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TDI: to coat or not to coat?

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Presentation on theme: "TDI: to coat or not to coat?"— Presentation transcript:

1 TDI: to coat or not to coat?

2 LMC action (for EN-STI, helped by TE-VSC and impedance team): study the impact of partial
coating or no copper coating of the graphite jaw for the TDI spares, and bring the topic back to the LMC in time for deciding on the coating strategy of the TDI spares

3 0.5 mm copper coating missing
Transverse impedance more quadratic behaviour at small width, saturating again with graphite impedance With 2 mm missing, the transverse impedance to the TDI increases by a factor 13 (60 kOhm/m). 4 mm half gap 0.5 mm copper coating missing All in graphite [Note: 2015 TDI with nominal hBN and Ti coating  290 kOhm/m] All in copper

4 Transverse impedance copper graphite Ti-hBN bad coating in 2015 on TDI8 (*4 scaling) dipolar impedance /m length 4.4 105.6 290 1160 dipolar impedance for TDI (2.8 m) 12.32 295.68 812 3248 tune shift 4.00E-06 9.60E-05 2.64E-04 1.05E-03 total tune shift V 5.10E-04 6.02E-04 7.70E-04 1.56E-03 TDI as % of total tune shift 1% 16% 34% 68% octupole current needed 10 A? +~20% +~30% +~70% TDI was a large impedance contributor at injection Its contribution is almost zeroed thanks to copper coating Removing the coating is not expected to cause problems if we have margin For HiLumi, a factor 2 increase is expected in octupole current. Is this ok?

5 Simulating the impact of missing copper coating on TDI surface
Missing line of coating on top and bottom of the beam longitudinal impedance increases “linearly” with missing coating width and then saturates towards “only graphite impedance” after 5 to 10 mm width With 2 mm missing, the power loss to the TDI increases by a factor 10 (13 W/m of missing coating). power loss gets dissipated in the graphite but could heat up the neighbouring copper layer 4 mm half gap 0.5 mm copper coating missing All in graphite Power loss for 2748 bunches with 1.25 ns at injection [Note: 2015 TDI with nominal hBN and Ti coating  177 W/m] All in copper

6 Simulating the impact of missing copper coating on TDI surface
Missing line of coating on only on one side about half of the impedance compared to both sides power loss on the jaw with missing coating should stay the same 4 mm half gap 0.5 mm copper coating missing

7 Power loss copper graphite Ti-hBN bad coating in 2015 on TDI8 (*2 scaling) power loss /m length 1.5 36 180 354 power loss per TDI jaw (/2*2.8) 2.1 50 250 500 Important to remember: no (or very little) cooling available on the jaw Is the increase ok? Needs to know if this would become eventually a problem Needs thermal simulation from EN-STI and max allowed temperature for the TDI (TE-VSC and EN-STI) with a heat load of 50 W at injection and ~5W at top energy.  Longitudinal stability effects to be assessed, but no showstoppers assumed for now, to be confirmed with BE-RF

8 Proposed strategy for recommendation
Is no coating OK for transverse impedance for HiLumi  To be assessed (40% more octupoles needed) Is no coating OK for transverse impedance now work of Nicolo Is no coating OK for power loss now  Answer from STI and VSC Is no coating OK for power loss for HiLumi  cooling!!! Most likely yes Most likely yes yes yes NO NO If all yes, coating is not absolutely needed If one of the two is no, needs coating already now


10 Was TDI8 an issue for stability in 2016?
the instability gang (Gianni, Kevin, Lee)

11 Was TDI8 an issue for stability in 2016?

12 Was TDI8 an issue for stability in 2016?
“Correlation n’est pas raison”, but with a factor 2 increase in impedance and needed octupole as compared to beam 1

13 Rum with orange juice  drunk
Vodka with orange juice  drunk Whisky with orange juice  drunk  orange juice makes you drunk

14 Fill 4324

15 Fill 4326 instabilities Activity when closing TDI
Chroma decrease + RF manipulations  instabilities

16 Fill 4339

17 Fill 4342

18 Fill 4355

19 Fill 4360

20 Fill 4363

21 Fill 4370

22 Fill 4379

23 Fill 4383

24 Fill 4384

25 Fill 4385

26 Fill 4386

27 Fill 4406

28 Fill 4407 TDI out

29 Fill 4412

30 Fill 4414

31 Fill 4427

32 Fill 4430

33 Fill 4436

34 From fill 4437 onwards, recommendation to inject first B2, retract TDI8, then B1 (for vacuum, stability and gain of time in case of blow up)  stable

35 Strong activity in between two injections

36 Fill 4439 Strong activity not just at injection
After this chroma back to 15/15

37 Fill 4440 -> stable, actually one of the very long fills

38 Fill 4441 (ADT tests)

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