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Figure 1 Porewater profiles of (A) dissolved sulfate concentration versus depth in the Whitworth Lagoon sediment and (B) sulfate/chloride ratios versus.

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Presentation on theme: "Figure 1 Porewater profiles of (A) dissolved sulfate concentration versus depth in the Whitworth Lagoon sediment and (B) sulfate/chloride ratios versus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Figure 1 Porewater profiles of (A) dissolved sulfate concentration versus depth in the Whitworth Lagoon sediment and (B) sulfate/chloride ratios versus depth. From: Ferric hydroxide and ferric hydroxysulfate precipitation by bacteria in an acid mine drainage lagoon FEMS Microbiol Rev. 1997;20(3-4): doi: /j tb00320.x FEMS Microbiol Rev | © 1997 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.

2 Figure 2 Porewater profiles of (A) dissolved iron concentration versus depth in the Whitworth Lagoon sediment and (B) dissolved zinc versus depth. From: Ferric hydroxide and ferric hydroxysulfate precipitation by bacteria in an acid mine drainage lagoon FEMS Microbiol Rev. 1997;20(3-4): doi: /j tb00320.x FEMS Microbiol Rev | © 1997 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.

3 Figure 3 EDS spectra of the mineralised capsule associated with bacterial cells at the sediment/water interface (0 cm depth). Cu peak from supporting grid and Cr is due to contamination. From: Ferric hydroxide and ferric hydroxysulfate precipitation by bacteria in an acid mine drainage lagoon FEMS Microbiol Rev. 1997;20(3-4): doi: /j tb00320.x FEMS Microbiol Rev | © 1997 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.

4 Figure 4 Transmission electron micrographs of stained bacterial cells collected from sediments of the Whitworth Lagoon. A: Individual cell with fine-grained ferric hydroxysulfate precipitates on outer cell wall. B: Individual cell where ferric hydroxysulfate grains have coalesced into a dense, mineralised epicellular matrix. Micrographs are magnified times. From: Ferric hydroxide and ferric hydroxysulfate precipitation by bacteria in an acid mine drainage lagoon FEMS Microbiol Rev. 1997;20(3-4): doi: /j tb00320.x FEMS Microbiol Rev | © 1997 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.

5 Figure 5 EDS spectra of the epicellular mineral precipitates associated with bacterial cells at a depth of 15 cm. From: Ferric hydroxide and ferric hydroxysulfate precipitation by bacteria in an acid mine drainage lagoon FEMS Microbiol Rev. 1997;20(3-4): doi: /j tb00320.x FEMS Microbiol Rev | © 1997 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.

6 Figure 6 EDS spectra of the epicellular mineral precipitates associated with bacterial cells at a depth of 30 cm. From: Ferric hydroxide and ferric hydroxysulfate precipitation by bacteria in an acid mine drainage lagoon FEMS Microbiol Rev. 1997;20(3-4): doi: /j tb00320.x FEMS Microbiol Rev | © 1997 Federation of European Microbiological Societies.

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