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Learning Styles.

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Presentation on theme: "Learning Styles."— Presentation transcript:

1 Learning Styles

2 I. Different types of learners
A. Visual –Seeing it B. Kinetic- through motion C. Linguistic- writing it D. Auditory- hearing

3 II. Visual learning A. Reading notes-on flash cards B. Watching videos
C. Reading a story with pictures D. Drawing pictures E. Graphic Organizers Bubble maps Flow charts Diagrams Pictograms ( labeled pictures) Crossword puzzles Posters Visualizing pictures in your head

4 III. Kinestic A. Movement Playing games Role playing Motions to songs
Performing tasks

5 IV. Linguistic A. Note taking B. Rewriting C. Speaking it
D. Reading it

6 V. Auditory A. Hearing it B. Songs C. Reading it out loud
D. Listening to other people talking

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