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Calculate the car’s average VELOCITY

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1 Calculate the car’s average VELOCITY
A car travels around a corner by traveling 50 meters east, then 50 meters north. It makes the trip in 50 seconds. Calculate the car’s average VELOCITY Displacement = ? Displacement = 70.7m Time = 50s

2 The Kinematics of Freefall
Aim: Solve for an objects displacement in Free Fall. What’s the hurry? The Kinematics of Freefall HW: Kinematics WS

3 How can we define gravity?
Gravity is a force which can be defined as - a push or pull on an object toward the center of Earth.. Acceleration due to gravity is -9.8 (m/s)/s on EARTH! Moon is -1.6m/s/s and jupiter is -26m/s/s

4 How does gravity affect falling objects?
Causes all free-falling objects to accelerate down to the ground at the same rate Gravity determines an objects weight Why did the three balls fall to the ground at the same time as the book?

5 Mr. Galileo Why did both objects fall at the same rate?
Dropping Hammer and Feather on Moon Why did both objects fall at the same rate? 2. If we dropped a flat piece of paper and penny which would land first here?

6 Uses for “g” An object falls from rest. Calculate its velocity at the end of one second. Two seconds. Three seconds. t = 0 vi = 0 m/s t = 1 s v = m/s v = m/s t = 2 s t = 3 s v = m/s

7 Top 5 Facts for objects thrown straight up & free fall!
“g” is ALWAYS -9.8 m/s2 If thrown up, the velocity is zero at max height! Time going up = Time going down All kinematic equations may be used for vertical projectiles… EXCEPT V = d/t and V = (Vf + Vii)/2 Even at max height when final velocity is zero, “g” is still -9.8 m/s2

8 How about the displacement of an object in free fall?
An object is thrown up with an initial velocity of 19.6 m/s. How high does it go up before coming back down if it stays in the air for 2 seconds? Accelerating up is positive and down negative Air resistance is negligible… ALWAYS!!! Challenge students to figure this out! Cut time in air in half for distance to peak!

9 Envelope Summary Activity
Answer all the questions in your envelope with a partner. You may need multiple steps to solve a problem. Such as using 2 different equations for 2 different variables!

10 A speedboat traveling at 15 m/s accelerates at the rate of 4 m/s2 for 5 seconds. How far does the speedboat travel during the 5 seconds? A cannon fires a shot directly upward with an initial velocity of 50 m/s. How long does it take to reach maximum altitude and what was the balls displacement upwards? Hint: Use 2 equations! A car accelerates from 0 to 30 m/s in 6 seconds. How far does it go in those 6 seconds?

11 Write all the equations for motion we know up to this point.
Write something significant about each. (When can we use them, what the variables mean, how they relate to a graph… etc.)

12 Kinematics Equations

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