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Grammar Unit 1: Parts of Speech

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1 Grammar Unit 1: Parts of Speech
All About Nouns

2 Nouns: Definitions A NOUN is a word that names a PERSON, PLACE, THING or IDEA. A SINGULAR noun names one of these, and a PLURAL noun names more than one. EXAMPLES: SINGULAR PLURAL Person: child children Place: corner corners Thing: piano pianos Idea: religion religions

3 NOUNS: DEFINITIONS (continued)
A COLLECTIVE nou n names a group. It is SINGULAR when it referes to the group as a whole, but PLURAL when it refers to the individual members of a group. EXAMPLES: Singular: The jury is still deliberating. Plural: The jury are arguing loudly.

A PROPER noun names a particular person, place, thing or idea. It begins with a capital letter. A COMMON noun is the ggeneral name of a person, place, thing or idea. EXAMPLES: Common Proper Person: uncle Uncle Al Place: country Dominican Republic Thing: movie Schindler’s List Idea: era The Renaissance

A CONCRETE noun names an object that occupies space or can be recognized by any of the senses. An ABSTRACT noun names an idea, quality, or characteristic. EXAMPLES: Concrete: sneeze, star, explosion, hedgehog, chimney Abstract: politeness, ability, honesty, love, beauty

6 NOUNS: Guided Practice
COPY THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES ON YOUR NOTES. SKIP LINES! Underline each noun. Above the sentence, label the noun as singular/plural/collective, common/proper, and abstract/concrete Congress debated the issue and approved the bill defining consumer rights. Every four years, soccer teams from continents including Europe, Africa and South America battle for first place.

7 NOUNS: Guided Practice answers
Sing/Coll/Prop/Conc Sing/Comm/Abs Sing/Comm/Conc Congress debated the issue and approved the bill Plu/Comm/Abs defining consumer rights. Plu/Comm/Conc Plu/Comm/Conc Plu/Comm/Conc Every four years, soccer teams from continents including SIng/Prop/Conc Sing/P:rop/Conc Sing/Prop/Conc Sing/Comm/Conc Europe, Africa and South America battle for first place.

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