.1705/Y.2801), MMF (Q.1707/Y.2804), LMF (Q.1708/Y.2805), HCF (Q.1709/Y.2806) The scope was limited as “Terminal Mobility at Network Layer” Current MM issues for NGN Harmonization of MM framework and NGN-FRA r2 Y.MMCF (Q3/13) is being positioned for this purpose MM signaling & implementation details (Stage 3/4) Q.NACF.mob (Q7/11) series are going on as the NACF functionality MM signaling based on MMCF Architecture? Advanced MM issues Integration of MM architecture at different layers Seamless & QoS-guaranteed mobility support Integration of host-based & network-based MM approaches Vertical handover support, etc.

4 Why Unified MM Architecture (UMA)?
Motivation A unified MM architecture would be required to: combine various MM approaches in ITU-T accommodate de-facto SDOs’ MM architectures (3GPP, IETF, IEEE, …) introduce advanced MM features into a single architecture Design considerations of UMA Addressing the scalability problem on MIP/PMIP-based solutions Concretion of MMCF architecture Signaling protocol & implementation scenario Interworking with the other functions in NGN Accommodation of 3GPP LTE/SAE architecture Integration of IMS-based MM architecture QoS guarantees with mobility support Flow-based QoS control QoS interworking between IP domain & RF domain

5 All-IP Converged Network (AIPCN)
UMA is being designed for MM in AIPCN Definition of AIPCN An IP-based Fixed/Mobile/Broadcasting converged network, which provides the service continuity to multimedia users independent of type, location and access technology of a mobile terminal Service Continuity: Authentication, security, connection, QoS, policy [Ref.] Definition of AIPN in 3GPP A collection of entities that provide a set of capabilities for the provision of IP services to users based on IP technology where various access systems can be connected QoS (e.g. End-to-end QoS, policy coordination) Multiple Access System scenarios Network/Domain/Access System Selection principles and policies Mobility  enhancements Network resiliency, redundancy  and reliability Resource availability and optimization Network management (e.g. ‘back-office’ considerations for new services) Interoperability Service

6 High Level Requirements of UMA
Authentication continuity Seamless AAA for network & services with a Single-Sign-On (SSO) Security continuity Transparent security service independent of access network & IP addressing scheme Connection continuity Provisioning of seamless IP connectivity for users moving among heterogeneous networks QoS continuity Seamless & adaptive QoS guarantees depending on the mobile users’ communication environment Policy continuity Integrity of user preference & service policy independent of a user’s location & terminal

7 Functional Requirements of UMA
Unified IP mobility control Host-initiated + Network-initiated Multi-session mobility support Authentication convergence Access authentication + Mobility service authentication Fast authentication with context-transfer QoS guarantee Flow-based QoS control over IP-in-IP encapsulation Interworking between IP domain & RF domain QoS Policy switching with user’s movement Integration of IMS-based MM & IP-based MM IP-based MM: M_NACF  MMCF  M_RACF IMS-based MM: M_NACF  SCF  MMCF  M_RACF Functional extensions required to RACF/NACF/SCF Interworking with 3GPP network Interwork with GPRS/SAE/LTE M_ : Mobility Support SCF : Service Control Function NACF: Network Attachment Control Function MMCF: Mobility Management & Control Function RACF: Resource Admission & Control Function

8 Unified IP Mobility Control (1/3)
High level architecture SCF U_MMCF M_RACF UE AR H/O Mobility Control Sig. Call set-up/mobility Control Sig. Data HBMC NBMC HBMC : Host-based Mobility Control NBMC : Network-based Mobility Control

9 Unified IP Mobility Control (2/3)
Functional description Unified MMCF Location management Handover control Separation of data & control planes Single architecture to support both host-based & network-based MM Integration of IP mobility & call/session mobility IP mobility: transport stratum Call/session mobility: service stratum Seamless service provisioning with an integrated control QoS policy switching User preference & QoS policy are transferred with user’s movement IP Addressing Unique ID & Location ID based on IPv4/v6

10 Unified IP Mobility Control (3/3)
Overall framework IMGWF : Integrated Mobile G/W function EUF : End user function RRCF : Radio resource control function ATF : Access transport function M_SCF M_NACF CTF RRCF AAA IMGWF ATF EUF Converged Authentication CDR mgt. for H/O Session Dynamic awareness of IP-CAN Host-based Access Authentication I/F with U_MMCF U_MMCF Unified mobility Control Host-based + Net-based I/F with M_RACF M_RACF HoA/CoA mgt. Resource control for H/O session Policy switching 3G terminal mgt. 3G tunnel info. mgt. Tunnel interworking 3GPP–IP mobility Flow QoS Control Radio adaptive QoS H/O control agent Radio resource inform. push to ATF HBMC NBMC

11 Thank You for Your Attention.

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