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8th ASEAN IUC Resolutions on Building Social ASEAN

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1 8th ASEAN IUC Resolutions on Building Social ASEAN
Century Park Hotel, Manila 31 May 2008

2 Challenge BUT wide gap between Rhetorics of Integration and
In 2003, in Bali, the ASEAN came up with a grand vision for Southeast Asia – an integrated region of caring and sharing societies based on 3 pillars: economic, socio-cultural and security 2015: target year for full economic integration BUT wide gap between Rhetorics of Integration and Realities on the Ground IN PARTICULAR, how to attain a Social ASEAN?

3 Questions posed to IUC Participants
President Roman: How can academics, researchers and CSO/labor activists help build an ASEAN Home? Chief Justice Rey Puno: How to develop a rules-based ASEAN? How to develop institutions protective of rights of ASEAN citizens? What Can the Academe Do? What Can the Civil Society Do? What Can the Academe-Civil Society Do Together to Address Major ASEAN Deficits -- Voice/Representation Deficits -- Democratic Deficits -- Decent Work Deficits -- Coherence Deficits

4 Proposals to ASEAN Long list…but…the most urgent:
Give Marginalized Sectors a Voice Give Labor a Voice, Give CSOs a Voice Listen to What Other Researchers, Academics have to say on bridging GAPS between -- goals of economic and social integration -- people as objects and agents of integration -- included and excluded -- and among ten ASEAN countries Take a Historic Pause on Liberalization and Address Social, Labor and Special Needs of those lagging behind in development Make the ASEAN decision-making processes open, transparent, consultative and participative

5 What can the academe/civil society do?
Pursue academe-CSO-media networking – e-group, joint studies, etc. Promote & validate theory/practice of people-to-people solidarity, esp. in social dialogue, social partnership, capacity building in various areas of human life Engage ASEAN every step of the way on directions of ASEAN (w/c requires exerting pressures on individual gov’t’s) & holding dialogues on sectoral/regional concerns at nat’l/reg’l levels, esp. on issues of exclusion/inclusion Race to the Bottom/Top Push for inclusion of people-oriented concept of ASEAN community in school/university curricula

6 What can academe do? Help humanize, democratize integration,
and put people at the center of development -- address ASEAN deficits and gaps through researches, studies and theorizing on people-centred development, etc. -- deepen and share studies on people-to-people solidarity, what is ASEAN citizenship, gender concerns, etc. -- promote cross-cultural exchanges and understanding -- assist farmers, small producers and other marginalized sectors in making choices and adjustments, technology and otherwise -- strengthen theorizing on social movement building, forms of people’s empowerment, role of trade unions in society, migrant labor participation in nat’l/reg’l economy, etc.

7 What can academe do? -- pursue disciplinary/multi-disciplinary, transdisciplinary studies in the context of regional integration and how to strengthen people’s role in the integration process -- develop empowering partnerships w/ CSOs -- analyze changing demographics in the region and in the individual ASEAN societies, especially the social security requirements of the elderly group and workers displaced from work at their prime -- mobilize mass media practitioners in clarifying and amplifying the social dimension of regional integration, including implications on different sectors of society

8 What can academe do? -- help propose and frame a people-oriented calibration of economic and socio-cultural integration programs in support of livelihoods and jobs of farmers, indigenous peoples, home- based producers, small and medium businesses -- promote grassroots-based or community-engaged researches utilizing both indigenous knowledge and advances in ICT (see declaration on global alliance of engaged research) -- document various forms and platforms of social dialogue, social partnership and conflict resolution within and across sectors and at the national/regional levels

9 What can the IUC do in the future?
Institutionalize academe-CSO concerns as part of future IUC agenda Anticipate emerging regional/global concerns and discuss them in multi-disciplinary fashion, e.g., global warming, food crisis, energy crisis, etc. Initiate debates/discourses on forms of regional governance, state-CSO relations, etc. Organize multi-national, multi-disciplinary teams e-networking on common themes in between IUCs Hold IUCs in non-traditional host areas

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