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Get in supplies by Tomorrow!

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1 Get in supplies by Tomorrow!
August 18th, 2016 Directions: Get in supplies by Tomorrow! Take out A2 – Cultures of North America from yesterday!

2 Great Plains Eastern Woodland Southeast Eat – Eat – Live – Live –
Importance Eat – Live – Importance Southeast How did Geography influence the development of cultures in North America? Eat – Live – Importance

3 Vast expanse of woods and forests, rocky soil, seasonal
Great Plains Vast expanse of grasslands Prairies, flat, fertile Eastern Woodland Vast expanse of woods and forests, rocky soil, seasonal Southeastern wide diversity of landscapes: rugged mountains, tangled wilderness, dense forests, fertile fields, and low-lying swamps

4 The Age of Exploration A3 – The Age of Exploration A3
1) Put your Name, Period and Date Here! Write A3 Draw a circle around it. A3 Title this paper The Age of Exploration

5 Did America? Discover

6 Did Columbus Discover America?
Name Period Date A3 The Age of Exploration Did Columbus Discover America?

7 The Age of Exploration 1st Voyage 2nd Voyage 3rd & 4th Voyages
Directions: Write this in the left hand column. Skip a few lines in between. The Age of Exploration What: Where: When: Significance: 1st Voyage 2nd Voyage 3rd & 4th Voyages What: Where: When: Significance: What: Where: When: Significance:

8 Directions: You will get into groups of (3) three, each of you will read about one of Christopher Columbus’s Voyages. After you are done reading, you will answer questions about that Voyage. Finally, your group will teach each other about those voyages.

9 Guiding Questions: What: What happened on this voyage?
Where: Where did Columbus land? What is the present day country? When: When did this voyage take place? Significance: What significance does this voyage have in European Exploration?

10 In 1510, Spanish colonist Vasco Núñez de Balboa - explored the Caribbean coast of what is now Panama. He hoped to bring back gold and treasures to Spain. Balboa led his expedition through Panama, becoming the first explorer to reach the Pacific Ocean.

11 In 1519, Portuguese explorer Ferdinand Magellan set out to find an Atlantic-Pacific passage to Asia.

12 For more than a year, Magellan’s small fleet sailed down the South American coast looking for a strait. Near the southern tip of present-day Argentina, Magellan found a narrow passage. For 38 days, his ships sailed through what is now called the Strait of Magellan into the Pacific Ocean.

13 However, Asia was still far away
However, Asia was still far away. When Magellan’s fleet finally reached the Philippine Islands, he and others were killed in a battle with Filipinos. The survivors became the first to circumnavigate (go around) the Earth.

14 Early Spanish voyages set the stage for the Columbian Exchange = a transfer of people, products, and ideas between the hemispheres. From Western Hemisphere to Eastern Maize (corn) Potato Sweet potato Beans Peanut Squash Pumpkin Pineapple Tomato Cocoa Peppers Avocado Turkey From Eastern Hemisphere to Western Wheat Rice Banana Peach Pear Sugar cane Watermelon Lettuce Horse Cow Sheep Goat Chicken Pig Disease (smallpox, typhus)

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