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to local and regional authorities' sustainable energy activities

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1 to local and regional authorities' sustainable energy activities
Support from Horizon 2020 to local and regional authorities' sustainable energy activities Vincent Berrutto Head of Unit H2020 Energy - EASME

2 Horizon 2020 ( )

3 Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) Societal Challenges
Health and wellbeing Food security and sustainable use of biological resources Secure, clean and efficient energy (EUR 5.9 billion) Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies

4 Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) Energy Challenge
Health and wellbeing Food security and sustainable use of biological resources Secure, clean and efficient energy (EUR 5.9 billion) Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials Inclusive, innovative and reflective societies Secure societies In 2017: EUR 700 million Energy efficiency Low carbon energy Smart cities and communities SME instrument ELENA (project development assistance) Other actions

5 Main types of projects supported by Horizon 2020

6 Call 2017 - Energy Efficiency (EUR 100 million) Relevant topics for local & regional authorities
Code Funding Topics Deadline EE-09 Engaging and activating public authorities 7 June 2017 EE-22 Project Development Assistance (PDA)* EE-23 Innovative financing schemes EE-19 Public Procurement of Innovative solutions (PPI) Apart from EE-19 the above topics are all Coordination and Support Actions *Note: PDA is also available through the EIB (ELENA facility)

7 Example of Project Development Assistance
POSIT'IF project (Ile-de-France Region): Launch of a public-private venture to develop an Energy Service Company (ESCO) Deep retrofit programme for condominiums, social housing and public buildings All-inclusive "Design-Implement-Operate" package with guaranteed energy savings (>40%) and Third Party Financing to condominiums EU grant: 1.5 M€ (leading to at least 40 M€ of EE investments) Résidence Lançon (64% savings)

8 Tips for a good application
Start early, a good proposal needs time and evolution. Input from real partners. Be on time for the deadline "Excellence": your chance for your selling points. Make choices, focus, have a clear direction, remove unnecessary elements, innovate. Win by explaining. "Impact": Be ambitious. Quantify. Plan activities to monitor your performance. Keep links to your actual work plan. "Resources": Invest time into your work plan - this is the opportunity to convince evaluators that you can materialise your vision. Invest time into your resource planning –bottom up.

9 Support initiative to assist actors working on sustainable energy at the local and regional level ( ) Master classes and peer-to-peer coaching to raise the skills of local and regional energy agencies in energy efficiency, financing and project development Energy agencies will enhance their role of project developers, aggregators and facilitators for public authorities * First Master Class in Brussels by the end of 2017, so call for applications should start after summer

10 Sustainable Energy Investments Forums (2016-2019)
Series of capacity-building and networking events at national and regional level in 15 Member States Objective: to trigger large-scale investment programmes and financing schemes e.g. 'Energy Efficiency Finance Market Place' event on January 2017 e.g. upcoming events in Prague (27/04), Copenhagen (23/05) and Madrid (15/06)

11 Information Resources
H2020 Portal National Contact Points Participant Portal H2020 Helpdesk Mailbox: Horizon2020 and FP7 projects CORDIS database 300+ Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE) projects, including various information platforms

12 Other EU funding sources available. See

13 Help us promote EUSEW 2017 SUSTAINABLE ENERGY WEEK 19-25 June 2017

Find out more EASME on Twitter @H2020EE

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