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Connected Credentials!

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Presentation on theme: "Connected Credentials!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Connected Credentials!
Implementing and Issuing E-diplomas and more Heather Sharbaugh Matthew Schill Melissa Chapa

Exciting, Positive, New Parchment- partner not vendor Why did we do this? BENEFIT TO STUDENTS Promote Professional Branding Leverage Credentials Socially Increase Marketability ENGAGE Potential Employers Social Community BENEFIT TO UNIVERSITY OPPORTUNITIES Extend Brand Recognition Collection of Sharing Metrics Alumni Career Services

3 Highlights of a Digital Credential
Sharable Integrated with LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter API’s Secure PDF Download Stackable Certificates > Transcript> Diploma Electronic portfolio Student Service Diplomas ed within hours of roster upload

4 Meet your Panel Heather Sharbaugh, Director of Academic Records; Career Education Corporation Matthew Schill, Senior Associate Registrar, University of Nebraska – Omaha Melissa Chapa, Assistant University Registrar, Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi

5 Public University and is one of 11 independent campuses in the A&M System
12,500 Student Population Located in South Texas on the Gulf of Mexico and is the only U.S. Campus that inhabits its own island (Ward Island) Graduated 2,227 students in the school year

6 American InterContinental University (AIU)
Current student population over 11,000 Alumni population is over 100,000 3 campuses, 2 ground and 1 online; Atlanta, Houston and Schaumburg

7 Colorado Technical University (CTU)
Current student population over 21,000 Alumni population is over 85,000 3 campuses, 2 ground and 1 online; Denver, Colorado Springs and Schaumburg

8 University of Nebraska - Omaha
15,627 students Metropolitan University 84 percent of students are from Nebraska 2,069 First-year students – largest incoming class in UNO History 1,878 international students

9 UNO Timeline

10 UNO Communication Plan

11 CEC Timeline Slide May 2016 Parchment reached out about award service and becoming a charter member Sept 2016 signed award agreement and started conversations with stakeholders Jan-March 2017 worked on marketing plan Jan-March previewed and updated templates; trained on ordering site, trained and sent communications to all employees Pilot group issued March 7 to a small population of MBA grads from February Full roll out AIU and CTU issued to all March grads

12 Stakeholders and Working Meetings- AIU and CTU
Parchment reached out about award service and becoming a charter member May 2016 Contract amended and signed September 2016 Project conversations began in October 2016 Project stakeholders identified and notified in early November Registrar, Student Services, Alumni Affairs, Marketing, Career Services, Finance, IT, Academics, Campus Representation, Parchment Bi-weekly meetings since November 2016 through March 2017 Quarterly meetings on stats, student feedback, new ideas

13 CTU Announces E-diploma
Virtual Campus Overlay Message

14 Previous Diploma Process- Texas A&M Corpus Christi
In house printing of paper diplomas Provide 2 week window for pickup of paper diploma Mail out by certified mail for all diplomas that are not picked up(average 50%) Able to release digital diplomas faster than printing of paper diploma Students can access it immediately, there is no wait time Beneficial to international students who have returned to their home country

15 Current Diploma Process at TAMU-CC
Launched pilot program with Fall 2016 graduates, have been partnered with Parchment since 2011 for sending transcripts August 2016 started project and by January 2017 launched our Fall digital credentials Within hours of launch, 100’s were claimed


17 Diploma Templates- UNO

18 UNO Issues Diplomas!

19 CTU Diploma Creative Created to be identical to the Jostens copy
Students E-diploma matches the hard copy mailed diploma Document security Two page document; first page is the credential, second lists security features Adobe Blue Ribbon Security Reference back to University for re-verification Signature of Chief Academic Officer, which matches official academic transcript

20 CTU E-diploma

21 CTU E-diploma

22 Social Media Sharing: Facebook

23 Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi

24 Stats/Data- UNO December 2016 Graduate Roll-out 987 Diplomas Issued
May 2017 Graduation – 1621 Diplomas Issued Claimed: 910 Facebook: 52 Download: 177  LinkedIn: 26 Twitter: 2

25 Issue, Share & Usage- AIU and CTU
Campus Issued Claimed Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Download CTU 1556 1246 80% 365 136 8 458 AIU 654 515 79% 95 40 3 128 CTU graduates every 5.5 weeks (8 cohorts per year) AIU graduates every 10 weeks (5 cohorts per year)

