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Presentation for subject librarians and others, August-September 2013

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1 Presentation for subject librarians and others, August-September 2013
Funds and Ledgers Presentation for subject librarians and others, August-September 2013

2 Funds and Ledgers Overview of fund structure
Fund code list - Financial Services Staffweb Monthly Alma Report - Financial Services Finding real-time fund information in Alma For individual funds For a fund group Questions??? Exercise

3 Alma Fund Structure Library Ledger Summary Fund Allocated Fund $$$
Alma funds are in a hierarchy. At the top is the institution (called Library). Then comes Ledger, Summary Fund, and Allocated Fund. Only the Allocated Fund has actually money attached to it.

4 Alma Fund Structure for Library-UW
There are 6 ledgers associated with the UW, including Law. The Main ledger is expanded to show an example of our fund structure. Our Main fund groups serve as Summary Funds, below which are the associated Allocated Funds. Other Ledgers may or may not use Summary Funds.

5 Alma Fund Codes can be found on Financial Services Staffweb
Under Procedures & Tools select More… and then select Alma Fund Codes Folder Most library codes have not changed from Millennium except for Bothell, Business and Central funds

6 Select Alma Fund Codes Folder.

7 Alma Fund Codes: Main


9 Monthly Alma Reports https://staffweb. lib. washington

10 Finding “real-time” fund information in Alma
There are several ways to find fund information in Alma. Usually selectors will want to search by fund code or fund name.

11 One way to search for fund information is with the persistent search box

12 Or, search using the Alma menu

13 Alma Search by Fund Code Use exact code or truncate for multiple funds
For state funds, typing the first 4 characters of the fund code with the truncation symbol * will usually retrieve both the monograph and serial funds.

14 Alma Search by Fund Name Truncating before & after a character string will be most comprehensive
UW Seattle fund names begin with the summary fund/fund group number. Gift and grant funds begin with the six-character budget number. Use the * symbol before and after a character string for the most results. Ignore facet limits by Library.

15 Finding Fund Balances example: gsefm
While the drop down menu gives multiple ways to search, often it’s not necessary to change the default <All>.

16 From snapshot to detail …
At a glance we see the most important pieces of information. For more detail, select View.

17 Summary Tab When you select View, summary tab gives you graphics of fund code status.

18 Scroll to bottom to see Balance Type.

19 Transactions Tab Transaction screen shows the PO Line with Allocation, Encumbrances, Dis-encumbrances, and Expenditures (credit in this example). You can also see the Allocation (carry forward amount for the budget) of $10, The $ is the 4QFY2013 Interest. The View button is deactivated.

20 Special notes for state funds
Until actual allocation takes place, all funds have a provisional allocation of $1 Overencumbrance (and overexpenditure) is allowed At this time serial funds show encumbrances for the associated POs. As new invoices are paid, the related POs will disencumber.

21 Especially for fund managers
Finding Fund Group balances in more or less real time

22 Finding fund group balances with facets
You can find Summary Fund (fund group) information by using the Ledger facet on the left. Note that the Main and Tacoma ledgers are only displayed after clicking More. Only Main funds require drilling down to the Summary Fund level; other groupings are at the Ledger level.

23 Under Type, select Summary Fund (only necessary for Main funds)

24 Further limiting gets to the desired balance Summary Details view
Further limiting gets to the desired balance Summary Details view Funds view After selecting Summary Fund, choose the fund group you wish to view. You’ll first be presented with the Summary view; selecting the Funds tab will lead to the list of specific Allocated Funds subsumed by the Summary Fund.

25 Now it’s your turn … Questions? (send in any question not answered today via the Problem Reporting Form on the Ex Libris Portal) Documentation is on the Ex Libris Portal under Training Temporary selector “Daddy Warbucks” user login via the Alma internal account (on Ex Libris Portal): Username: Selector Password: selector1234

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