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“Recruiting International Students with an Eye Towards the Future” Washington International Education Conference Barb Rawdon, Director, Education.

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Presentation on theme: "“Recruiting International Students with an Eye Towards the Future” Washington International Education Conference Barb Rawdon, Director, Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 “Recruiting International Students with an Eye Towards the Future” Washington International Education Conference Barb Rawdon, Director, Education and Professional Services Team International Trade Administration, U.S. Department of Commerce February 24, 2017

2 What we’ll cover… 1. Why Education is a Priority for the USG
2. Commercial Service and Industry and Analysis Overview Who we are and how to leverage us 3. Markets to Consider

3 U.S. Has a Shrinking Piece of a Growing Pie

4 Sector Overview World-class reputations. Not just 17/20.
Growing importance of other colleges – including community colleges. $35B in U.S. exports in That’s almost 5% of total U.S. exports - a substantial impact on the U.S. economy and U.S. jobs. Attracting the Best and Brightest to increase U.S. competitiveness. Our renowned colleges/universities not only enjoy a diverse and global population, but these students have a substantial impact on the U.S. economy. These recruitment efforts translate into job growth here in the U.S. The U.S. is the largest destination for international students seeking higher education with 22% of all students. The UK accounts for 11% of the market and Germany for 7%. The U.S. is home to 17 of the Top 20 colleges and universities according to the U.S. News and World Report – but it’s not just the top tier – many community colleges and small institutions host significant numbers of foreign students. Education accounted for over $35B in U.S. exports in That’s almost 5% of total U.S. exports.

5 Sector Overview Economic Impact in 2015/2016 Academic Year:
Record high 1,043,839 students in U.S. in 2015/2016, up almost 85% in the last decade Large increase in students from India (up 25%), Vietnam (14%), and Nepal (18%). 18% decline from Brazil. Top state destinations: California, New York, Texas Top places of origin: China (33%), India, Saudi Arabia, South Korea, and Canada (comprises over 60% of all international students). Benefits to retail, travel industry, and many other service providers Source: Institute of International Education Over a million foreign students studying in the U.S. Why big increase from India?

6 Who we are and how we can be leveraged

7 Domestic Field Offices International Field Offices
What is the U.S. Commercial Service? Network: 140 offices in 70 countries Education Specialists 100 locations across U.S. Mission: Promote the exports of U.S. goods and services U.S. Commercial Service Domestic Field Offices International Field Offices

8 DOC Services International Trade Specialists (domestic) and Commercial Specialists (overseas) with sector expertise work closely with U.S. based education clients to offer the following programs and services: Market Research Reports Webinars Gold Key Matching Service Catalogue Road show Virtual Education Fair Single or Multi-School (Consortia) Promotion Support for Visiting Education Delegations U.S. Government Education Missions

9 Client Needs Market Intelligence:
Education Industry Information ( Newsletter, Best Export Markets Report, Country Specific Market Research Reports, Webinars, Virtual Education and Recruitment Events, Trade Leads–sign up for updates! Making Contacts (fee-based): Customized Contact Lists Prescreened Face to Face Meetings w/ Potential Partners Single/Multi Organization Promotion Industry Trade Missions – Outbound and Inbound Virtual Education Fairs Meeting Students (fee based): Organized Trade Missions Fairs (EducationUSA, IIE, ISN, Linden, Consortia, etc.)

10 Client Needs Previous Webinars Student Recruitment on a Shoestring
Social Media For Higher Education International Recruitment International Student Recruitment in: Saudi Arabia Israel and West Bank Portugal and Spain Opportunities in Brazil – English Language Products and Services Kazakhstan Higher Education Market

11 Client Needs Making Contacts:
Customized Contact List – based on specific criteria, per country/region/city, typically not screened, e.g. list of private high schools, academic institutions, agents, etc. or distributors/representatives for products International Partner Search – based on specific criteria, per country/region (e.g. India), all contacts vetted for interest in possible partnership, overseas post evaluation given - $550 per report, 4-6 weeks delivery

12 Client Needs Making Contacts:
Gold Key Matchmaking Service – based on specific criteria, per country/city, candidates vetted for interest, follow up in country meetings prearranged, escorted by Embassy/Consulate Commercial Specialist, logistics provided at additional cost - $700 per day of meetings, $350 any additional days,6-8 weeks notice Single School (or Multi School/Consortia) or Company Promotion – customized with event or seminar with reception to prospective candidates (often coordinated with alumni for schools), cost varies

13 U.S. Commercial Service WEBEX Virtual Education Fairs
35+ virtual education fairs held Offered to individual schools or consortia WEBEX CS Indonesia projector/screen Partners Distribute to Partners in Advance: School DVDs/Profiles/Other Materials U.S. Clients - Community Colleges, Intensive English Programs, 4-year Colleges and Universities, Private High Schools 1st School Presenter (10 min.) 2nd School 4th School 3rd School 5th School Moderator

14 Virtual Education Fair at the U.S. Embassy in Chile

15 Previous Virtual Education Fairs
Previous VEFs this year: Who Participated?: EU (France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, the Netherlands, Belgium, Denmark) ESL Programs, Short Term Programs Indonesia Hospitality & Culinary Programs Brazil ESL Programs, Traditional Undergrad & Grad School Kazakhstan ESL Programs, Undergrad, Short Term Programs w/ Certificate India Design (Art, Fashion, etc. ) Schools

16 Websites, Resource Links
U.S. Commercial Service – – market research, trade events, etc. Institute of International Education – – research, publications, etc. American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers (AACRAO) American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) American Association of Intensive English Programs (AAIEP) The Association of Boarding Schools (TABS) NAFSA: Association of International Educators (NAFSA) Showtime meetings: National Association for College Admission Counseling (NACAC) National Association of Graduate Admissions Professionals (NAGAP)


18 Education Sector Specialist
Top Markets Report Rankings and Key Findings Education Sector Specialist Vacant

19 Education - Key Findings Major Trends:
) Key Findings Major Trends: Global competition is increasing, especially among English-speaking countries; immense growth in the number of Chinese students. U.S. has shrinking piece of growing pie. Recommendations: Schools looking for immediate increases in foreign enrollment should consider China, India, Saudi Arabia and South Korea. The report has significant detail on why students choose to study abroad and what fields they are studying – by country. Address safety issues. Challenges: U.S. schools face growing competition for international students, especially due to growth of English-language courses from non-English speaking countries. High U.S. tuition and perceptions abroad of problems getting U.S. student visas.

20 NAFSA – Domestic and International Field Potential recruitment tours
Save the Date NAFSA – Domestic and International Field Potential recruitment tours Ghana and Nigeria – September 2017 Portugal, France, UK – March 2018 2017 Education and Training Services Resource Guide – March 2017

21 Thank you! U.S. Commercial Service Barb Rawdon

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