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2018 CDBG Housing Application

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1 2018 CDBG Housing Application

2 Housing Assessment Tool
FOUNDATION OF HOUSING APPLICATION The HAT has four parts Part 1: Stakeholders/Organizations Part 2: Demographics Part 3: Past actions and current Infrastructure Part 4: Analyze the Data PART 1 No Two Communities are exactly alike They may share similar challenges but not alike Think regionally Who knows what you need and don’t need more that YOU! Think this is where many of you are getting caught and every community is different: Plus you want grant $$ so if your HAT does not demonstrate need for CDBG funds you feel like it was a waste of time and not of value. So what is the purpose

3 PURPOSE of HAT Conduct assessment of housing to identify – Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Priorities Complete locally Must involve stakeholders Use to develop goals for community Don’t rush process Before allocating any funds “Strengths” do you have that you can be proud of - New Senior housing, pride – a clean town. “Weaknesses” something you think you can leave alone….based on community perspectives or limited resources you can’t fix at this time. “Opportunities” refer to change something you can do that will lead to an improvement after a specific action is taken. “Priorities” refer to what areas or issues a community is seeking to address first, given community preference and /or limited local resources Depending on local capacity, some communities might decide to hire a facilitator to assist but should be driven locally. Timeliness while important should not be the primary factor for the community. Don’t rush each community will be different. Stick with the process no matter how long it takes.

4 GENERATE INVOLVEMENT Need Stakeholders/organizations Can survey
Select a team to speak a civil groups Public Meetings You figure out the best way to engage your citizens

5 Select Area Encouraged to take a regional approach
What does the region look like How does region affect housing needs

6 Businesses/Employers
List “at least” the top five employers Businesses willingness to contribute Number of new jobs created last year/ expected next year Existing jobs unfilled due to lack of housing Employees not living in city due to lack of housing living in City with inadequate housing Does the employee live in the region, do they have adequate housing, Is there plans for expansion or reduction How with the business future plans affect housing needs or conditions Does lack of housing cause problems with hiring Any other issues

7 Demographics Population Characteristics Housing Characteristics
Comparison from 2000 to 2010 Total population - under 18 (student), under (non-student), 26-65, 66 and over Median HH income, Per Capita Income, LMI Percentage, Unemployment, Average size of HH, Homeless Housing Characteristic Median Housing Value – Owner Median Gross Rent – Renter Number of Occupied Housing Units – Owner & Renter Number of Vacant housing units – Owner & rentals Number of Deteriorated Units – Owner & Renter Number of Dilapidated Units – Owner & Renter # of units building permits # of demolitions

8 Past Actions Identify any housing activity that has taken place in last 5 years. What would you describe as your needs? This includes any grants/programs or pending applications What parties initiated the action Has it improved or worsened the housing issues. How did you arrive the needs?

9 Current Infrastructure
Describe the infrastructure system as it relates to housing What is the visual appearance List basic services in the community Water, Streets, Sewer, Storm Drainage, Gas or Electrical distribution as it relates If your using your allocation of water or where you want to build a senior living center is on two inch main…..will that work? If your infrastructure is falling apart is housing your most critical need? Indicate the age/condition of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Is there an accumulation of debris/junk, weeds, untagged cars Basic services – Do you have a Grocery Store, School, Bank, Medical Clinic, Gas Station, Etc.

10 OTHER FACTORS Homelessness Environmental Issues
Important Factors unique to your community Things you have discovered through planning Issues only your community would consider Environmental issues – Flood zone, railroad tracks

11 ANALYZE THE DATA Explain what was learned
What are specific needs and goals Is housing adequate for community? What strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and priorities have been identified? ANALYSIS ….This is where a lot of you are getting caught up. And it’s hard give technical assistance. Had one community looking at owner occupied rehab and realized through the HAT they have 1/3 rental units so make the decision to focus on rentals and also require 25% match to make funds to further. You could also require 25% match from LMI and 50% match from non-LMI. To promote skin in the game. If you are going to do make sure you have a way to enforce codes…get into the homes to assure upkeep. Maybe you have a low vacancy rate and lot of people wanting looking for homes to buy or rent. Could not reconstruction, look for developer to build or local person to invest. Without CDBG funds I know of one business that buys anything that comes on the market to provide housing from employees. They could do that and we could rehab. Providing match. Based on the business market or what ever drives your housing what is requested vs what you have. If you need up-scale rentals then go after developer CDBG is not what you need. Currently the biggest problem is HATs completed by administrators, or not being thought out just thrown together for CDBG $$$ or someone sitting in office and completing. THERE MUST BE OUT REACH to community.

