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Current Issues Sex slave trade Imprisonment/death penalty Racism Ageism Sexism Gender inequality at work LBGT rights Religious persecution Abortion Mental.

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Presentation on theme: "Current Issues Sex slave trade Imprisonment/death penalty Racism Ageism Sexism Gender inequality at work LBGT rights Religious persecution Abortion Mental."— Presentation transcript:


2 Current Issues Sex slave trade Imprisonment/death penalty Racism Ageism Sexism Gender inequality at work LBGT rights Religious persecution Abortion Mental health/disabilities Access to health care (insurance and medical treatment) Poverty Access to education Immigration/refugee crisis Child abuse/welfare Police brutality Gossip/Lying Government/Abuse of Power Terrorism Sexual/Domestic Assault/Abuse




6 Triangle of Victimization

7 Bystander Syndrome (Effect)
What Is the Bystander Effect? Bystander Effect occurs when the presence of others discourages an individual from intervening in an emergency situation. Social psychologists Bibb Latané and John Darley popularized the concept following the infamous 1964 Kitty Genovese murder in New York City. Genovese was stabbed to death outside her apartment while bystanders who observed the crime did not step in to assist or call the police. Latané and Darley attributed the bystander effect to the perceived diffusion of responsibility (onlookers are more likely to intervene if there are few or no other witnesses) and social influence (individuals in a group monitor the behavior of those around them to determine how to act). In Genovese's case, each onlooker concluded from their neighbors' inaction that their own personal help was not needed.



10 Lady Justice - the blindfold - the scales - the sword
Lady Justice - the blindfold - the scales - the sword *Visual Rhetoric: how an image can communicate a message (just like words)

11 Image Representation Assignment
Select one of the current issues from today’s list Find an image that depicts social justice or injustice (picture, graphic, cartoon, etc.) Write a well-developed paragraph that not only defines social justice in your own words, but also explains what the image is and how it symbolizes social justice (or a lack thereof) My example: cracked handicap parking space (represents how part of our society views those with disabilities - weak, broken, incomplete, neglected, forgotten/discarded, unworthy/unimportant, etc.)

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