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Welcome to Kindergarten Kick-Off

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten Kick-Off"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten Kick-Off

2 Before Coming to Kindergarten
Practice independence Tying shoes Opening drinks or food containers Button own pants or fasten own belts Use restroom and wash hands independently Sending a change of clothes to keep at school is recommended

3 Before Coming to Kindergarten
Recognize capital and lowercase letters Recognize first name Understand print concepts and reading behaviors

4 Print Concepts- Front of the Book

5 Print Concepts- The Title

6 Print Concepts- Print Carries a Message

7 Print Concepts- Where to Begin Reading

8 Print Concepts- Direction to Read

9 Print Concepts- Where to Go at the End of a Line

10 Print Concepts- One-to-One Matching

11 Print Concepts- Find One Letter

12 Print Concepts- Find Two Letters

13 Print Concepts- Find a Capital Letter

14 Print Concepts- Find a Lowercase Letter

15 Print Concepts- Tell the First Sound in a Word

16 Print Concepts- Tell the Last Sound in a Word

17 Print Concepts- Find One Word

18 Print Concepts- Find Two Words

19 Print Concepts- Find the First Letter in a Word

20 Print Concepts- Find the Last Letter in a Word

21 Print Concepts- A Sentence

22 Print Concepts- First Word in a Sentence

23 Print Concepts- Last Word in a Sentence

24 Print Concepts- A Period

25 Print Concepts- A Question Mark

26 Reading Behaviors Maintain Language Pattern Sound out unknown words
Recognize sight words

27 Before Coming to Kindergarten
How can you help at home? Join a summer reading program at the library Practice letters and sounds Read to your child and talk about the books Today you will get a bag of materials that can help your student prepare for kindergarten.

28 What is in the bag? Dry Erase board, marker, and eraser- practice writing your student’s first name Sight word cards- read, spell, read method to practice ABC cards Alphabet match- upper and lower case Number cards

29 Beginning the Year in Kindergarten
Recognize and write first name Recognize capital and lowercase letters Produce the sound and give a word for each letter Recognize numbers to 10 Count to 10 Recognize quick images (dice, dominoes, etc.) Understand more/ less

30 Beginning of Year Example of a Level A reader

31 End of Year Example of a level E reader

32 We can’t wait to see you in August!
Mrs. Lauren Graf Miss Jamie White Mrs. Sherry Uribe Mrs. Walker

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