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PEERE “New Frontiers of Peer Review”

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1 PEERE “New Frontiers of Peer Review”
TD COST Action TD1306 Brussels, 8th November 2016 Responsible for Dissemination, Presenter: Marco Seeber Ghent University (BE) CHAIR of the ACTION: Flaminio Squazzoni, University of Brescia (IT) PEERE “New Frontiers of Peer Review”

2 PEERE AIMS PEERE aims to improve efficiency, transparency and accountability of peer review, therefore: to analyze peer review in different scientific areas integrating quantitative and qualitative research, experimental and computational approaches to evaluate implications of different models of peer review and to explore new incentive structures, rules and measures to improve collaboration in the peer review process to involve science stakeholders in data sharing and testing initiatives to define a joint research agenda towards an evidence-based reform of peer review PEERE “New Frontiers of Peer Review”

3 PEERE MEMBERS PEERE “New Frontiers of Peer Review”

4 PEERE as a COST Action The key concepts of COST actions had a strong “imprinting” on PEERE: BOTTOM-HEAVY : Relatively loosely coupled network of collaborations Integrates scientists of different countries, disciplinary backgrounds and stakeholders Instruments: meetings and informal collaboration STSM Training school Disseminations (publications) Modus operandi: cross-disciplinary, cross-sectoral WG composition trans-disciplinary joint publications (sectoral) domain diversity in STSMs attention to gender issues PEERE “New Frontiers of Peer Review”

Theory, analysis and models of peer review (WG1) Data sharing and testing (WG2) Research and implementation agenda (WG3) PEERE “New Frontiers of Peer Review”

6 WG1: Theory, analysis and models
Aims to analyse peer review by: integrating qualitative and quantitative research, experimental and computational studies study implications of different peer review models and publishing systems exploring rules and incentives to improve collaboration in the peer review developing a coherent peer review framework for stakeholders that consider the complexity of research in various fields PEERE “New Frontiers of Peer Review”

7 WG2: Data sharing and testing
AIMS to promote data sharing and testing initiatives, by: establishing standards and ICT applications developing quality and efficiency indicators and monitoring measures to evaluate the impact of new models selecting cases and performing testing activities on new models of peer review promoting initiatives to institutionalize data sharing between stakeholders PEERE “New Frontiers of Peer Review”

8 WG2: Data sharing and testing
A data sharing agreement will soon be signed between PEERE, Elsevier, Springer e Wiley, regulating data responsibility, administration and management, data access, use and dissemination. This will allow to provide internal data on peer review processes in a sample of journals to study peer review across different fields and to identify factors improving quality and transparency This agreement may represent a template for future similar agreements PEERE “New Frontiers of Peer Review”

9 WG 3: Research and Implementation Agenda
AIMS to create the considitions to continue PEERE activities after Therefore to: create critical mass, convince stakeholders to join PEERE and adopt PEERE vision. define a joint research agenda and inspire implementation activities, by defining and promoting an evidence-based vision for future research on peer review prepare proposals for funding research inspired by this Action PEERE “New Frontiers of Peer Review”

10 My experience with a COST Project
Strengths Bottom up proposals Freedom Pleasure to collaborate on a shared goal as the true binding element Interdisciplinarity Involvement of stakeholders, not for short term economic convenience Light bureaucracy Weaknesses Low rate of approval PEERE “New Frontiers of Peer Review”

11 Thanks for Your attention!
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