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Diocesan Leaders Conference October 2014 Leading Christianity

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1 Diocesan Leaders Conference October 2014 Leading Christianity
ASK: Title? working session scribe Christian distinctiveness faith

2 Context “All this means not so much that religion is coming back into the public square, as the fact that the public square itself is shifting, orienting itself around the question of wellbeing, and in so doing, moving into territory that religions have inhabited for many centuries. The public square is coming back to God, rather than the other way round.” Nick Spencer – Doing God Restate a. context Children twice as likely 69% parents

3 Centre “Christian identity is established not primarily by denying and combating what is outside but by embracing and highlighting the centre of what is inside – Jesus Christ as the Word” Miroslav Volf

4 Centre “The distinctiveness of a church school is open-ended without being wishy-washy, inclusive without denying its very foundations in the Christian story. It looks for the reality of God from the reality of what it is to be human” John Cox, “More than Caring and Sharing” p149

5 Agree (assensus) Believe that Trust (fiducia) In faith Commit (fidelitas) Faithful to See (visio) Seeing in faith

6 In schools naming of parts (more) reflection engagement
“so what?” factor

7 Narrative theology Concept and enquiry Progression and growth

8 Particular religious expression
Shared religious concept Common human experience

9 Particular religious expression
“Jesus Christ… God from God” Shared religious concept God revealed to humanity Common human experience Someone represent, stands for or symbolises…

10 Years 7 - 9 P W I G S A Years 5 & 6 C F Co I G S Co Years 3 & 4 C F Co
Foundation 10 10

11 Our children would enquire into belief encounter Christianity
engage with scripture experience prayer explore church

12 enquire into belief encounter Christianity engage with scripture experience prayer explore church

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