12 HIAC Housing Interagency Advisory Committee
Created to provide guidance about housing programs HIAC is not a requirement but 5 points will be deducted from application if not attended Agencies involved Commerce KHRC USDA-RD Federal Home Loan Bank Meet in 2013 usually the 3rd Wednesday of each month from March to August. Looks like a minute presentation to agencies and we provide suggestions of programs we have that may help. Don’t come with specific project in mind. This is not a CDBG review of your application.

13 HAT/HIAC Process Community completes HAT
Submit HAT and HIAC profile two weeks prior to meeting Meeting is usually the 3rd Wednesday Video Conference locations include: Hays, Iola, Newton and Topeka Community members MUST be in attendance

14 Typical Meeting Meeting scheduled for 1 ½ hour
Community makes a presentation Usually ½ hour Agencies provide guidance, about an hour About HAT About Programs Funding Possibilities and Sources

15 It’s NOT to present ideas for a CDBG project!
WHAT IS HIAC - NOT It’s NOT to present ideas for a CDBG project!

16 Eligibility All projects must Meet National Objective
Be an eligible activity All costs must be reasonable CDBG will not be involved in remodeling

17 Eligible Activities CDBG Homeowner Rehabilitation Minor Rehabilitation
This is funding for necessary things for health & safety reasons Must include weatherization to the property Moderate or substantial rehabilitation Significate repairs are made to the home Sometimes called “whole-house rehabilitation” Abatement - Over $25,000 of federal funds

18 Eligible Activities (cont.)
Reconstruction Involves Demolition and rebuilding another on the site Number of units on lot can not change Must be for homeownership Home Based Business rehabilitation

19 Eligible Activities (cont.)
Rental Rehabilitation Acquiring existing rental housing Conversion of existing non-housing structures to new housing Mixed-income rental housing 51% of the units must be occupied by LMI

20 Eligible Activities (cont.)
Tenant must be LMI If homeowner is non-LMI they must contribute 25% of the rehabilitation cost If homeowner is LMI they must contribute 15% of the rehabilitation cost

21 Eligible Activities (cont.)
Demolition Can only be housing units Permanent Relocation

22 Maximum Amounts Grant - $300,000 and $400,000
Housing/Radon Inspection - $1,000 Risk Assessment - $1,000 Lead Based Paint Clearance testing - $300 LSWP/Cleaning for Clearance – 10% of CDBG rehabilitation cost

23 Maximum Amounts (cont.)
Temporary Relocation - $5,000 per grant Demolition Inspection Fees - $500. Maximum and Minimum spent for rehabilitation and demolition - MUST BE REASONABLE

24 Application Checklist
Application Summary Complete all requested information Description of activities - detail but be brief # of rehabs & demo, Rental yes or no, target area Form A – Community Needs Form Must include Housing Needs Include how needs are determined Was there a formal assessment If so, what tool was used?

25 Application Checklist (cont.)
Form B – Project Budget Form Make sure numbers match Summary Page and PH notice Include local admin for ERR Filing should be shown in legal Form C – Housing Log LMI, do not need to verify take their word Proposed Activity, provide detail or leave blank What the property might need, level of rehab

26 Application Checklist (cont.)
Form D – Civil Rights Information Do not need to document population for Housing applications Form E – Narratives, including HAT Form F – Pre-Selection of Professional Services If single bid, send request to me with Sample of what you sent out with any attachments List of who it was sent to Two weeks prior to application deadline

