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What Business (people)Wants?

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1 Ramesh Ramdeen Trinidad and Tobago Regional Logistics Challenges – The way Forward

2 What Business (people)Wants?
Operate in an environment that is transparent. Operate in an environment that is predictable Maximize profits p=p-c Globalization What this has to do with Logistics? Poor logistics increase cost.

3 Correlation between business and logistics
What is logistics? Theory says it is the detailed organization of complex exercises – in other words simplification of things. In business logistics speak to the planning (production, marketing) and executing, allowing for timeliness in production and exports – growth of business.

4 Logistics in Business In business Logistics means Efficiencies – inefficiencies leads to increase cost. How so? Inefficiencies allow for and results in delays, bureaucracies, redundancies, bottlenecks, and corruption. All of these issues can result in increase cost.

5 Logistics and Business
Logistics speak to sustainability, profitability and longevity in business Logistics you can control and logistics you can’t control –state centric society. Examples of improve logistics leading to improve operations and profits. Embracing logistics can lead to efficiencies that leads to increase competitiveness.

6 My suggestions to you Control what you can – internal. Ensure at the factor gate you are optimal. Don’t have the best product but bad logistics – shooting yourself in the foot. – ss chain management. Embrace change and adapt. Lobby and agitate for improved logistics nationally, regionally and internationally where practical and possible.

7 My Suggestions to you Find your niche – you may not be good at everything. Plan for the future, be visionary, it allows you to prepare – but don’t forget to execute. Understand your product and or service and your unique selling proposition. Understanding what you are selling would allow you to understand the logistics that goes with it.

8 My Story Airlines headaches.

9 Where we rank in the World
Where we rank in the World? The World Bank’s Logistics Performance Index LPI has Bahamas as highest regional rank. Score of 5 is highest. Country Year LPI Rank LPI Score Customs Infrastructure Timeliness Bahamas, The 2016 78 2.75 2.65 2.72 2.93 Guyana 85 2.67 2.40 2.24 3.12 Dominican Republic 91 2.63 2.39 2.29 3.06 Jamaica 119 2.37 2.23 2.64 Trinidad and Tobago 121 2.38 2.34 2.79 Cuba 131 2.35 2.31 2.51 Haiti 159 1.72 1.70 1.47 2.02

10 Challenges – Customs/Border agencies
Border agency inefficiencies The speed of which customs operate Lack of clarity concerning formalities when clearing containers – certificate of origin must arrive before shipment of goods arrive – advance rulings Bureaucracies lead to corrupt practices

11 Challenges – Customs/Border agencies
Opening hours, payments, Trade Union Activities – air freight arrives at any time. BOS, MOH, MOA, SPS impact clearing of goods in timely manner Lead time for exports can be as much as five days to get documents in order Clearing time can be 10/15 days depending on inspections.

12 Infrastructure Limited road network Congestion – Haulers impacted.
Queuing of Haulers limited. Ferry service – Tgo. One stop shop facilities.

13 Regulations Communication in changes to regulations is key – while Customs Brokers may be kept in the loop, the wider business community is not always informed Lack of information on new regulations = confusion in the minds of importers when clearing containers, since they are unaware of what is needed to be in compliance with the law.

14 COSTS Sea and Air port charges are not as competitive, as well as rates charged by haulers. In both Jamaica and Trinidad & Tobago, the respondents to the LPI survey indicated that port charges and road transport rates were high (in Trinidad and Tobago, the airport rates were also deemed to be high).

15 Postivies Use of ICT to aid processes (various countries utilise a single electronic window, and border agencies are transitioning to being fully online for transactions) Consideration by Customs to conduct less examinations based on careful analysis of trends by importers (importers with good compliance rates face less inspections) Creation of the National Trade Facilitation Committee, as one of the requirements of the WTO’s Trade Facilitation Agreement. This Committee brings the government (Ministry/Ministries responsible for trade and industry) and its agencies (agencies responsible for TBT and SPS) to the table with the private sector (BSOs such as Manufacturers’ Association and Chambers of Commerce).

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