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December 12, 2016 Bell ringer: Write about the last time you had a cold. Include a list of the symptoms you experienced. Explain how you think you caught.

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Presentation on theme: "December 12, 2016 Bell ringer: Write about the last time you had a cold. Include a list of the symptoms you experienced. Explain how you think you caught."— Presentation transcript:

1 December 12, 2016 Bell ringer: Write about the last time you had a cold. Include a list of the symptoms you experienced. Explain how you think you caught the cold and what you did to treat it. Chapter 24, lesson 1 objective: distinguish risk factors associated with communicable and noncommunicable diseases.

2 Words to know Communicable disease Pathogen Infection Viruses Bacteria
Toxin vector

3 communicable diseases
What is a communicable disease? This is a disease that is spread from one living thing to another or through the environment. Most of us don’t spend much time thinking about micro-organisms, but they often impact our lives. Most are usually too small to even be seen without a microscope, but knowing how these spread can help you choose better behaviors and reduce your risks.

4 Causes of Communicable diseases
An organism that causes diseases is called a pathogen. Ex- viruses, bacteria's, fungi, protozoans An infection is a condition that occurs when pathogens enter the body, multiply and damage body cells. If the body is not able to fight off the infection, a disease develops.

5 viruses What are two disease that are caused by viruses?
Common cold and influenza Viruses: pieces of genetic material surrounded by a protein coat. They need living cells to reproduce. They also invade all known forms of life…. What are some examples? Mammals, birds, reptiles, insects, plants and even bacteria.

6 Did you know In 1993, four children were killed and hundreds of others sickened by undercooked hamburgers from a fast- food restaurant. The culprit was E. Coli: this bacteria causes severe damage to the cells lining the human intestines and can lead to kidney failure and death. Common sources of this are undercooked, contaminated ground beef or milk.

7 bacteria This is a single-celled microorganisms that live almost EVERYWHERE on earth. Most are harmless, some even essential to life. Ex- bacteria in your digestive system help digest food and make some of the vitamins you need. Some bacterial pathogens, such as ones that cause tetanus (you need tetanus shots), produce toxins (substances that kill cells or interferes with their functions. Toxins are NOT a pathogen that causes disease)

8 Other types of pathogens
Fungi: plantlike organisms, such as molds and yeasts. Some tpyes can cause diseases of the skin, such as athletes foot Protozoans: single-celled organism that are larger and more complex than bacteria. Most harmless but some can cause disease, especially if you have a weak immune system. Rickettsia's: pathogens that resemble bacteria. These enter humans through the bites of insects such as fleas or lice. Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever is the most frequently reported illness for this.

9 Rocky Mountain Spotted fever

10 Brain teaser

11 answer

12 How Communicable diseases are transmitted
Direct contact: with an infected person or animal. Includes touching, biting, kissing and sexual contact Sneezing and coughing can spray infectious droplets of saliva or mucus into an eye, nose or mouth Pregnant woman may also transmit infection to her unborn baby through the placenta. How do you get tetanus? Through a puncture wound by a rusty nail

13 How communicable diseases are transmitted
Indirect contact: Contaminated objects- ex- suppose that a person with a cold sneezes onto a table or into his hand and then touches the table… the cold viruses can be transmitted to you if you touch the table too. Vectors: (an organism, usually an arthropod, such as a tick, that carries and transmits pathogens to humans or other animals) ex- mosquito – when it feeds on an infected person, it then injects that into another person. Water and food: Careless handling and storage of food are MAJOR sources of contamination and illness. Ex- salmonella bacteria

14 How communicable diseases are transmitted
Airborne transmission: Pathogens from a sneeze or cough may float in the air for a long time and travel long distance. You don’t have to be close to an infected person to inhale the pathogen. Diseases that are transmitted this way include: chicken pox, tuberculosis (remember my story about my past job?) and influenza.

15 With that, colds can be transmitted by….
Direct contact Indirect contact Airborne Transmission

16 Strategies for preventing communicable diseases
What do you think could be some basic strategies for preventing some of the communicable diseases we have talked about so far? Washing hands Handling food properly Avoid sharing utensils/makeup Vaccinations Practice abstinence

17 Preventing communicable diseases
Washing hands: the SINGLE most effective strategy. Wash before you prepare food, before you eat, and after you use the bathroom. Clean hands before inserting contact lenses or putting on makeup. When else should you wash your hands? Animals, animal waste, illness at home.

18 Preventing communicable diseases
Handling food properly: use paper towels, not dishcloths or sponges, to keep surfaces and equipment clean. Separate raw meat from other foods! Cook food to its proper temperature! Chicken nugget from McDonalds!

19 Preventing communicable diseases
Eat a balanced diet! Avoid sharing utensils, makeup brushes, combs etc., Prepare and store food safely Avoid unnecessary contact with people who are ill Get vaccinated! Practice abstinence!

20 In journal answer the questions
1. a microscopic organism that causes diseases. 2. a substance that kills cells or interferes with their function 3. an organism that carries and transmits pathogens to humans and other animals. 4. single-celled microorganisms 5. disease that spreads from one living thing to another through the environment 6. pieces of genetic material surrounded by a protein coat vector virus Pathogen Bacteria Toxins Communicable disease

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