26 Student Feedback AIU Yes No Did you claim your University E-diploma?
Yes No Did you claim your University E-diploma? 54.05% (20/37) 45.95% (17/37) Facebook LinkedIn Twitter With employer Personal use Did not share or do any of the above If you claimed your e-diploma, how did you share your e-diploma? Select all that apply. (Please skip this question, if you did not claim it.) 14.63% (6/41) 0.00% (0/41) 31.71% (13/41) 24.39% (10/41) Very satisfied Satisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Not Applicable - I did not claim it Overall, how would you rate the e-diploma service? 37.84% (14/37) 13.51% (5/37) 5.41% (2/37) 2.70% (1/37) 40.54% (15/37) Our career services department sends a survey to all graduates 30 days after their last date of attendance. Above is the feedback from students on the first full issuance of e-diplomas.

27 Student Feedback CTU Yes No Did you claim your University E-diploma?
Yes No Did you claim your University E-diploma? 76.06% (54/71) 23.94% (17/71) Facebook LinkedIn Twitter With employer Personal use Did not share or do any of the above If you claimed your e-diploma, how did you share your e-diploma? Select all that apply. (Please skip this question if you did not claim it.) 22.00% (22/100) 8.00% (8/100) 2.00% (2/100) 9.00% (9/100) 37.00% (37/100) Satisfied Dissatisfied Very Satisfied Very Dissatisfied Not Applicable - I did not claim it Overall, how would you rate the e-diploma service? 1.41% (1/71) 52.11% (37/71) 2.82% (2/71) 19.72% (14/71) Our career services department sends a survey to all graduates 30 days after their last date of attendance. Above is the feedback from students on the first full issuance of e-diplomas.

28 Stats/Data- Texas A&M We issue 3 times per year, after each commencement(Spring, Summer, Fall) Current numbers: 1035 Issued-72% Claimed 3 132 57 205

29 Student Feedback -- Barrett R., Fall 2016 Graduate
“ Receiving my digital diploma was really cool and I was able to share with those who supported me most during my college journey.”  -- Barrett R., Fall 2016 Graduate “ I loved receiving my digital diploma and was able to send it along with my resume while applying for jobs!”  --Kaitlyn B., Fall 2016 Graduate​

30 Considerations- UNO Double degree process Revocation
Testing real data, including long names! Internal communication Adding templates

31 Considerations- AIU and CTU
Student self ordering; available later this year Alumni Outreach Cost consideration Opportunity for students to opt in/out as part of graduate routing process Repeat graduates

32 Considerations- Texas A&M Corpus Christi
To upper administration, stressed the importance of being the 1st University in Texas & 1 of 5 in the country to offer digital credentials. Benefit to University  extend brand recognition  improve customer service  collection of shared metrics Students claimed and posted to social media within hours and recognized benefits immediately. Improves personal brand value Leverage credentials socially and increase marketability No extra cost to student. Paid for by existing Graduation App. Fee

33 UNO- Introduced Graduate Certificates
Undergraduate certificate in December 15 new Graduate Certificates in May

34 Inner Program Badging Service
CTU University Badge Inner Program Badging Service College of Computer Science and Technology, 2 badges College of Business and Marketing, 8 badge Population Any student in active status, in a degree program which the badge is offered. Will run reports closer to session start. Marketing Population specific. to university on file announcing the University Badge Other Considerations Catalog update Use of interactive achievement center through student portal Create lib guide or post information about University Badges Receiver acceptance and statistics Which College would like to go next Training and Internal Communications Same user experience as diploma. No administrative training needed. Academic services team committed to monitoring progress for the badge to be awarded, created a tool to easily access, uploading roster to Parchment for badge delivery. Partnering with student advising on awareness of the new service

35 CTU- University Badges

36 University Badge Stats
Issued Claimed Shared Accounting 48 37 77% 11 23% Business 2 100% 0% Cybersecurity 8 6 75% Digital Marketing Entrepreneurship 5 40% Human Resources 23 12 52% 7 30% Management Accounting 17 14 82% 4 24% Network 10 71% 36% Organizational Leadership 3 Project Management 16 43% 14% Data pulled 6.13/6.14

37 Parchment Award Easy implementation Matches existing diploma, whether you print in-house or outsource Works with all credential types Independent of Transcript Services Visit for more information and to schedule a demonstration

38 Contact Us Heather Sharbaugh Matthew Schill Melissa A. Chapa

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