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Strategic Community Plan Collaboration Group

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Community Plan Collaboration Group"— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Community Plan Collaboration Group
Share to Shape our Capital Strategic Community Plan Collaboration Group Session 3, 17th May 2017

2 Good Evening! Please make sure you are logged on to Poll Everywhere

3 ? = Community Ideas towards Vision Council, ELG & Citizens
10 year Vision for Perth Stakeholder & Community Ideas Synthesis Report of Ideas

4 Purpose of Session Prepare Vision Statements,
Reach agreement on preferred statement, and Narrow down the Goal Areas to assist with finalizing Goal Statements for the following week.

5 New or Different Ideas!!! New Goal areas may emerge (facilitators to record on separate paper) Related Ideas (record these on the white board as a team for later discussion) Must to still be evidenced from the Report

6 Why am we here? Quick 10 min discussion with Citizens about what made them want to participate in the our Share to Shape Collaboration Group?

7 Agenda Workshop Etiquette/Rules, Housekeeping and Parking Lot
Reaching Agreement Feedback Vision Statement Examples Task 1 – Developing a Vision Statement Group Break Task 1 contd. – Preferred Vision Statement - Voting Task 2 – Goals – What's in, What’s out? Next Steps & Reminders

8 Workshop Rules/Etiquette
Remove your day-to-day hat and aim to work as a Citizen of Perth! Keep on topic One speaker at a time Respecting each others views Be open and honest Above all, enjoy yourself! Let all speak, don’t dominate the conversation! Please ensure you attend all sessions! Are there other rules you would like to add?

9 Housekeeping & Parking Lot
Mobiles – Please turn off Bathrooms and exit locations Refreshments Photographs Parking Lot Note questions that occur to you during the various sessions on the sticky notes; and We will aim to answer these tonight or respond via the Group portal. Please turn off your phones until the meeting is over. We need everyone’s best attention and thinking so we can utilize this time most effectively.

10 Group ‘Agreement’ Feedback!
Respectful dialogue to reach agreement Compromise and being flexible Through negotiation By being open minded Focus on areas of commonality rather than areas of disagreement Accepting full agreement may not always be possible, and that’s ok. Ask the question “can live I live with it?” Spend 10 min on this exercise, report back to the group


12 What is a Vision statement?
US Smithsonian Shaping the future by preserving our heritage, discovering new knowledge, and sharing our resources with the world (17) Ikea To create a better everyday life for the many people (11) Tesla To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy (8) City of Melbourne Vision  In 2026, Melbourne will be a sustainable, inventive and inclusive city that is vibrant and flourishing (16) A vision statement is a road map, or aspirational description of what an organisation wants to accomplish over a defined period of time. “A vision statement is like a photograph of your future business, which gives your business shape and direction”

13 Task 1: Preparing a Vision Statement…
Each table will have prompter cards & sheets of paper. Reference the findings of the Synthesis Report to ensure you are clear on what sits behind the emerging Vision theme areas. Discuss as a group and use prompter cards (to assist) to compile a statement that best reflects a vision for Perth for the next 10 years. Each team to present their Vision to the broader group Spend 10 min on this exercise, report back to the group Make a note that there is overlap of topics within the theme

14 Comfort Break! Please return to your seats in… 10 minutes

15 Group Voting?

16 What is a Goal? Goals are (statements of) what needs to be accomplished to implement the Vision. The following are examples of clear, concise Goal Statements: “We will have a man on the moon and safely returned to earth in this decade.” President John Fitzgerald Kennedy or “A healthy and caring community which has strong support for all ages and abilities, and is accommodating and tolerant of a wide range of views”. Shire of Esperance

17 Task 2: Goal Areas – What's in and What's out?
Each table will focus on a theme area (s); Teams to go through all cards, agree upon what’s important to retain and what can be put aside; Discuss as a team and aim to retain 10 – 15 Goal Areas; and Feedback to Broader Group.

18 Next Steps Additional Information will be circulated to all SSCG members Please ensure you have read the Synthesis Report Date Time Focus Status 4 May 2017 6.30pm – 8.00pm Introductory Briefing with Social Meet and Greet 11 May 2017 6:00pm for light supper 6.30pm – 9.30pm Session 2: Baseline Understanding and Process – Discussion with Thought Leaders 17 May 2017 6.30pm – 9.00pm Session 3: Vision Setting, Goals 18 May 2017 Session 4: Vision Setting, Goals contd. 25 May 2017 Session 5: Goals & Strategic Outcomes

19 Communications Questions and Answers – Check the Portal
Communication - Encouraged throughout the process Project Manager – Channel all communication through Byron Smith Phone: Mobile:

20 Thank You Thank you again for your attendance! See you tomorrow
Thursday 18th May Light supper at 6:00pm Session commence at 6:30pm

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