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Examples of Responses.

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Presentation on theme: "Examples of Responses."— Presentation transcript:

0 Interpreting and Using Data: Testing A New Product
Projector Resources

1 Examples of Responses

2 Planning a Joint Method
Take turns to explain your ideas for a method. Listen carefully to each other and ask questions if you don’t understand or agree. When everyone in the group has explained their ideas, try to agree on a joint method that is better than all of them. Make sure that everyone in your group can explain your chosen method. Write a brief outline of your planned method on your large sheet of paper.

3 Sample Responses to Discuss
Take turns to explain to the rest of the group what the student in your sample response has done and what your answers are to the questions on the sheet. Listen carefully to the explanations. Ask questions if you don’t understand. When everyone is satisfied with the explanations, you may want to change some of your own ideas!

4 Sample Student Work: Penny

5 Sample Student Work: Harry

6 Compare Strategies Penny Harry

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