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Early years SEN and disability

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1 Early years SEN and disability

2 30 hours offer The offer reasserts SEN and disability frameworks Expects robust SEN and disability arrangements across all early implementers Supported by: Funding strategy Workforce strategy

3 Funding: 3 and 4 year olds 15 hours entitlement: all 3 and 4 year olds Additional 15 hours entitlement: children of eligible parents, Sept 2017 Move to national funding formula Hourly rate to LAs of £4.30 an hour, minimum to providers of £4.00 an hour Formula: base rate, additional needs (FSM), DLA, EAL Area cost adjustment Supplementary funding for maintained nursery schools Transitional protections Pass through rate: 93% rising to 95%

4 Funding continued 2 year olds Current 2 year old formula Increase hourly funding rate: £5.09 to £5.39 Early years pupil premium Separate funding stream Commitment to review delivery mechanism along with DAF

5 Disability Access Fund
In receipt of disability living allowance 3 and 4 year olds receiving free early education Not available for 4 year olds in reception classes £615 per year Providers identify eligible children, LA checks Mechanism to be reviewed (with EYPP)

6 SEN Inclusion Fund For 3 and 4 year olds, any number of hours Should target lower level SEN or emerging needs High needs block continues to fund children with more complex needs and those with EHC plans Draws on early years block and/or high needs block

7 SEN Inclusion Fund Value set by LA in consultation with early years providers taking account of numbers, levels of need, capacity of childcare providers As part of ‘Local offer’ set out: eligibility criteria, planned value, process for allocating funding Must consult with providers, parents, SEN specialists Majority of fund for top up grants to providers, case by case Can fund specialist support services but this does not count towards high pass through rate

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