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Predicting Vasospasm after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Using High-Frequency Physiological Data Soojin Park MD Murad Megjhani PhD Hans-Peter Frey PhD Edouard.

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Presentation on theme: "Predicting Vasospasm after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Using High-Frequency Physiological Data Soojin Park MD Murad Megjhani PhD Hans-Peter Frey PhD Edouard."— Presentation transcript:

1 Predicting Vasospasm after Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Using High-Frequency Physiological Data Soojin Park MD Murad Megjhani PhD Hans-Peter Frey PhD Edouard Grave PhD Chris Wiggins PhD Noemie Elhadad PhD K01 ES026833

2 Conflict of Interest Disclosure & Acknowledgement
The co-authors have nothing to disclose with regard to commercial interests. I do not plan on discussing unlabeled/investigational uses of a commercial product.

3 Multiple monitoring modalities of brain function and physiology
ICP CPP TCD PbtO2 ETCO2 Microdialysis Thermal Diffusion CBF NIRS Laser Doppler Flowmetry SJVO2 Cortical EEG Depth Electrodes AMAZING OPPORTUNITY as we learn more about the BRAIN and its COMPLEXITY We have more devices and measurements available to RESEARCHERS and CLINICIANS. There is also an amazing opportunity for DATA SCIENCE in how to make sense of the Heterogeneous data, with different sampling rates and missing data issues. Heterogeneous streams of data Different sampling rates Missing data issues

4 Additional complexity of ICU environment
As a stroke and critical care neurologist focused on the complexity of the brain. I face the daily challenge of additional mundane complexity of the ICU environment with all its competing demands on attention. In the time-pressured environment of critical care, providers require a great deal of cognitive fortitude to overcome the vital threshold of gaining even a holistic view of the patient

5 Looking for Actionable Knowledge
And so what I and we all as a community are looking for is how to translate BRAIN and PHYSIOLOGY monitoring data into ACTIONABLE KNOWLEDGE.

6 Purpose of Neuromonitoring = NCC
PREVENT  IDENTIFY  TREAT Assess extent of primary brain injury Detect secondary brain injury – early enough, START RX Measure effect of interventions – STOP RX Prognosticate recovery/outcome Purpose of NCC is detecting secondary brain injury

7 Purpose of Neuromonitoring = NCC
PREVENT  IDENTIFY  TREAT Assess extent of primary brain injury Detect secondary brain injury – early enough, START RX Measure effect of interventions – STOP RX Prognosticate recovery/outcome

8 Vasospasm after Aneurysm Rupture
14.5 per 100,000 in US Compared to other strokes, younger patients Substantial burden on health care resources Long term functional and cognitive disability Common disease entity (25% patient-days) Timely interventions for VSP to prevent stroke: Prediction scales: resource utilization (intensity of monitoring) First 14 days: Detect preclinical or early VSP with TCD One type of secondary brain injury that is particularly significant to study is VSP after aneurysm rupture. This disease affects younger patients than other types of stroke so leads to a substantial burden on health care resources. Poor outcome is caused by VSP which leads to stroke if not detected early enough.

9 Vasospasm Prediction based on admission CT
Baseline risk score: Fisher, Modified Fisher Scale Used in clinical care Advantageous for simplicity Symptom Infarct Vessel Narrowing Reported in Liter. Scale Within study Angiographic VSP X 50-70% Fisher 27/41 (66%) Delayed Cerebral Ischemia 19-54% Claassen 54/276 (20%) Symptomatic VSP 20-40% Modified Fisher 451/1355 (33%) There are established and validated baseline risk scores for VSP That are used daily in clinical care The data they are using are admission CT And they predict for VSP as defined by symptoms or stroke or vessel imaging.

10 ‘It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future’ (Danish, unknown)
MFS 1 (low grade)  24% Sx VSP MFS 4 (high grade)  40% Sx VSP (OR 2.20) Comparing two patients: Patient with MFS times more likely to develop VSP than patient with MFS 1 Individual patient: 24% of patients with MFS 1 developed symptomatic VSP Even when someone is in the highest risk category for VSP There is still a lot of uncertainty as to whether that individual will develop VSP Again, this lack of ACTIONABLE KNOWLEDGE is crippling us. Figures from Frontera Neurosurgery 2006

11 Novel sources of data for prediction
Electronic Health Record (EHR) Continuous Physiologic and Brain Monitors Are there patterns in high frequency time series data that are informative for VSP classification? No hypothesis of what, if any, pattern exists Orders Procedures Phenotype Assessments Laboratory Radiology Physiology Brain monitors We have more data than we are using in these baseline scores. And we have better methods that we can leverage to make sense of this data.

12 VSP prediction Challenges for VSP prediction
Infinite Dimensional Space Project it to an infinite dimension and separate it with a hyperplane Linearly Separable Data points that are not Linearly Separable (complex non linear boundary) Dealing with non-linearity This is a picture of classic types of interactions among features In our case we suspect we have non-linear interactions But our biggest question is one of feature engineering. Of all these novel data with all of their complexity, what exact features do we want to incorporate in our classifier. The added challenge is that we have continuous monitoring that is temporal in nature. Challenges for VSP prediction Feature engineering (which variables are discriminative) Temporal prediction (how to translate continuous stream into actionable feature)

13 Random Feature Idea Random Kitchen Sinks (RKS)
Classifier Project to infinite dimensional space Create a gram matrix of size nxn As n increases, becomes computationally challenging Big Data Proposed That question of feature engineering is a classical problem in machine learning If we want to stay agnostic in our hypothesis and want to discover features that are discriminative in our classification, then this idea of generating lots of random features and seeing what sticks is one that has shown to be extremely successful. Randomly Featurize Classifier Project to finite low dimensional space Rahimi. Weighted Sums of Random Kitchen Sinks: Replacing minimization with randomization in learning. In: NIPS vol Citeseer (2008)

14 Making RKS temporal Random featurization etc. Convolution
Different downsampling rates Varying temporal lengths for random kernels RR The novelty is that we applied this random featurization to temporal data. etc. Multiply at each time point  take the integral of the multiplications The higher your convolution, the better the pattern fits your data Random featurization extracting features at different scales to capture time varying characteristics for different variables

15 These are the results on our dataset, one of the largest in the nation of high frequency SAH data.
We are able to show that random featurization of temporal physiologic data significantly improves prediction above established clinical risk scores. mRMR Under review

16 What if our prediction model is a detection model?
A problem with building prediction models using temporal data, especially when the syndrome has a subclinical onset (such as vasospasm or sepsis), is that the clinical expert detection corrupts the data. Detecting clinical intervention is not useful

17 Conclusions Higher frequency time series data are superior to lower frequency data for discriminatory feature generation in VSP classification. “Automateable” monitor data prior to peak VSP period shows promise to provide individualized prediction of VSP. This might be an informative feature extraction approach with universal subset of physiologic parameters (HR, RR, SBP, DBP, O2 sat). Syndromes with insidious onset are a peculiar case for data mining experiments.

18 Acknowledgements Murad Megjhani PhD - Neurology
Hans-Peter Frey PhD - Neurology Edouard Grave PhD – Biomedical Informatics Chris Wiggins PhD – Applied Physics and Applied Mathematics Noemie Elhadad PhD – Biomedical Informatics BD2K K01 ES026833

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