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Comprehensive Program Review:

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1 Comprehensive Program Review:

2 “…community colleges can be powerful laboratories for creating a fuller, richer set of assessment tools—aimed not simply at tracking progress (or its lack) but at understanding how to facilitate important forms of learning and personal development…Seen in this light, accountability is more than an external reporting requirement [for the purposes of accreditation]; it is an enactment of our professional responsibility as educators” (The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Learning, 2008)


4 TRACDAT REPORTS Instruction - PSLOs report in which course level assessments roll up Contingent on you identifying which course level assessments will roll up and writing a brief summary report of your observations Instruction Alternative - PSLOs report which features other types of assessments, such as: CTE certification/ licensing Exit survey Student Services - PSLOs report PSLOs report – whose? Instruction alternatives: Respiratory Therapy and Administration of Justice Student Services: Disabled Resource Center

Course level With which courses and/or specific SLOs are students faring well? With which courses and/or specific SLOs are students struggling? Are these gatekeeper courses, and/or highly enrolled? Program level With which PSLOs are students faring well? With which PSLOs are they struggling? (Alternative) How are students faring on licensing exams?

Course level concerted departmental discussions changes in curriculum and pedagogy professional development and other relevant resource requests… Program level revisions/ additions to PSLOs review of courses mapping up to the PSLO (e.g., providing more exposure and practice in more courses) Assessment schedule Identify when you plan to assess any changes that are implemented. Add new courses to the posted three-year assessment cycle. ENGLISH– shared best practices and created a department rhetoric

7 4B: Major Findings Related to ISLOs
Highlight major findings, such as those ISLO descriptors that many of your courses map up to. Refer to the ISLO results on the SLOAC website for assessments your department participated in, and request from PRIE course or program level data related to the ISLO assessment.

8 6: ACTION PLAN(S) Reference additional course level action plans entered into TracDat. Elaborate on “resultant changes” from 4A. Establish an implementation timeline Identify personnel who are implementing Determine how and when to assess anew If the SLO has been assessed since the action plans were implemented, note if there was any impact.

9 TRACDAT Under SKY- PROG and SKY – DEPT., check that the PSLOs are the same as those listed on your departmental website and in the college catalogue. Under SKY – DEPT., check that all active courses are listed, have SLOs, have at least a basic assessment method (e.g., presentation, performance, essay, test etc.), and are mapped to the relevant PSLOs/ ISLOs are scheduled to be assessed on the three-year assessment plan.

10 RUNNING PSLOs REPORTS Map course level SLOs to relevant PSLOs.
From SKY –PROG, add “related results” from the past years. Analyze the results for patterns in achievement and/or gaps in learning, and enter your findings. Run the report to attach to your CPR.

11 PSLO REPORT EXAMPLES Student Services PSLO report
Disabled Resource Center Rolled up course level assessment results Art Alternative PSLO assessments for instruction Respiratory Therapy Co-op Education

12 Disabled Resource Center: DRC students will use their accommodations (i.e., test proctoring, textbooks in alternate format, and text-to-speech program such as Kurzweil 3000). Assessment Method: Number of students using test accommodations compared between the same semesters in the current and previous year. Assessment Method Category: Use Existing Data Success Criterion: 50% of eligible students will use this accommodation

13 Disabled Resource Center: DRC students will use their accommodations (i.e., test proctoring, textbooks in alternate format, and text-to-speech program such as Kurzweil 3000). Results: Criterion Not Met In Fall 2015, 42% of DRC students used their test accommodations (155 students out of 369 total DRC student count) as compared to Fall 2014 when 39% of DRC students used their test accommodations (130 students out of 333 total DRC student count).

14 Disabled Resource Center: DRC students will use their accommodations (i.e., test proctoring, textbooks in alternate format, and text-to-speech program such as Kurzweil 3000). Action Plan: DRC's Assistive Technology Specialist will check the online version of the Test Accommodation Request Form for accessibility with web accessibility checkers and test the form …to ensure students with various disabilities can complete and submit the [form] online: JAWS…, ZoomText…, Dragon NaturallySpeaking, Keyboard access for Windows and Mac OS Voiceover. Action Plan: Create an online test accommodation form for instructors to use and upload their tests. This eliminates potential issues with evening and adjunct professors returning their portion of the test accommodation form. Paper forms will be available if preferred. Action Plan: Complete a student survey in Spring 2016 aimed at determining why students do not use their accommodations.

15 Art PSLO: Students will develop visual literacy through communication, analysis, and reflection of artworks, the concepts and influences from which artworks originate. Results: We have assessment data for 29 of the 35 (83%) courses that map up to Art PSLO#1, which is above our minimum of 60 % of courses. The additional 6 courses (17%) had sample sizes of just a few students, no students, or are being modified. So 100% of courses were reviewed. Of the courses that have been assessed, students are meeting the benchmark.

16 Art PSLO: Students will develop visual literacy through communication, analysis, and reflection of artworks, the concepts and influences from which artworks originate. Action Plans: In analyzing the data for the last assessment cycle of all Art courses we noticed several trends. Although assessment criteria was met for most of our SLO’s, we tend to have a higher percentage for Studio Art PSLO #2 and a bit lower percentages for PSLO #1. We may want to consider if PSLO #1 and PSLO #2 should be equally weighted for our program goals and assessment tools. We may also want to consider including more practice and assignments emphasizing art vocabulary, writing, and the discussion/presentation of art concepts. We have assessed all Art courses once and will need to assess several times to track and analyze trends and areas for improvement. We want to separately look at face-to-face and online versions of courses to compare results in the next assessment cycle. We will also need to combine data for very small classes over several semesters to get enough of a sample size for meaningful data.

17 Respiratory Care PSLO: Obtain gainful employment as licensed Respiratory Therapists.
(Alternative) Assessment Method: Employment reporting. Success Criterion: 70% of graduates for each year’s graduating cohort will secure gainful employment within 6 months of graduation. Result: Criterion Met % of graduates for the 2014 graduating cohort secured gainful employment within 6 months of graduation.

18 Coop Education PSLO: Identify three to five measurable learning outcomes in their job that relates to the student's academic major to assist them in achieving their career goals. (Alternative Assessment): End of the semester rating/survey by the employer and cooperative education instructor of students’ objectives/goals using a three prong rating scale. 1-Accomplished Objective 2-Made Progress toward objective 3-No Significant Progress Success Criterion: 70% of students will successfully complete cooperative education goals with a rating of "1- Accomplished Objective".

19 Coop Education PSLO: Identify three to five measurable learning outcomes in their job that relates to the student's academic major to assist them in achieving their career goals. Result: 01/12/ % of Coop Ed students successfully accomplished employer established goals. Action Plan: Continue assessing.

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