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Chapter 1: Definitions, Families of Curves

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1 Chapter 1: Definitions, Families of Curves
MATH 374 Lecture 1 Chapter 1: Definitions, Families of Curves

2 1.1: Examples of Differential Equations
What is a Differential Equation? Definition: A differential equation is an equation which involves an unknown function and some of its derivatives. A common place to find differential equations is in mathematical models.

3 Example 1 Here are some differential equations:

4 Variables in a Differential Equation
Definition: If an equation involves the derivative of one variable with respect to another, then the former is called a dependent variable and the latter an independent variable. Any variable which is neither independent nor dependent is a parameter.

5 Example 2 In equations (1) – (3), state which variables are independent, dependent, and parameters. (1): x independent, y dependent, k and P parameters. (2): t, x, and y independent, u dependent (3): t independent, x dependent, m, b, k, and  parameters.

6 Example 3 A differential equation may also be given in differential form. Consider this equation: 2x(y + 1)dx – y dy = 0 (4) Equation (4) may be written as: 2x(y + 1) – y dy/dx = 0 (5) or 2x(y + 1)dx/dy – y = 0 (6) In (5), x is independent and y is dependent. The roles of x and y are reversed in (6). Thus, if we have an equation in differential form, we will consider either variable to be independent, with the other being dependent.

7 1.2: Definitions Definition: The order of a differential equation is the order of the highest-order derivative present in the equation.

8 Example 4 The differential equation has order 4.
What about the examples above?

9 nth order ODE Definition: Any differential equation of the form
F(x, y, y’, … , y(n)) = 0 (8) is called an nth order ordinary differential equation.

10 nth order ODE Often an nth order ODE can be solved explicitly for y(n) in terms of x, y, y’, …, y(n-1) and written in the form y(n) = f(x, y, y’, … , y(n-1)) (9) In this course, we will always assume we can write an ODE of form (8) in form (9), in one way.

11 nth order ODE Remark: This is not always the case. For example, the equation x (y’)2 + 4 y’ -6x2 = 0 can be written in two different ways in terms of y’. See our text, page 20. Use the quadratic formula to solve for y’!

12 Solution of an nth order ODE
Definition: A solution of the nth order ODE (8) is a function  defined on an interval a<x<b such that ’, ’’, … , (n) exist on a<x<b and F(x, (x), ’(x), … , (n)(x)) = 0 for every x in a<x<b.

13 Example 5 Show that y = 3e4x is a solution of y’’ – 4y’ = 0 on 0<x<5. Solution: y = 3e4x y’ = 12e4x y’’ = 48e4x y, y’, and y’’ are defined on 0<x<5 and y’’ – 4 y’ = 48e4x – 4(12e4x) = 0. Note that there is nothing special about the choice of interval in this example. In fact y = 3e4x is a solution of y’’ – 4 y’ = 0 on any interval a<x<b. For cases like these, we will say the solution exists for all x.

14 Linear ODE Definition: An nth order ODE is said to be linear if it can be written in the form: Which of the above equations are linear?

15 Linear PDE The notion of linearity can be extended to partial differential equations. For example, is the general first order linear PDE in two independent variables.

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