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Nuclear Renaissance Challenges for Indian Industry

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1 Nuclear Renaissance Challenges for Indian Industry
Date: 20 March, 2010

2 Cause of Nuclear Renaissance
Green Energy requirement to save environment of planet Cost of conventional oil/coal fuel will sky rocket in time to come After TMI & Chernobyl disasters, world realized that disaster as imagined did not occur and Reactor Design, Engineering, build, operating technologies have improved considerably thus improving safety. Exclusion zone of 5 Km is no longer required. Highly radioactive waste management techniques improved and cost reduced. New techniques like mutation will reduce very long half life of fission products to manageable half life. 2 2 2 2

3 Cause of Nuclear Renaissance ……. Contd
Possibilities of Fusion Technology through ITER, possibility of large scale Hydrogen production through HTR has opened new avenues of clean energy. Reactor sizes have gone up and getting standardized to around MWe bringing in economy. In India Nuclear Renaissance has been brought with Government signing INDO-US Nuclear Deal, NSG & IAEA agreement to open up doors for foreign nuclear power to come to India. 3 3 3 3

4 Who all are interested in Nuclear Power ?
USA: After TMI, USA had stopped setting up NPP. Public opinion now has changed and USA is setting up NPPs. India & China – have set up targets in GWs of power to meet their very fast growing energy needs. Developed & developing countries have also decided to go ahead in setting up NPP with plant sizes suitable to their requirement and grid size. 4 4 4 4

5 Who all are Suppliers ? Developed Countries: France, USA, Russia are self sufficient with technologies and supplies Developing Countries – India & China – Have their own indigenous products but to meet fast growing demand, they want to import technology and supplies. Smaller Nations – Want to import technologies, plants & operate. 5 5 5 5

6 Indian Industries – Business Potential
Indian Market Design, Engineering, Fabrication of Equipment & Component Modules, Construction 63 GWe Power Business Opportunity of Rs. 500,000 Crores. Maintenance Replacement of Equipment, supply of parts Front End & rear end of fuel management cycles Components for Elements Reprocessing plants – Design, Engineering & Construction Spares Foreign NPP Suppliers want to get supplies from country where NPP being set up to reduce costs. 6 6 6 6

7 Challenges of Government
Political Inter Governmental Agreements (IGA) Guarantees of Supplies Limit to public liability, Insurance Strategic/Non Strategic Nuclear facilities Funds Public Opinions permission to private utility owners Incentives 7 7 7 7

8 Challenges for Industry
Utility owners ( NPCIL, BHAVINI ), NPP Suppliers, Industry undertaking supplies of materials, equipment, construction etc have following challenges: Meeting Country’s Regulatory Authority Requirements To ensure safety by design, construction and operation Obtain permission in time by submission of documents Set up on site organization for dealing with disasters Proven Design & Engineering Knowledge and Experience in Nuclear codes like ASME, RCC & GOST Analytical capability as per code requirements, safety related to design basis accidents, beyond design basis accidents. Approvals by suitable Regulatory Authorities, Design Safety Review Committees 8 8 8 8

9 Challenges for Industry ……Contd
Fabrication Adherence to quality as per Nuclear Codes Availability of N, NPT stamps to assure and NDT, Test faculties to prove quality of product Ability to procure quality materials as per standards. Fabrication tools, Faculties, Manpower to produce quality product Suitable workshop to handle heavy fabrication (sea shore facility), smaller intricate components. Reasonable Cost Timely Delivery Construction Fabrication of Modules Construction Equipment, Resources to meet rate and quality Trained Manpower NDT Equipment Facilities Management System Tools & Authority Funds 9 9 9 9

10 Challenges for Industry ……Contd
Operation & Maintenance Trained Manpower Regulatory Authorities Proper procedures, safe guards Planned & Preventive maintenance measures Ability to deal with failures, deficiencies, organization & resources to deal with on site/off site disaster management Foreign Tie ups/TOT, Supply Chain Management Schemes Reprocessing – (Government) Design, Engineering, Construction of Plants Strategic & non strategic safety Material Management – Before & after processing Waste Management 10 10 10 10

11 Challenges for Industry ……Contd
Funding Large Investment Returns have to be attractive Capital cost to be low Power Generation, distribution cost to be low. 11 11 11 11

12 Challenges in general 1. Any plant in the world getting into safety related problem will have effect on all plants and industry in the world. Hence quality of work and safety is every body’s responsibility 2. Life time supply of fuel and claim on reprocessed fuel will dictate future of Nuclear Industry. 3. Non availability of fuel after some time will force search for new fuels and reactors. 4. Environment control will force people to learn to live with less power and progress will be measured with the yard stick of lesser consumption of power. 5. Renewable Energy could become competitor to nuclear power. 6. If India plays its cards properly, India will become major source for expert manpower, supplies 12 12 12 12

13 Initiatives need to be taken up by Industry.
Based on strength, vision identify areas of work and focus on weaknesses to improve Induct expert manpower in areas identified and improve quality of existing manpower Attempt to get certification from accredited organizations such as ASME and certifications such as N, NPT stamps etc to be able to be part of global supply chain management. This would automatically bring in approved work procedures, QA discipline, reduce rework / rejections and increase acceptability Set up raw material supply chain management for critical materials to ensure quality, timely supply and cost Work out new capabilities, facilities required to meet set targets/goals of work and ensure timely availability Go through set procedures of supply chain management capability assessments by the companies planning to resource materials, equipments, fabrications, EPC requirements and ensure acceptance by them Educate manpower in various national & international nuclear standards such as ASME, RCC, GOST etc especially in design, material, QA, installation requirements to assure QA of the product and timely delivery. Expose personnel to seminars, formal courses to upgrade their capabilities. Work on Public-Private Partnership projects, arrange collaborative arrangements with companies in business to get into larger, better business areas. Identify Indian capable partners to enable better quality product to the customer.

14 WIL Initiatives Setting up of Walchand Technology Center at Pune to undertake Design, Engineering of Systems, equipment using ASME Section III, Class I and other sections to get highest quality products. Design tools inducted and engineers trained to use them. Expert associates tied up. Inducted qualified trained manpower and further trained them in Nuclear Technologies N & NPT Stamp procedures are in progress and award expected shortly. Land acquired at Dahej for setting up large workshop to undertake fabrication of 1000 / 1650 MWe PWR and 700 MWe PHWR components. Setting up services in progress. Acceptance of Qualification for global supply chain from ATOMSTROYEXPORT, AREVA, WESTINGHOUSE, DCNS, EDF, AECL, DOOSAN. ATOMENERGOMASH visiting shortly. Expert associates in around PUNE, MUMBAI tied up to give better product to customer.

15 15 15 15

16 Proposed Layout of the Workshop
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17 Thank You ! 17 17 17 17

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