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Hemispheres Rotation/Revolution Continents/Oceans Maps

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Presentation on theme: "Hemispheres Rotation/Revolution Continents/Oceans Maps"— Presentation transcript:

1 Hemispheres Rotation/Revolution Continents/Oceans Maps
Geography Hemispheres Rotation/Revolution Continents/Oceans Maps

2 Brainstorm What is geography? What does climate consist of?
List three things that describe geography What does climate consist of? List three things that contribute to climate What is the difference between revolution and rotation? What is the earth doing in each? How long does it take?

3 A. What is Geography? Geography- __________________________
___________________________________ a. Climate-___________________________ _________________________________ b. Climate consists of __________________ Study of earth, its climate, products and inhabitants The general pattern of weather in an area over time temperature, precipitation and wind

4 B. The Globe a scale model of the earth
A globe is ____________________________ The globe can be divided into halves called __________________ a. The ____________ divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres b. The ________________ divides the earth into Eastern and Western hemispheres hemispheres equator

5 Northern and Southern Hemispheres

6 B. The Globe a scale model of the earth
A globe is ____________________________ The globe can be divided into halves called __________________ a. The ____________ divides the earth into Northern and Southern Hemispheres b. The ________________ divides the earth into Eastern and Western hemispheres hemispheres equator Prime Meridian

7 Eastern and Western Hemispheres

8 3. Movements of the earth Revolution
__________________________________ 2. __________________________________ b. Rotation 1. ___________________________________ 2.___________________________________ Complete orbit of the earth around the sun Takes 365¼ days A complete spin of the earth on its axis Takes approximately 24 hours

9 Why do we have seasons?

10 4. Continents Continents are the largest divisions of land
on the earth b. The seven continents are A.)_______________, B.)_______________, C.)_______________, D.)_______________, E.)_______________, F.)____________, and G.) _________________ North America South America Europe Africa Asia Australia Antarctica

11 Atlantic Pacific Indian Arctic Southern Ocean 5. Oceans
Oceans are the largest bodies of water on earth b. Most people recognize the four oceans as A.)_____________, B.)________________, C.)_______________, and D.)________________. c. In the year 2000, the International Hydrographic Organization named a new ocean 1. Called the ____________________ 2. Surrounds Antarctica and extends to 60 degrees south latitude Atlantic Pacific Indian Arctic Southern Ocean

12 Maps A. Vocabulary 1. Cartographer-_____________________ 2. Inset-_______________________________ _________________________________ 3. Legend-_____________________________ 4. Projection-___________________________ 5. Scale-______________________________ 6. Thematic map-_______________________ ________________________________ map maker map that appears in a larger map, showing an area in greater detail


14 Maps A. Vocabulary 1. Cartographer-_____________________ 2. Inset-_______________________________ _________________________________ 3. Legend-_____________________________ 4. Projection-___________________________ 5. Scale-______________________________ 6. Thematic map-_______________________ ________________________________ map maker map that appears in a larger map, showing an area in greater detail explanation of symbols on a map


16 1. Cartographer-_____________________
Maps A. Vocabulary 1. Cartographer-_____________________ 2. Inset-_______________________________ _________________________________ 3. Legend-_____________________________ 4. Projection-___________________________ 5. Scale-______________________________ 6. Thematic map-_______________________ ________________________________ map maker map that appears in a larger map, showing an area in greater detail explanation of symbols on a map system for representing the curved surface of the earth on a flat map relationship between distance on a map and actual distance on the surface of the earth map that gives information on a particular topic





21 University Mall, Orem, Utah




25 B. Map Projections 1. One serious problem a cartographer faces when making an accurate map of the earth is that ______________________________ _________________________ 2. It is not possible to show the curved surface of the earth on a flat map with ____________ 3. Ways of transferring the curved surface of the earth onto a flat map are _________________ a. All projections are compromises b. They all distort _________, __________, ______________, or _____________ c. Lines of latitude and longitude are shown in different ways the earth is spherical and the map is flat 100% accuracy projections size shape distance direction

26 “Projection Maps make me ANGRY!!”
Globey says: Johnny Mercator and Billy Peters are stupid! Peter Projection “Projection Maps make me ANGRY!!”

27 4. Types of projections a. Mercator 1. Shows ___________________________ and _________________ between any two points accurately 2. __________ are distorted, especially the farther things are from the equator 3. Distance is only accurate on the equator b. Peters 1. Shows ______________________________ and _____________________________ accurately farther south things are shapes of land areas true directions Sizes

28 Mercator

29 4. Types of projections a. Mercator 1. Shows ___________________________ and _________________ between any two points accurately 2. __________ are distorted, especially the farther things are from the equator 3. Distance is only accurate on the equator b. Peters 1. Shows ______________________________ and _____________________________ accurately farther south things are shapes of land areas true directions Sizes sizes of continents and oceans directions between them Shapes


31 c. Interrupted 1. Shows ______________ and _____________ of continents accurately 2. ______________ are impossible to figure d. Robinson 1. Shows size, shape, distance, and direction ___________________________________ 2. Official projection of the National Geographic Society sizes shapes Distances


33 c. Interrupted 1. Shows ______________ and _____________ of continents accurately 2. ______________ are impossible to figure d. Robinson 1. Shows size, shape, distance, and direction ___________________________________ 2. Official projection of the National Geographic Society sizes shapes Distances

34 c. Interrupted 1. Shows ______________ and _____________ of continents accurately 2. ______________ are impossible to figure d. Robinson 1. Shows size, shape, distance, and direction ___________________________________ 2. Official projection of the National Geographic Society sizes shapes Distances fairly accurately with little distortion

35 Robinson


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