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Aug 15, 2017 The Puritans Do Now: Set up notes Cornell style

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1 Aug 15, 2017 The Puritans Do Now: Set up notes Cornell style EQ: What are the Puritan beliefs and how did they impact American Literature? Agenda: Notes on the Puritans Anne Bradstreet poetry: TPCASTT

2 PURITANISM was a RELIGIOUS GROUP which came into existence in the 16th century in England.
The Puritans were one branch of DISSENTERS who decided that the Church of England was “beyond reform”. TO ESCAPE PERSECUTION from church leadership and the King, they CAME TO AMERICA. The first group CAME IN THE MAYFLOWER and was included with the group called Pilgrims. They left England determined to build A PERFECT MORAL SOCIETY in America. Most of the Puritans SETTLED IN THE NEW ENGLAND area.

3 They wanted to "PURIFY" THE CHURCH and their own lives.
They believed that the BIBLE WAS God's true LAW, and that it provided a plan for living. GOD was at the forefront of their minds, He MOTIVATED ALL OF THEIR ACTIONS. Because of their views, PURITANS WERE frequently PERSECUTED and many fled to other countries - such as America - where they could both escape this persecution and set up their own ideal societies.

4 The doctrine of PREDESTINATION kept all Puritans constantly working to do good in this life to be chosen for the next eternal one. PREDESTINATION = God had ALREADY CHOSEN WHO WOULD BE IN HEAVEN OR HELL, and each believer had no way of knowing which group they were in – but if you sinned, you’d lose your spot. They felt that HARD WORK was an honor to God and WOULD LEAD TO a prosperous reward (HEAVEN). Those who were WEALTHY WERE OBVIOUSLY BLESSED BY GOD and were in good standing with Him.

5 RELIGIOUS EXCLUSIVENESS was the foremost principle of their society
RELIGIOUS EXCLUSIVENESS was the foremost principle of their society. PEOPLE OF OPPOSING VIEWS WERE ASKED TO LEAVE the community. They believed that God could forgive anything, but MAN COULD FORGIVE ONLY BY SEEING A CHANGE IN BEHAVIOR. Actions spoke louder than words, so ACTIONS HAD TO BE CONSTANTLY CONTROLLED. Anyone straying from the Puritan way of life met with STRICT DISCIPLINE. There was no margin for error. CHURCH ELDERS WERE ALSO POLITICAL LEADERS, any church infraction was also a social one. Puritans believed that THE DEVIL WALKED THE EARTH and that HE WAS BEHIND EVERY EVIL DEED. CONSTANT WATCH needed to be kept OVER OTHER MEMBERS OF SOCIETY in order to stay away from his clutches. People were ENCOURAGED by the church TO SPY ON THEIR NEIGHBORS

6 All forms of ENTERTAINMENT were BANNED in their in Puritan society
Puritanism has become renowned for its OPPOSITION TO ALL FORMS OF ENTERTAINMENT - especially gambling and drinking, but also reading, music and dancing. These attitudes, together with the banning of the wearing of jewelry and other items of fashion, have given the Puritans a REPUTATION FOR BEING PRUDISH AND 'KILL-JOYS'. READING OF THE BIBLE was necessary to living a pious life and CHILDREN WERE QUIZZED on the Bible at school and at home. All forms of ENTERTAINMENT were BANNED in their in Puritan society Drama and books led to “immorality” Music created a "dreamy" state that blocked out the voice of God. The only ACCEPTABLE FORMS OF ENTERTAINMENT: reading THE BIBLE and writing POETRY – always RELIGIOUS in content.

7 “Puritan” Literature that we will read…
Anne Bradstreet (two poems) * actual Puritan Johnathan Edwards (one sermon) * actual Puritan Nathanial Hawthorne (a short story and a novel) * not a Puritan, but wrote about them Arthur Miller – maybe??? (a play) * not a Puritan, but wrote about them

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