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The Jews in Nazi Germany

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Presentation on theme: "The Jews in Nazi Germany"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Jews in Nazi Germany
What was it like to be a Jew living in Nazi Germany?

2 What was “The Holocaust”?
Hitler’s vision to eliminate those he deemed “inferior” – namely Jewish people.

3 Identification & Persecution
Stage 1: Identification & Persecution

4 The persecution of the Jews was not new to Germany…
But it reappeared in Germany in 1933, along with Hitler People who went out shopping were encouraged not to buy any goods from Jewish shops Signs “warned” people which shops belonged to the Jews

5 In 1935, the Nazi Party passed what was called the Nuremberg Laws
These laws were designed to: Stop Jews and Non-Jewish Germans from marrying Stop Jews and Non-Jewish Germans from having children To make sure that German blood was not tainted by mixing with other races

6 The Nazis encouraged children to accept these opinions of Jewish people.
-Children were brought up to believe that the Jews were inferior and a danger to German people

7 In 1938, the situation became more serious, on the “Night of Broken Glass”
Jewish shops, churches and other buildings were attacked. It would lead to the start of more violence...


9 Stage 2: Segregation

10 Starting in 1939, Jews were gathered and forced from their homes.
Jewish people: Had their property taken Were forced to move to specific areas of Germany Lost their citizenship (they were no longer “German”)

11 They were sent to specific, segregated neighbourhoods that were for “Jewish only”
These were called “Ghettos”

12 Stage 3: Concentration Camps

13 In 1941, the Jews were moved to “concentration camps”
-A concentration camp is like a jail where people are kept without trial. -There were extremely harsh conditions and people had no rights. -Many were sent to working camps, where they performed manual labour.

14 Women, girls and small children…

15 Men and boys…

16 Stage 4: The Final Solution

17 The Holocaust ended with:
The mass murder of those living in concentration camps An attempt by the Nazis to eliminate Jews people

18 Death Camps -Men, women and children were sent to death camps and murdered -The most common way they were murdered was in gas chambers (large rooms filled with poison) -There will also mass shootings

19 Items recovered from ONE death camp:




23 Over 6 million people died in Death Camps throughout the German Empire.
Most bodies were burned by the Nazis, in an effort to hide their actions.

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