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Introduction to Shakespearean Tragedies

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1 Introduction to Shakespearean Tragedies
Advanced Language Arts Notes

2 The Tragedies Tragedy – a serious drama having a sorrowful or disastrous conclusion Types Revenge tragedy – the hero discovers that a close relative has been murdered, experiences considerable trouble in identifying the murderer. After overcoming numerous obstacles, he finally succeeds in avenging the death by killing the murderer Tragic comedy

3 The Tragedies Tragic World Consequences are irreversible
Nobility – persons of great and noble birth make a mistake in judgment and fall Everyone is affected by the tragedy Focus is directed on actual tragedy and tragic hero Relationships are more intense. Lovers become frustrated, suicidal Evil is very real and prevalent

4 The Tragedies Qualities of the Tragic Hero
Noble birth – strength of characters larger than life. Excellence makes him more susceptible to mistakes. The more perfect, the more vulnerable. High birth impels him to perform daring actions that the common man would not attempt. It is these actions that will have drastic consequences.

5 The Tragedies Qualities of the Tragic Hero
Failure – fall from great height. Often undone by his own greatness Tragic Flaw – makes an error in judgment Responsible for the fate he must endure; his death is tragic, yet deserved

6 The Tragedies Qualities of the Tragic Hero
There must be a point where the tragic hero realizes he has made an irreversible mistake After realization, hero must accept the inevitable death Hero must express his tragic experience with extreme perceptivity as to affect everyone with its intensity

7 The Tragedies Purpose of a Tragedy
Designed to make the common man (us!) come to terms with reality Asks the audience to transform human suffering into human greatness

8 The Tragedies Central Aspect of Tragedy
Death – it is ironic that from awareness of mortality comes the concept of immortality (life after death) The tragedy of life is the persistence of death and evil. The only consolation we have is that good survives and life goes on.

9 The Tragedies “Now might I do it pat, now ‘a is a-praying;
And now I’ll do ‘t. And so ‘a goes to heaven, And so am I revenged. That would be scanned: A villain kills my father, and for that, I, his sole son, do this same villain send To heaven.”

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