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Noun: a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.

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Presentation on theme: "Noun: a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea."— Presentation transcript:

1 Noun: a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.
Nouns Noun: a word that names a person, place, thing, or idea.

2 Singular vs. Plural Nouns

3 A plural noun represents more than one person, place, idea, or thing.
Singular Nouns A singular noun is a noun that represents only one person, place, thing, or idea A plural noun represents more than one person, place, idea, or thing.

4 Singular/Plural Nouns
Nouns can be singular or plural, depending on if they name one person, place, or thing, or more than one. General rules for making a noun plural: If it ends in: Add: -s, -ch, -sh, -zz, -x -es -y Change the -y to -i and add -es (most) –f, -fe Change –f to –v and add –es Almost all other words -s

5 Singular/Plural Nouns
Irregular Plurals: Some are irregular: Woman  women / Ox  oxen Some don’t change from singular to plural: fish  fish / sheep  sheep Examples: Singular: boy, body, watch, wife, ox Plural: boys, bodies, watches, wives, oxen

6 Find and list all of the nouns in the following exercises.

7 Exercise 1 Hanging from a cord attached to the middle of the ceiling there was an electric bulb, low enough for an adult to reach and turn the black switch. I realized that this was our own electric light for us to turn on and off as we pleased. I pushed a chair under it and after some instruction from my mother proceeded to create lightning in the room by turning the switch as fast as I could.

8 Exercise 2 Next I discovered the bedsprings. When I sat on the bed it sank deliciously. Jumping on it in my stockinged feet, I held my balance dangerously as I made the bed creak and the mattress bounce. The head and foot of the bed were made of iron scrollwork in loops and rosettes painted white.

9 Proper vs. Common Nouns

10 Proper vs. Common Nouns A common noun names any person, place, thing, or idea and is not usually capitalized. (ball, child) A proper noun names a specific person, place, or thing, and begins with a capital letter. (Tom, Washington)

11 Concrete vs. Abstract Nouns

12 Concrete vs. Abstract Nouns
A concrete noun names a thing that can be touched, seen, heard, smelled, or tasted (something you can use the five senses for). Example: notebook, face, ladder, scream, plum An abstract noun names an idea, theory, a quality, a feeling, or a characteristic- something you CANNOT use the five senses for. Example: fantasy, psychology, hope, freedom

13 Collective Nouns

14 Collective Nouns Collective nouns name groups- such as family, committee, and class- that are made up of individuals. A collective noun may either be singular or plural, depending on how the group acts.

15 Compound Nouns

16 Compound Nouns One word Two or more words Hyphenated Examples
A compound noun is a noun made up of two or more words. Some compound nouns are written as one word, some as two or more words, and some as hyphenated words.. Examples One word Grandmother, desktop, bookcase Two or more words Valentine’s Day, New York, lemon tree, mother of the bride Hyphenated Sister-in-law, twelve-year-old, great-grandfather

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