27 Application Checklist (cont.)
Statement of Assurances & Certification + No use for the conduct of official business Signed and attested Resolution of Governing Body Signed with City Seal Make sure match numbers match Commitment of other funds (if applicable) Provide letter or some commitment

28 Application Checklist (cont.)
Disclosure Report Anti-Displacement Determination of Level of Review (ERR) Public Hearing Affidavit Must match the project exactly Number of rehabs/demolition Correctly identify self-imposed TA Watch deadlines – August 16, 2017

29 Application Checklist (cont.)
Map of Proposed Project Map of “Self-Imposed” Target area in relationship to City Is the “Self-Imposed” Target area the same for Rehab and Demo’s or different If different explain and make sure PH notice describes

30 Rating Points – 125 Housing Assessment Tool/Community Needs/Public Interest - 15 Development of Project – 25 Solution of Need – 25 Target Area/Pre-applications vs proposed activities– 20 Leverage – 15 Site Visit - 25

31 Points Removed Five points will be deduced for not attending HIAC
HIAC attended 2013 thru 2017 is valid Application will be threshold for three or more errors or omissions Ten points subtracted for one or two errors or omissions: Items missing in application, or Correctable non-threshold items

32 Required Narratives Do not retype narrative questions
HAT/Community Needs/ Public Interest Development of Project Solution of Need Target Area/Pre-applications vs proposed project Do not retype narrative questions Read questions and answer ALL! Below is only a summary

33 HAT/Community Needs/ Public Interest – 15 pts.
How was HAT completed and by whom? Is HAT detailed and does it describe the needs? Explain needs of community Population composition and demographic make-up

34 HAT/Community Needs/ Public Interest – 15 pts. (cont.)
Past actions to address housing Are codes enforced? Public Interest of Community Who locally will assist in project completion? Results of HIAC, if attended

35 Development of Project - 25 pts.
What is scope of project Anything creative Where will funds be spent and why What impact will project have on area How many homes will be completed and at what level

36 Development of Project - 25 pts. (cont.)
Does project include demolition Explain what is eligible/ineligible Target area/City-wide How was area selected Size of target area If applying for $400,000 justify

37 Solution of Need - 25 pts. Does project solve needs identified in HAT
Is this a full solution of the needs Is project objectives reasonable Any environmental concerns Project ready to go

38 Solution of Need - 25 pts. (cont.)
Provide a timeline to complete in 24 months Have professional services? What is track record of those selected? Is there an adequate number of contractors?

39 Target Area/Pre-applications vs Proposed activity – 20 pts.
Provide two legible and accurate maps 1st - illustrates the target area in relationship to city 2nd - identifies purposed activity within the target area Must match Housing Log

40 Target Area/Pre-applications vs Proposed activity – 20 pts. (cont.)
Narrative should explain & support Target area selected What will be the impact Explain number of properties and level of rehabilitation Will demolition occur Any acquisition/relocation/reconstruction

41 Target Area/Pre-applications vs Proposed activity – 20 pts. (cont.)
Offer any additional information to support log, TA, and project Include average cost/unit

42 NO NARRATIVE Leverage – 15 points
Applicant with highest percentage of leverage will receive full points. All other applicants will be pro-rated accordingly.

43 Site Visit - 25 pts. The initial rating for the 100 pts.
Top projects will receive a site visit

44 Number of Copies & Deadline
Submit an original and four (4) copies Postmarked on or before August 31, 2017 Remember deductions if: No HIAC minus five points 1 or 2 items minus ten points 3 or more issues threshold

45 Changes from 2017 CDBG applications with three or greater errors or omissions will automatically be threshold and not rated. Cost for inspection will increase to $1,000 and include Radon Inspection Lead Safe Work Practices is limited to 10% of CDBG rehabilitation cost.

46 Do’s, Don’ts, Reminders DO DON’T Reminders: Take time with HAT process
Use pictures of pre-application homes DON’T Submit application until ready Include support letters Include Pre-Applications Reminders: Do not need a Certified Administrator

47 Linda Hunsicker (785) 215-4484 Linda. Hunsicker@ks. gov KansasCommerce
Linda Hunsicker (785)

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